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Everything posted by Despond.2174

  1. There's no denying it's definitely a tangent of what you would expect. I do love sci-fi and cyberpunk Universes but it threw off-guard seeing it pushed so hard in a GW2 title. I much prefer the magic/RP fantasy aspect it's known for. Yes we have subtle technological designs in this game but it's always a background theme. Either way, this is what we're getting for probably the next 4-5 years.
  2. They had such a good chance to do something like an Elementalist BOW build. I am sure we'd all be dancing on the streets with an elite spec like that.
  3. +1 for a daily AP counter to show us our progression.
  4. I am sorry friend but it's never going to happen. They are on a skeleton crew already, the best chance was many years ago. SEA/OCE really do get the short end with many big MMO titles when it comes to servers.
  5. Whether you like it or not a huge part of GW2 is the social peacocking of achievement auras, weapons and skins etc. Sure many will go: "You can still see it so why does it matter" are missing basic human social behavior. For many, and I would bet most, the reactions of other players (social aspect) is the huge draw. Like a wearable trophy for all to see. Now one argument I do sort of side with are OBNOXIOUS effect stacking, however they are too far down the rabbit hole that it would be contradictory to have filters for that but not everything else. I think the solution was prevention. For example the sac animation is so rare and I am sure most people would love to see it. But the cheap auras you can stack that are an eyesore many would rather not - but I think it's still better to have it all open and free to see and just accept some people are walking discos. I personally really toned down my lightshow and went more slick and simple.
  6. I personally lost passion for getting every Mastery point when it became more of a routine than some awesome new unlock to get. The vanilla and HoT masteries, had some REALLY impactful universal game play changes. All these new IBS areas have so many masteries with just gimmicky benefits for just that map that I honestlly just didn't feel the need. I think we're flooded with too many trivial and filler masteries and wuld rather it go back to less, still hard but more impactful masteries You look through the mastery page now and it's just gotten so out of control and now the problem is people expect them EVERY single time so they most likely will never stop. For me I lost the incentive when every single map had a gazillion masteries that I'll never use once I am out of there.
  7. I have farmed chak much longer than you and two of the other infusions that rarely are put up for 10k and I have accepted I will never get one but I don't want it easier to obtain. We can't have it all, sometimes trophy items are there to admire and not process. The only wiggle room maybe is the gold cap on items, because 10k gold is a laughable payout for like a confetti infusion. There's really no incentive to sell it at such a low price. However this cap is there for other reasons.
  8. What a selfish attitude. It's not even that hard to get with all the guides telling you exactly what to do. Stop using "NEW PLAYERS" as a front, it's disingenuous and transparent. If you're new getting a skyscale is the LEAST of your concerns, you're too busy enjoying the plethora if things to do and progress in. Skyscale is an end-game achievement that takes a bit of effort but it still has limitations compared to other mounts. End of the day you just want it easier, stop lying to everyone. Everyone who has one all had to do the same thing, newer, older, in between. Just go do it if you want it, stop trying to ruin accomplishments. If you want one, go get it. Nothing is stopping you. What a silly thing to complain about.
  9. Either do it properly or just keep GW2 as it is. It's running a skeleton crew already so I think there are slim chances for a brand new release. A revamp is fine for something with a lot less on the plate like an ARPG. GW2 still has amazing style but it's limitations mechanically and visually are a problem for me anyway. For some it isn't, but pick one way because trying to please everyone = no-one is happy. If I had a choice I would support and love GW3. Fresh beginning, new engine, new chapter just like a sequel should be. I think there's about a 5% chance for a GW3 however. Whatever they choose anything is better than just maintaining the same things they've been doing for years. Stagnant is not good, and soon we're going to have like 10000 mastery points or something crazy.
  10. My best memories were venturing into HoT for the first time. The expansion after was ok, but with mounts, nerfed mobs it didn't have that epic punch - plus the maps were more linear in levels. Only having gliding, trying to find the mastery points, it felt dangerous and epic. Now I just soar through the skies on my mounts lol. Just make sure you're using a decent build, it doesn't have to be EXACTLY the same as a meta, but it needs to have some sensible synergy with armor, weapons, runes/sigils and talents. You definitely want to invest some part of your gear/build into sustain, glass cannon can work but you would have to play perfectly. That's really all there is to it, most profs can nearly solo every champion point as well. But if you're struggling there are always groups, HP trains in the LFG.
  11. It's never been so easy and cheaper to make a Gen 1 legendary. Mats in general now are down by like 50% than they used to be. Honestly, outside of a 2-3 day timegate to get the 500 currency it's extremely easy. I did it for the skins, the novelty/convenience of runes etc is nice but you can get perma kit and do that for any item. Realistically you're not going to use more than 3-4 combinations of runes/sigils anyway. The other legendaries you can't cheese your way, the game needs a reason and goal for people to work at because there's no hardcore gear progression. I am still using the same gear from 3-4 years ago, if you remove everything and put it in the gem store then why would I even log on? It's so trivial now, even ascendancies with all the new metas/farming locations you can craft something every week or so if you play decently.
