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Final Thrust


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Ok so, Final Thrust.Some of you may remember days when roots and stunlocks were part of gw2 competitive scene. As warrior u were able to root player with sword f1 and if u do it right , he would be under 50% and u could have hoped to use FT to do some dmg.Now those roots/stuns are thing of past since we have zillion stunbreaks, stability, condi cleanse/invul .Here is where this skill comes in question now. what is the purpose of it in HoT/PoF age ?At this moment sword is not used in pvp/wvw as power weapons , in pve its used as condi one,but this skill is never ever used in only mode where yu can actually use this weapon.So we know some "power" changes coming to sword, and i personally have hope for those to make sword usable as power weapon (at least in wvw/pvp) but even if this changes make sword usable , fact is FT as it is atm will never be used. With its cast time for almost 1sec, short range and questionable usability (if crit only under 50% , to do some dmg), there is no reason to use this skill ever. Whats more, if you even try to use it, what you actually do is making yourself free target for enemy dmg for 1sec.Can anyone find any at all use for this skill as it is right now ?https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Final_Thrust

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Sword still has use in WvW. The skill that probably keeps it in WvW mostly is Savage Leap (600 range leap, on an 8 second CD), which if you also have Warrior's Sprint it gets rid of immobilize. As far as FT in WvW I'll randomly use it in a zerg fight (usually not checking where enemy HP is at), you'd be surprised how often it can hit for some very nice damage.

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I use sword mainhand for my spellbreaker wvw power roaming build. Final Thrust is powerful when used right, I have pull off some successful bulls charge>Wastrel's Ruin>Final Thrust combo. But you are right, it is very hard to land the skill at the right moment especially in 1v1 scenario.

I personally wish the pre cast reduce to 0.5 sec, and extend the reach a bit. But there are other warrior weapons in much worst state, and sword MH will be buffed in the coming balance patch, we will see how it turns out.

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since its a final thrust it should be unblockable atleast, with that way of attacking it should pierce through defenses, feels so bad when i get the enemy below 50%, immo them and then the lame blocked thing flashes on my screen and not the juicy 10k crit. for a skill that hard to hit its rly annoying to just see it randomly gerting blocked

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@RedShark.9548 said:since its a final thrust it should be unblockable atleast, with that way of attacking it should pierce through defenses, feels so bad when i get the enemy below 50%, immo them and then the lame blocked thing flashes on my screen and not the juicy 10k crit. for a skill that hard to hit its rly annoying to just see it randomly gerting blocked

I will love it for unblockable, but i am afraid damage or CD will get nerf for that buff. Reduce cast time to 0.5 sec and slightly longer reach will make a huge change imo.

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Only problem with sword is that the f1 is garbage now, bad damage, root doesn't mean anything anymore, and AA chain is mediocre, leap doesn't do much damage, and FT isn't worth using above 50% really. It's very much a one trick pony weapon. You lose too much utility compared to axe or dagger (or potentially even mace, hell) for it to see much use outside of gimmick builds.

That being said, Hollts video where he used it was fun to watch.

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@bLind.6278 said:Only problem with sword is that the f1 is garbage now, bad damage, root doesn't mean anything anymore, and AA chain is mediocre, leap doesn't do much damage, and FT isn't worth using above 50% really. It's very much a one trick pony weapon. You lose too much utility compared to axe or dagger (or potentially even mace, hell) for it to see much use outside of gimmick builds.

That being said, Hollts video where he used it was fun to watch.

If they allowed you to move while channeling Sword F1 it would become a lot more useable.

I mean, that's the reason they allowed you to move with Primal Sword F1.

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Even if Sword F1 let you move, it still does no damage on a condi build, and obviously does no damage on a power build. And 9 stacks of 2 second bleeds is basically garbage. Even burn guards are more dangerous, since burning ticks way higher even if it is a short duration. Deathly Chill hits harder than this, each bleed is 8 seconds and you can get 4 whirl finishers off of Reaper 4 (in addition to passive ticks from the Reaper 5 frost field).

Now, a 3.0 power ratio is pretty hefty, but it basically means giving up all pressure on a power build for 5-10 seconds if you miss or get blocked/evaded, since sword does no power damage on its own.

Or you can just Savage Leap away like a madman I guess. Savage Leap IS pretty underwhelming but it's good for running away or catching people. It's not that useful in a 1v1, since between Bull's Charge and GS you shouldn't have trouble pinning down anything except deadeye/mirage, but savage leap won't let you kill them.

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