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Renegade and PvP


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They don't quite work together you know. This was to be expected though, I suppose.Quick look on some of the issues I found in my 10 minutes of testing before trying to duel my (balanced)scourge friend and giving up on this shitty spec:

Shortbow:Shortbow skills are bad / don't work.The #2 can hit all 3 times only if enemy stands in place. If the enemy is strafing it will hit 0 to 2 times, which makes it preeeeeetty bad.The #3 doesn't hit all 7 times ever. It's bugged as hell, best I could get it to hit was 3 times I think.The 4 and 5 seem ok.Even if the 2 and 3 actually worked the SB has no defenses whatsoever and does way less pressure than mace/axe to compensate for that.

The utilities:Main problem with all of them: They die easily and can be CC'd. solution should come in option to trait summons for stability (engis have it for gyro why not rev?) and give them extra health like mes illusions have with signet.The heal after buff seemed ok actually.The bleed buff summon is purely made for PvE, obviously. It should atleast attack itself, to make it more than a Sharpening Stone (ranger). which, yeah, was never actually used in PvP...The one that applys vuln/cripple should attack all targets simultaneously and not split (maybe reduce the number of attacks for this). Currently it scales way too badly on multiple targets. Would be nice if it applied chill instead of cripple but might be broken. (Right now it's trash so I guess it's a way to start getting it out of that state).The one that Dazes seem fine.Cost on elite is too high, It's a decent buff but not THAT decent, especially considering you can't get enough use of it yourself because you're stuck on this legend not like you can usehammers now or smth.

Class mechanic (F# skills):First one should also heal self for each stack of KF.Second one should actually hit and burn should last longer, to justify 35 energy.Third I don't even know why you keep throwing alacrity on rev, But the larger area should be baseline and the trait (duration increase still in trait) should make this also pulse something in addition, can't find what exactly atm to fit with this nicely.

Traits:All just felt like lackluster choices on all 3 slots.As I mentioned I'd like to see an option for stability and extra health for summons as a GM instead of Lasting Legacy, and move that somewhere else. In other slots too I feel just the overall power level of the traits is a bit low, compared to other specializations in rev or other professions as well.

I hope it gets some love, I want a new spec too.

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you can use renegade in pvp with ventari as support and not bunker as the healing skill can yield 2k pulse combine with elite your team can do nice dmg and healingbut the lack of stability you have to be careful and also still rev is so weak to conditions dmg

this meta gonna be bunker guard and condi anything else ....

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