  12. It might be you because it's one of the most tame and friendly gaming chats currently existing. GW2 has a reputation for a pretty helpful playerbase.
  13. I am furious. No warning, some major late note that didn't even specify by how much. People farmed many hours, I hoarded them for the future since I was uncertain when I wanted to go for the weapon mastery achieve. To go from 25 to 75, in no way does the extra map/drop rate even remotely compensate for this. We aren't farming 3x faster, and I know because I counted my shards every day for months. It would have been better to just have the other map drop a different currency. I had about 2 months of farming just thrown out the window, before I had enough to get all the skin achieves and have left over to fill lw4, now I can't even do one of them. If their reasoning to not give us early warning was because we'd spend it then that's even worse, of course we'd spend them because we farmed hours upon hours for it. I am usually praising many of their moves but this has to be one of the worst ones I've experienced in a while. It's pretty disappointing seeing some people justify this move, it's like they don't realize it sets a bad precedent and also a lack of trust for new maps. Now I am reluctant to farm anything to high levels especially if it's a new map. Hoarding shouldn't be punished, you put in the hours to get the luxury of spending when you need to.
  14. Holo is still absurdly OP, the ease of it's burst and sustain. They have nothing to worry about at this point in time.
  15. You don't care but lots of people do. This game doesn't have your usual linear gear tier system so all the prestige and "show off" values are tied within achievements, titles, and fashion wars. Plenty of people care, and it's also a somewhat reliable sign they have some decent experience in the game. It's like a badge, and a nice one too.
  16. Usual peak times there are a few commanders who always run POF amalgamation pof meta runs.
  17. You sound a bit anecdotal. The old sic em build got nerfed hard and if you're talking about LB and even the popular power beast builds they all have pretty bad damage @ high ratings. They are good for lower rating but drop drastically in effect as you climb higher. Try be a little more calm, they are definitely not even close to being meta for spvp or wvw.
  18. I think it's done very well and it's easy to navigate. Just because there's a lot of menus doesn't mean it's inefficient or wasteful. It just shows this game has so much repeatable content to do. It was a lot worse before, now it's vastly better. The only thing I wish is if there was a world chat mode for a zone/dungeon you pick.
  19. Someone has defined what it means in the context of this game, it makes perfect sense but you obviously have an axe to grind and just want to argue. You go play whatever build you want and play with people with similar styles/goals, but you also let other people play how they want and if they don't want to play with someone who's FAR from optimal and contributing a lot less than they could be then that that's their right and it's not wrong.
  20. Still a top 3 populated MMO, so no it's not dying. You just have to play across multiple maps and realize there are heaps of people.
  21. SO much this. People need to realize GW2 won't be an esport so there's no need to make a change that might in some theory "help" esport. Dealing with downstate is a skill in itself,--things like if there are no rez'ers leaving them with bleeds up etc--especially when you have rezer's or other attackers and knowing when to leave or when to not rez a player. It's a defining point about GW2 that says when you're on the ground, you're still not out. There is no rational reason to change it in this late stage of the game, the esport dream was extinguished a long time ago - and even then I wouldn't want it removed.
  22. It's no issue for higher skill play, and that's where you balance so you have everyone reaching the same ceiling. Some builds stack a bit too quickly I agree but there's already a crazy amount of passive and manual cleanse. If you made that many changes you would have to redo nearly every talents/build, then there would be a complaint about something else. I don't think it's a big issue at all, maybe for people who need to get more experience and are running sub optimal set-ups.
  23. Hahahahahaha. Nice joke. General player quality is depressing to be honest. Of 10 times doing T4 pugs you might get a decent group once (twice, if lucky), where everyone knows what they are doing and you one-shot every encounter and are done with all 3 fractals in 20-35 minutes depending on the daily fractal. I think T4 is better than a coin flip if you look for the signs. While it's not concrete some things to consider are: Depending on the actual fractal daily, generally groups LF 1 healer or having a healerIf a group is stacking 3 of the same profs+specialty etc, it's usually a bad sign in terms of utility options etc.Don't join a group that doesn't pot+food. It's such a basic requirement and if you see 1-2 peopel who won't even use 20 copper food then why should you waste your time? By T4s you should be able to buy pots very comfortably and it makes a massive difference if every player has them.This is a loose sign but there's some truth - nothing to do with elitism. If you really just want people as experienced as you, things like mastery count, titles etc usually are a good sign they have experience overall. Probability they have more experience and know-how is more likely.I pug all my T4s for years and that list is just some examples of signs you can try to some what help before you start with a group. Other signs you can only tell while actually in the fractals, and then that's a bit too late. Some days if you get 2 notorious fractals in your daily it may just be best to skip it if you're short on time. T4 dailies should be 20-30min with a normal group given average maps. Some of the fastest runs that are like 15min total and under are obviously days with easy maps and a good comp that can portal jump sections or do some mechanics faster like necro doing reactor core room while the rest do another etc.
  24. Of course I'd love dye channels on backpieces and glider skins but it's one of those things you just wait and see without getting your hopes up too much.
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