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Everything posted by Blackfish.7349

  1. Another QQ player complaining because he/she dies when trying to get the veteran NPC daily in WvW?
  2. So when players try to play competitive and defend a camp, you tell them: stand down, let enemy take it and we take it back??? WvW is about defending and attacking so we can win the game right? Or WvW is another pve map where all players collaborate agains AI mobs? I really dont understand what u are talking about, but if u mean what I read from your words...you are crying about a game mode you dont understand.
  3. Same weird colored lines at water borders, sometimes blue, sometimes red or white. It also happens with special textures like sand or dust streams. I did not have such problem before with dx9, so I suppose its something related to dx11.
  4. Most of you still don't know how alliances work. Please read all posts from anet, specially the last ones to get a proper idea. Most of OP misconceptions are just OP opinions and are all based on wrong own self-digested statements.
  5. So many ppl complining about DEADEYE. Mates...deadeye is a specialization that allows you to hide in eternum, engage at will and from a vantage position and easily disengage if things dont go as expected. It simply should not exist in a MMO and you know is true. Of course some of you enjoy playing it, specially those ones specialized in the "easy" gank lonely game mode. Deadeye does not add anything of value to a group play apart from being able to hide forever inside a structure (which is another polemic discussion). For those who love it, feel lucky just because it exists and anet cannot delete a created specialization.
  6. I confirm it is bugged. I did it with timer left greater than 9min and I didnt get the six more minutes achiev. I got the related original achiev "six minutes..." back in 2014.
  7. All your statements are false. You don't like alliances, that's all. I mostly see cues in all maps during betas and ppl happy for belonguing to an alliance and whiling to do things for it. If you play as a pug you will not feel much difference during a beta. "unplayable for ppl not commited to guilds...". Welcome to GUILD wars 2 my friend.
  8. We have different server names depending on: B menu, on screen claims messages, friends location or wvw map
  9. Please Double Tap, its been more than a month since your post. It's just a bug, it worked before, it will only need some minutes from a developer to fix it.
  10. Dear developers, the damage of this skill in wvw is so low that it kicks it out of the rotation entirely. If you do not want to increase its damage, please consider to rework the skill so it does something worth of use. Right now is totally useless.
  11. As you said, towers have the watchtower, but keeps, which are more important objectives, don't have any kind of detection system. Keeps are bigger and have a lot more places to hide, specially in the desert map. It is impossible to catch a good hidden thief in a desert map keep, too many places to hide. Losing a t3 keep because you get tired of trying to catch a thief is very frustating. As keeps are more valuable and don't have the watchtower improvement, I would implement the detection pulse tactic on keeps. It would be different from a watchtower as, being an activable tactic with cooldown, it would not be permanent. It would just emit a pulse to detect and reveal everyone, hidden and not hidden enemies. Like the rest of tactics, it must have a long cooldown to prevent ppl abusing it, 15/20min should be ok. And regarding the tier, looking at the rest of keep tier tactics, I would put it at tier 2 with the banners. Banners are quite useless when you are defending a keep against a small group of ppl during off peak hours. The common attacking procedure of small roaming groups is to open at least the first wall to try to sneak a thief and then repeat process for the second wall. On the third attempt they go directly to lord. Detection pulse tactic may offer a useful tier 2 tactic for those situations. It will not erase banners from use, as they would remain the best option for defending keeps in populated maps.
  12. A detection pulse that pulses one time inside all the structure and reveals all hidden players, even those ones invisible. Like warclaw's sniff, but more powerful. With a cooldown similar to other tactics. This way we would reduce the time needed to catch stealthed ppl and they would also have to play with the cooldown reset, not like now, that they can stay all time they want inside. It would make it more realistic and will also help the hidden ones, as they are often waiting for so many time to get the attention of one commander to come. With the upgrade the commander would know that the thief has a limited time left inside the structure.
  13. You are using biased data to drive your conclusions to an intended ending. Either you do not understand what alliances are about or you are the typical server pride nostalgic guy. In the new alliance system, the commander will now tag up for his alliance, not for a server (you still thinking on the old server context). This alliance is formed by people that share common interests and, due to the anet annnouncement on a change to competititve rewards, a common goal of winning to maximize rewards. You are giving a wrong example of a commander losing motivation because he is tagging for server pugs outside his alliance...he/she will be tagging for his/her alliance, and if this alliance gets to substantial number of members with common interests...I think that he/she can be "very" motivated to do it, as he/she will surely get more stable player base with common interests to get inside tag, train, improve,... You talk about alliances "stealing players" to other alliances. This is also a biased opinion, which uses the negative word "steal" to qualify the alliance system. Players or guilds moving from one alliance to another looking for common interests or personal improvement is not negative, on the contrary, it is very positive and such behavior exists in many aspects of real life. Are sports franchises stealing players when one of them changes team? Is a city stealing citizens when they move to another one in the search of a better life? Best alliances will look for the best players and there will be alliances for all levels and all playstyles. If you do not intend to compete you probably will not get into a competitive alliance and you will probably get less rewards in the long run. That's how life actually works. What is a current nonsense is getting the same reward as a competitve player just by staying afk in the garrison and taking a camp from time to time. Can it be that a good alliance ends a 8-week streak in a bad tier because the rest of alliances/guilds/pugs of the constructed server are very bad? Yes, it can be, but this possibility depends on the matchmaking of anet, we cannot control that, and statistically, in the long run, you will get what you deserve. Alliance and competition is one of the best things that can happen to WvW. A unique game mode that no other game has at the same play level as GW2. All types of players will fit inside. Those competitive will get their place at top alliances and those that are not will continue to play the same way just by forming an alliance or guild with their mates to assure they play together. Just do not expect to earn the same as competitive in the long run. PS: For me, a competitve alliance is not a ppk focused alliance. WvW is a 24/7 game and, to win, you need a combination of playstyles: coverage, ppt and ppk are all equally needed inside an alliance to stay in higher tiers, so a diversity of players can fit into a competitive alliance. It will be a labor for the alliance/guild leaders to assemble a good one.
