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Eater of Souls - The Departed


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@Ataraxis.6098 said:I gave up after fighting him repeatedly for an hour. I know the mechanics of the fight, but playing a weaver has completely kitten me. They lock out your inventory so I can't switch to a ranged weapon, and melee is completely pointless. Sure, he can't kill me, but I can't do enough damage to overcome the constant lifesteal. At melee range, his breakbar doesn't even last one second. It shows up and then he's draining me instantly, back to full health. I can't believe they locked the entire story behind an encounter that takes forever to get to and then made it essentially unwinnable by trapping me in gear that is useless.

Well, maybe switch to playing a build that actually does some damage? I had zero issues to beat this boss on a Weaver.

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Having aproblem doing enough DPS with my chrono. This boss needs to be nerfed a LOT, IMO. Was having better luck with scepter + shield doing DPS, but the health drain timing is awful. For me I have a hard time with this (Asperger's and ADHD) so I get swamped with TMI easily. Plus it's way too long between breaks so you can't just quit the story for a while and come back like HoT. ANet please tweak this boss - I solo most of the time and don't have high DPS characters.

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This guy wasn't particularly designed that well, I was going through the story as a Power Berserker and although I believe I could have dealt with him fully in melee I simply flipped to my condition set and out-ranged him with bow to avoid the leech.

I can see how people can struggle if they get caught in close proximity to his leech which rallies his health back up real quick while doing the reverse to yours. It can be blocked and dodged to mitigate, but an encounter where literally only that is his main source of killing people is both boring and frustrating. If it had a breakbar during the drain rather than the leaps it would be better. Also, he could hit a bit harder in other states since you can break his drain, thus making him both difficult but much more managable at the same time.

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@Feanor.2358 said:

@Ataraxis.6098 said:I gave up after fighting him repeatedly for an hour. I know the mechanics of the fight, but playing a weaver has completely kitten me. They lock out your inventory so I can't switch to a ranged weapon, and melee is completely pointless. Sure, he can't kill me, but I can't do enough damage to overcome the constant lifesteal. At melee range, his breakbar doesn't even last one second. It shows up and then he's draining me instantly, back to full health. I can't believe they locked the entire story behind an encounter that takes forever to get to and then made it essentially unwinnable by trapping me in gear that is useless.

Well, maybe switch to playing a build that actually does some damage? I had zero issues to beat this boss on a Weaver.

What part of inventory is locked don't you get? Are you really that dense?

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@Feanor.2358 said:Well, maybe switch to playing a build that actually does some damage? I had zero issues to beat this boss on a Weaver.

So much for "play how you want", eh? My main is a melee retaliation guardian, so that fight is pretty much impossible. By comparison, it was simple with an undergeared thief (which seem extremely OP in this expansion).

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I did it today on my mesmer using mantra of distraction and diversion.

I had to run away initially to reset the fight because I didn't have enough CC to take him down, but after I equiped the mantra it went down fairly easily and he only healed partially once.

That was using my WvW build with dire gear, so nothing special.

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I did it on Mesmer it took a min to get the fight down but i got it....I used distortion to shield me from his pull in attack and just beat him down using signet of domination to stun him....big tip....if you have illusions up when he does his aoe after pull in...shatter them....all of them otherwise he will heal for a lot off them

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@Feanor.2358 said:

@Ataraxis.6098 said:I gave up after fighting him repeatedly for an hour. I know the mechanics of the fight, but playing a weaver has completely kitten me. They lock out your inventory so I can't switch to a ranged weapon, and melee is completely pointless. Sure, he can't kill me, but I can't do enough damage to overcome the constant lifesteal. At melee range, his breakbar doesn't even last one second. It shows up and then he's draining me instantly, back to full health. I can't believe they locked the entire story behind an encounter that takes forever to get to and then made it essentially unwinnable by trapping me in gear that is useless.

Well, maybe switch to playing a build that actually does some damage? I had zero issues to beat this boss on a Weaver.

I used Rev shortbow on a solo mixed build geared for power and tanky support (no way was I going to switch out equipment and sit through all that dialogue again).

If THAT of all things can beat SE in however many minutes it took, anything can.

If anyone is really having that much trouble (and I did the first few times), move as far away as you can with a double dodge just after he lands the leap attack. It really does work in limiting any healing done.

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@Orimidu.9604 said:What were you thinking anet?! A boss that self heals way too often in a mission where your party members get bugged because it’s focused on the instance owner? I can’t pass this solo and it’s impossible to do in a group.

I was having so much trouble with this as well, damaged like 3 pieces of armor. On my 3rd attempt I realized you can dodge out of the life-steal pull, making it so he couldn't heal nearly as much (or at all, if your timing's good). Also, stay ranged if you can. And CC as much as possible.

