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3 gold? The easy way is to finish three dailies for two days. That will give you 2x2 gold.

Selling yellow and higher items on the trading post also quite easily gets you a few gold, as well as salvaging blue and green items and selling the crafting materials.

Of course, the fastest way is to buy gems with real world currency and exchange them to gold, but i would only recommend that for cases where you need much more gold. (And do not like to farm or wait for it)

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@Tanner Blackfeather.6509 said:As Neworder says - sell the things you get. Actual gold drops, or trash items only good for selling to a vendor, will not generate a lot of gold in this game. Use the trading post to sell your loot! (Usually after salvaging into materials)


Gold earned directly is at best a secondary income in this game. You'll get a lot more by selling items you get as drops on the trading post, or salvaging them into materials and selling those.

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@pamatny.6750 said:I'm not quite familiar with how to get gold in Path of Fire. I need 3 gold and I don't know where to get it from. I tried bounties but I receive mainly loot not gold. What's the fastest and best way to get gold in Path of Fire?

Sell Materials on the TPFractals of the MistsSPvPWvWCrafting stuff and selling on the TPMeta event farmingThere are a bunch of different methods of making gold.I would recommend do a little of each to not get bored.

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