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What to do against Deadeyes?


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@saerni.2584 said:

@"Sthenastia.3642" said:Is it possible to cast 2x ~25 000 dps points?

Yes. DJ has no recast time like all thief weapon skills.

Yep, you can cast two DJ's in a row.

Of course, getting full malice stacks without hitting the target with at least 3 crits from initiative-spending attacks in between is not possible, and firing the first DJ uses all of them, not to mention the need to re-stealth in between shots, so the image shown here is also not possible

But keep the screen edits coming I rather enjoy the entertainment of the obvious bs people are throwing around, ZOMG I GOT HIT BY TWO DJS IN A ROW yeah sure you did buddy. Just out of curiosity what class were you playing to have more than 50k health? Is it the elite 10th class referred to as the arenanet build special?

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@Ithilwen.1529 said:Go after a Deadeye aggressively and pressure them hard. They suck at defense and escape.

Doesnt solve anything. They stealth and come back in 15 seconds with full skillbar. You just lost precious Damage and time by pressuring a fast moving target. Your teammates got probably ganked becasue you are running after a teleporting thief.

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@Revilrad.1962 said:

@Ithilwen.1529 said:Go after a Deadeye aggressively and pressure them hard. They suck at defense and escape.

Doesnt solve anything. They stealth and come back in 15 seconds with full skillbar. You just lost precious Damage and time by pressuring a fast moving target. Your teammates got probably ganked becasue you are running after a teleporting thief.

Implying shadow refuge can't be dealt with.As to your point, that's whole 15 seconds for you to hold the point. It's not that much different from the enemy respawn.

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Harass them, murder them, and let them bleed to death. (Don't forget to check from time to time that they're still nicely bleeding)Always communicate their position. If you ever let them escape, warn your team on their whereabouts.

If you can, LoS under their feet and AoE/cleave the position. On open field, just run and take cover if you're melee and alone, or they'll just stealth/tp and kite you to death. The easiest way to kill them then is when they go for the decap. If you're targeted in a team fight and can't properly deal with them, go be useful somewhere else and ask your team to target the deadeye. Or just take some time to take cover and recover and elaborate a strategy. Sometimes you just need to step back a little and clear your mind to get a better view.

First clash on mid, always observe enemy's positioning. If thief or ele are taking higher grounds or stay on retreat, they should be your first targets. Same for Soulbeasts also. Don't tunnel vision on necro. People who insist on doing so are generally the ones who came without decent condiclears and die to ranged dpsers while trying.

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