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Anet,Passives and You."Lesser" skills. Bug or intended?


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Lets take a look on your disgusting passives...Chill of death passive necro trait have same CD, nearly same damage, same effects , same chill duration applied ,same amount of boons removed. Why its called LESSER? Isnt they supposed to be weaker ? Worse than original ?Same goes for warrior balanced stance, mesmer defender phantasm, SMITER BOON which is biggest offender because this passive no only inherit all functionality of original but does MORE damage xDDDAlso mesmer Descent into madness cast chaos storm which is staff skill but doesnt get reduction from Chaotic Dampening trait as supposed to be... Because said SMITER BOON does get reduced CD ...Side question cant we remove passive invul elixir from engi ?

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Flavor-based design is all anet does. Names have no meaning except maybe to paint one class a different color from the others so people won't question why every class plays exactly the same (chaining perfect damage negation while vomiting out boons and damage while taking as little risk as possible).

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The only thing I'm going to disagree with you on in the OP, to the point I'll actually tell you that you are wrong, is the passive invuln on engi. That's actually a good thing to have in the game. Many classes have an anti spike mechanic, so you can't be one shot from full health. The engi is at least fair as they can't use any skills including heal while doing this so time it, and you kill them after. The warrior, is unfair as he can start pounding you while invuln. Not really fair in that regard, but the general anti spike is not a bad thing. It sucks walking around thinking you are alone, and BOOM, on the floor. This is the counterplay you are asking for, but from burst classes that are just "cheeze" classes with these in place. Unless you have a class like mesmer who just gets stealth, and still gets one shot, but I digress.

EDIT: Was another post that I read that talked about counterplay, but the point still stands that counterplay is good.

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@"thatdarnkatz.7168" said:The only thing I'm going to disagree with you on in the OP, to the point I'll actually tell you that you are wrong, is the passive invuln on engi. That's actually a good thing to have in the game. Many classes have an anti spike mechanic, so you can't be one shot from full health. The engi is at least fair as they can't use any skills including heal while doing this so time it, and you kill them after. The warrior, is unfair as he can start pounding you while invuln. Not really fair in that regard, but the general anti spike is not a bad thing. It sucks walking around thinking you are alone, and BOOM, on the floor. This is the counterplay you are asking for, but from burst classes that are just "cheeze" classes with these in place. Unless you have a class like mesmer who just gets stealth, and still gets one shot, but I digress.

EDIT: Was another post that I read that talked about counterplay, but the point still stands that counterplay is good.

This wouldn't be an issue if everyone wasn't doing the crazy levels of damage they do while having tons of defences ontop.

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@Odik.4587 said:Lets take a look on your disgusting passives...Chill of death passive necro trait have same CD, nearly same damage, same effects , same chill duration applied ,same amount of boons removed. Why its called LESSER? Isnt they supposed to be weaker ? Worse than original ?Same goes for warrior balanced stance, mesmer defender phantasm, SMITER BOON which is biggest offender because this passive no only inherit all functionality of original but does MORE damage xDDDAlso mesmer Descent into madness cast chaos storm which is staff skill but doesnt get reduction from Chaotic Dampening trait as supposed to be... Because said SMITER BOON does get reduced CD ...Side question cant we remove passive invul elixir from engi ?

Passive invuln from engi is what makes the profession playing in all pvp and wvw scene. If you remove that you kill the profession, which is squishier same as a thief.

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Always amusing when people go on about passives in this game, yet fail to mention the biggest passive by far and the one that most lowers the skill required to play the game most significantly, that the game passively aims for you, funny how people are fine with the game doing something as massive as aiming for them.

Also interesting they seem to display no understanding of how a game works, I mean, if they did they would at least point out that if you removed all the passive traits in the game then you would need to redesign some of the classes to various extents, engy for instance needs stun breaks/traits that reduce damage when stunned, because one weapon means they have the most pressure on utility slots and opportunity cost means you can't just stuff stun breaks on a bunch of skills to enable them to have enough stun breaks.

Then of course beyond that, there is the complete failure to understand what game they are playing and it's situation. I mean in case you haven't noticed it, "e-sports" is dead, so you are playing a game that is a pretty casual MMORPG where most of the players are bothered about playing dress-up, where player ability is very let's say mixed ability, mixed age and with very differing views on what is important when they design classes (compared to say the profile of players who play CS:GO for example), hence more than ever they will design for that, the amount of players who really care about "skilled" gameplay in this game is tiny, because this game simply is not about that, especially at this stage and it is frankly fantasy at this point.

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@apharma.3741 said:

@"thatdarnkatz.7168" said:The only thing I'm going to disagree with you on in the OP, to the point I'll actually tell you that you are wrong, is the passive invuln on engi. That's actually a good thing to have in the game. Many classes have an anti spike mechanic, so you can't be one shot from full health. The engi is at least fair as they can't use any skills including heal while doing this so time it, and you kill them after. The warrior, is unfair as he can start pounding you while invuln. Not really fair in that regard, but the general anti spike is not a bad thing. It sucks walking around thinking you are alone, and BOOM, on the floor. This is the counterplay you are asking for, but from burst classes that are just "cheeze" classes with these in place. Unless you have a class like mesmer who just gets stealth, and still gets one shot, but I digress.

EDIT: Was another post that I read that talked about counterplay, but the point still stands that counterplay is good.

This wouldn't be an issue if everyone wasn't doing the crazy levels of damage they do while having tons of defences ontop.

cries in reaper

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