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Reaper's going to dominate s11


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@"nativity.3057" said:I think Power Reaper is pretty strong in a 1v1 scenario, which can translate well in a sPvP match.They do great damage, and although their skills are very telegraphed, they can stack physical conditions such as weakness, that can directly counter power builds.

If Power Reaper becomes meta, I don't think it'll be meta for long because players can swap to condition builds to deal with it.

I have been playing Power Reaper for a bit and they are actually not bad. They suffer from not having a clear role (which is what most "non-meta" builds suffer from) -- which is more a symptom of Anet's CONQUEST ONLY decision more than it is a balance issue. Like you said, 1v1 a Power Reaper can go toe to toe with most classes, especially against folks who don't know how to kite lol. But in the world of conquest, there are better bunkers, there are better team fighters, there are better +1ers, there are better decappers, there are better 1v1ers, there are better support builds.

Most of my success comes from people's perception that reapers are bad, to be honest. "Oh. It's just a reaper..." and you try to fight me on point, you stand in my wells, you get wrekt by reaper's shroud, and you're dead. We do good damage and are hard to kill.

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@"witcher.3197" said:Calling it now. Power reaper damage is just beyond broken, but it's being ignored (some are even calling for buffs lmao) because scourge is overshadowing it. Anet also keeps buffing its damage for no reason. It's going to tear players a new one next week.

Yeah, if by "damage is just beyond broken" you mean lower than literally any other class and build, including support builds, then yes. Deals less damage than support druid is really "beyond broken".

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Reaper is a melee spec created for a non melee class, little to no skills on the necro arsenal work fine for a melee rol, anet had the chance to give those options with the reaper shouts but instead, they add more of the same , condis and boon removal, in order for necro to become effective anet has to rework some of the shouts , also reaper greatsword is one of the worst weapons in the game for pvp, even the autos are soo telegraph

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Reaper was really fun back in the beginning. The chill damage from deathly chill was a little too much and bads wouldn't stop crying about shroud (its like two life bars!. Reapers "camping" in shroud) so systematically over about a year they totally neutered the class in the drips and drabs until it was borderline worthless at competitive levels of play.

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@michelada.2947 said:Reaper is a melee spec created for a non melee class, little to no skills on the necro arsenal work fine for a melee rol, anet had the chance to give those options with the reaper shouts but instead, they add more of the same , condis and boon removal, in order for necro to become effective anet has to rework some of the shouts , also reaper greatsword is one of the worst weapons in the game for pvp, even the autos are soo telegraph

While I agree that it sure would be nice to have, you know, like one darn block (PLEASE), Reapers do have a lot of great melee tools ... so much so that I think I could beat most other melee classes 1v1 (especially if I have full LF at moment of engage). Nightfall is one of the best melee abilities in the game (the reason to take GS) and wells can really wreck people, especially when they aren't used to them / ready for them or if they underestimate you. Wells pulse protection on you too when traited. Axe / Focus is nasty too, especially with all the glassy builds out there right now.

Other than a baseline Shroud cooldown reduction for Core and Reaper, I'd most like to see Gravedigger on gs redesigned. No one likes that ability in any gamemode (if we had a teleport, like Guards, that we could precast the swing then MAYBE it'd be useable)... Many people have asked for a leap, but I almost think a block would be better (or maybe Stab accessibility).

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@Regon Phoenix.8215 said:

@"witcher.3197" said:Calling it now. Power reaper damage is just beyond broken, but it's being ignored (some are even calling for buffs lmao) because scourge is overshadowing it. Anet also keeps buffing its damage for no reason. It's going to tear players a new one next week.

Yeah, if by "damage is just beyond broken" you mean lower than literally any other class and build, including support builds, then yes. Deals less damage than support druid is really "beyond broken".

Are you running staff and dagger? Because Reaper damage is quite good. I ain't one-shotting people but I pack a wallop...

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@pah.4931 said:

@"witcher.3197" said:Calling it now. Power reaper damage is just beyond broken, but it's being ignored (some are even calling for buffs lmao) because scourge is overshadowing it. Anet also keeps buffing its damage for no reason. It's going to tear players a new one next week.

Yeah, if by "damage is just beyond broken" you mean lower than literally any other class and build, including support builds, then yes. Deals less damage than support druid is really "beyond broken".

Are you running staff and dagger? Because Reaper damage is quite good. I ain't one-shotting people but I pack a wallop...

Tried GS, tried dagger, tried ax, all of them suck compared to my core guardian. With core guardian i outheal reaper, outdamage reaper and even have more mobility, so.... Reaper is garbage in pvp.

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Problem with power reaper isnt damage cuz it can do ridiculous amounts of it. The problem is how it does the damage. Greatsword (the complete scam of a weapon it is) is so slow and offers no protection while fighting in slow motion.

You have to set up to land gravedigger (with CC or immobilize) then wind up grave digger, then hope that something bad doesnt happen to you between the decade long cast time.Meanwhile mesmer will deal double the damage of your grave digger as you are casting.

Dagger is worthless so moving on to axe. I dont know what practical joke Anet thinks they were playing with ghastly claws. This skill is badly outdated. No protection while chanelling but will it give you 8k at times? sure but you have to get the full channel to get the damage which is pretty long. While you are channelling, other classes can do that damage instantly and still have time to evade most of the channel.

Also if it gets dodged mid channel the rest of it gets negated even when evasion has ended.

Generally Necro has been crippled by having to set up the more effective stuff. Because it is so slow you have to set up the attacks with immobilize or cc only to deal damage that every other class can do easily with no set up required. Corruptions work the same way. You give yourself conditions then you have to use another skill to transfer them.

I'm really very curious about the thought process of the necro class. Would be interested in speaking to the dev that created it. It could have been the most fun to play class. If they wanted to keep the general theme of it, they should have allowed it to channel multiple skills at once without being limited by animations.

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