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too many skill on core ranger and traits have too long cd compared too other professions.

samanosuke asakura.6240

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As mentioned in the title too many ranger skills/traits have a long cdI think we all know a couple of thoseFor example: in wilderness survival shared anguish 60cd, the effect is simple pet takes a hard cc instead of usReally!? Compared with other professions this trait is a jokeLighting reflexes got spit in pvp but not in pve/wvw (wvw is pvp how did this not change with pvp)If you guys don’t mind I would like to debate this and hear your thought about itI also hope we get another balance patch soon and hopefully we will get swap in bm that would make soulbeast so more fluid to play.

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@Arheundel.6451 said:Shared anguish for all effects count as a stunbreaker, so I'd say the CD is legit, maybe a 10s CD reduction would be fair still and not break the trait

even knowing Mesmer have stunbreak on dodge? I agree that that the effect count as stunbreak the cd and effects are not on par of other profession's I mean with the amount off cc added to the game with the last 2 xpack its just ridiculous having that high of a cd

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@ProtoMarcus.7649 said:Shared Anguish should be changed to Cast ''Protect Me!' When you are disabled

Even if they keep the 60s CD at LEAST it'll have an interesting effect

Clarification: It'd trigger ''Protect Me!''s effect immediately, so the enemy would be taunted by the pet on disable while the player has a stun break + gains protection


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@ProtoMarcus.7649 said:Shared Anguish should be changed to Cast ''Protect Me!' When you are disabled

Even if they keep the 60s CD at LEAST it'll have an interesting effect

Clarification: It'd trigger ''Protect Me!''s effect immediately, so the enemy would be taunted by the pet on disable while the player has a stun break + gains protection

Please stop promoting lazy gameplay where the game rewards you for not avoiding someones cc. Passives are bad for pvp. Lets say someone sets up a combo and cc you. Then he gets cc'd because you facetanked his cc.One should'nt be punished for playing good, nor the other way around. You dont fix powercreep with more powercreep.

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