  14. I am trying to keep sigil stacks across templates but I cant. I put the stacking sigil in my off-hand weapon on both templates but once I swap templetas I loose the stacks. Do they have to be positioned in a specific way?
  15. Thx for the answer mate, I think your idea goes in the desired direction. You must also think what happens when an alliance renegotiates numbers with a guild and when does the new conditions apply. As you mentioned in your post, if a guild is contributing less to an alliance, alliance leaders can decrease the amount of available slots for that guild. This is something logic and a feature needed but you must think how to implement it. The logic says to allow alliance changes in slots available for guilds only between 8-week sprints, during the alliance rebuild week, not during the sprint. Normally, alliance leaders would talk with guild representatives to notify them with the slot update and therefore guild leaders will then readjust their roster for the next sprint (using your mentioned permission feature for selecting/deselecting guild members to fight for the alliance). But this change of mind of the alliance with respect to the guild must be noticeable in game, I mean, the guild must know without talking, that their numbers will be reduced or increased for the next sprint, so they can prepare accordingly (I assume most will directly talk, but sometimes it is difficult or people is directly poor communicating with others). Another linked issue is about slot offering from alliance leaders. Imagine they plan a signing for a new 50 man power guild and they have 100 slots available. They wait for the end of the 8-week sprint (new signings or firings should be blocked during the 8-week competition) and then they make the offer to a guild for 50 slots. That guild accepts the offering and gives the permissions to 50 of its members to be able to select the guild as WvW guild. What happens if the guild gives the permission to 60 members when they where given only 50 slots? There is space in the alliance for 60 but the invitation was done for 50. At this point I think the management can be done in two ways: alliance limit management or guild limit management. At guild level, one way would be to consider the new permission like expendable tickets and you only have 50 so you cannot give the permission to 60 because you will not have enough permission tickets. The other option is to check the limit at alliance level where, if the invite was for 50 slots and the guild gives 60 permissions, the alliance will block 10 random guild members (they cannot know who) from that guild because the invitation was done to 50. Doing it at alliance level will not be appropriate because the alliance does not know which are the guild members that must be blocked to join. There has to be some way to work with the invitation limit and I think it has to be at guild level so, if a guild negotiates 50 slots with an alliance, they cannot then give 60 internal permissions. Sorry for the wall-o-text but I think it is good to talk about these things now and contribute to have the alliances as soon as possible.
  16. Definitely more willbenders than harbingers around in WvW. I have tried to convince necro roaming mates to build harbinger and thay prefer to stick to reaper. They are annoying to fight in 1vs1, but u rarely find one alone. Its very dificult to find one good harbinger player in wvw that roams alone, because he/she knows most of the time the combats will be unbalanced. Although some skills are too powerful and need some nerf, I think its a spec that adds nice, unseen till the date, roaming capabilities to the necro class and its a good complement to a small 5 man roaming group. With respect to celestial, I think it is not a problem. There are a lot of classes and specs that can be built around celestial and to consider OP something that has become so general is a mistake by definition. For me OP is some "niche" build, skill or trait (or a combination) that is restricted to one spec or to a particular build setup, something that puts that player one level or two above the rest in a clear way. Celestial is just a stat set available to everyone, and its true that at the beginning very few specs benefited from it but it is not the case right now; it is too spread among classes and almost every class has a celestial build available.
  17. Leaving a bug unsolved because anet has moved forward onto other projects can be understandable if its a minor issue but leaving a bug that makes an achievment from the last map unattainable can not be tolerated. I have done all story and map achievments from core and expansions and this one right now is the only one bugged. It must be solved or eliminated from the achievments list.
  18. I dont understand how solving this achievment can take so long. I decided not to do any more metas till it gets fixed so I can do both things at the same time, but its now been months and nothing happens...
  19. Its ok that Anet separates between cosmetics and stats but an ascended fishing rod should have more stats than an exotic one, like we find in armor and weapons. Fishing should be carried further, I understand Anet launched it so they could start releasing skiff and rod skins for gems but...fishing recipes cooked just to give you more fishing skill??? So I fish to improve my fishing? I think fishing recipes should add something new that affects other game modes, not only fishing itself, like wvw or pve. A WvW player would never spend time fishing to bring ascended food for their guildies if the food gives +150 fishing...in WvW...+150 fishing.... I will wait because I think Anet just made a release to make fishing available and I hope next months will add more features, new recipes and cross relations with other game modes and fishing.
  20. Nothing has been fixed, achievs 1 and 2 are still bugged and saltwater fisher achiev is still a nightmare.
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