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Torn: Better roaming spec?

Lord Pain.3480

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Hey all. I’m returning to the game and i am going to prioritize making one class my main over the other. I have previously played mesmer throughout my time in guild wars, mostly in the competitive pvp scene, and i was curious how power mirage mesmer fares in solo/duo roaming in WvW now. I am also extremely interested in s/d weaver with realtively balanced stats (mix of marshal and cele). I unfortunately have to choose between the two short term and i was wondering what the pros and cons were to the two specs and if one had any advantages over the other in a roaming situation (even and outnumbered skirmishes). All feedback appreciated. Thank you!

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Power mesmer is still totally viable. But, with the PoF elites, there are some things you should just ignore when roaming.Spellbreaker for example. Even roaming duos/trios are almost better off just ignoring them and running by. They can outrun you on, have equal burst, tons of regen, invuln, blocks, health, armor, etc...just not worth the time.Holosmith took a slight nerf recently that made them slightly killable. But, they still have more stealth, burst, defense, escape skills than you do, plus 2 invulns, blocks, etc.Well played weavers can sustain until Anet turns off the servers. Same goes for druids.Soulbeast just takes practice to learn what they do. They hit hard, often and have the range to prevent a lot of escapes (it's my second class I play after chrono).The others are just learning to deal with them, practice on them.

I can't speak for playing weaver, as it it literally just too many buttons for my oldness. I have essential tremors and some days the shaking is too much for even simple rotations. The ones I have fought, had plenty of burst, tons of sustain and mobility. They took a small nerf last patch, but it hasn't reduced the numbers I see open field (wasn't a lot to begin with).

All that aside...welcome back.

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