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The whole kitten mission is stupid. Balthazar takes an eternity. Dodging him was almost impossible and it got to the point where I was looking at my computer screen just having my pet hit him because I was almost constantly downed.

Then the idiotic search for weapons/name/history and then the soul eater. I wanted to play the game and have fun before I went into work, now I'm just angry and frustrated.

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@Mishaxii.5910 said:I did it on Mesmer it took a min to get the fight down but i got it....I used distortion to shield me from his pull in attack and just beat him down using signet of domination to stun him....big tip....if you have illusions up when he does his aoe after pull in...shatter them....all of them otherwise he will heal for a lot off them

Babe, I finally lasted long enough to try again and this worked a treat. I just cycled between the signet and Cry of Frustration. Was a little tedious but the battle went for about 2 minutes max. Thank you!

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@Zaltys.7649 said:

@Feanor.2358 said:Well, maybe switch to playing a build that actually does some damage? I had zero issues to beat this boss on a Weaver.

So much for "play how you want", eh? My main is a melee retaliation guardian, so that fight is pretty much impossible. By comparison, it was simple with an undergeared thief (which seem extremely OP in this expansion).

What exactly are you asking for, "boss" fights that are so undertuned that literally every build can 1-1-1-... through them? Because that could be someone's way, eh? That's unreasonable.

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@Feanor.2358 said:What exactly are you asking for, "boss" fights that are so undertuned that literally every build can 1-1-1-... through them? Because that could be someone's way, eh? That's unreasonable.Solo content should be soloable with whatever you normally play, absolutely. If it's good enough for pve, it should be enough for story. Nothing unreasonable about that.

Solo content hat clearly favors certain professions and playstyles is unreasonable, and that's exactly what we have here.

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What are you talking about?!?!!?!? SERIOUSLY,I feel enraged by the amount of players who can't take a simple challenge! Really,2 hours with your ranger (someone above posted) What in the name of Balthazar are you even talking about? . Stop screaming "nerf nerf" whenever there is a little challenge and get good enough to beat it. I killed that boss on my ranger in ONE ATTMPT.YES! ONE ATTEMPT by using my 4th skill on the longbow when he charges a skill....and that's it.. Do you call that a hard to beat boss? Do you need guides to use one skill? It's enraging. If that's your attitude in real life you will get nowhere but I guess we always need janitors and construction workers.

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Just a few tips for the fight because at first glance this boss seems hard but once you know how he works it becomes face roll easy.

1) The majority of this bosses attacks are negligible. There is only one thing to look out for and that is his combo attack. He will leap, tether, and followed by an AoE attack. He will always perform this chain so it's easy to avoid.

2) When he starts his combo he will use the leap and can be CC'd during this. The window is small but the CC can be light and it will still break. Use any fast cast(less than 1 second cast time) and this will cancel his combo and you will have a moment where he takes extra damage.

3) If you don't/can't CC him during the leap the best thing to do is dodge during the tether. This will minimize the healing he will receive. During this part make sure you dodge AWAY from the boss because after the tether he will do another AoE attack. You MUST AVOID that attack. The healing from tether is not that much but he gets a large chunk of health from that second AoE. To test this I even tried fighting the boss by letting the tether hit me for its full duration but avoiding his third attack and it is still easy to do. That third heal can take him from 10% to 30% and can easily out due your damage from that alone.

4) You can switch your equipment anytime you want. You have to do this from the equipment tab though. Just open the equipment tab and select the weapon slot and you can equip/unequip anything in your bag.

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Just take a fast cc in your build, every class have one.... and any kind of cc seems enough to breack his bar to prevent him from healing.... it's quite easy once you do it, just be ready to use it when you see the bar...I soloed it 2 times with no problem since I got a dc after the first time I killed him. And yes was fun for me

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I'm gonna add that I'm a pretty new player and I understand some people being like, "git gud" but for me, I play the game to have fun and I'll freely admit I'm horribly bad at the moment but...When something is solo content I feel like it doesn't have to be a challenge. I just wanna have fun, play the story, and then learn as I go.

I'm really having a lot of trouble with this mission overall and I can try to get better, and I promise I will, I just want solo content, that I don't think affects anyone else (Does it? Do you get some Uber armor or weapons after this) should be so damn hard.

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If the window to interrupt his tether attack was bigger id say this boss is mostly fine. But as it is i can see lots of builds having trouble if their CC skills have a windup. I managed to beat it by constantly staring at the break bar and being ready with CC skills the moment it turned blue. Burst afterwards and swap weapon to be ready with another CC as soon as it turned blue again.

The tether does however do pretty crazy amounts of damage if you are close to the boss when it hits and his heals seem to scale with the damage you take quite simply. The damage this thing does when up close should probably be scaled down as well. I know it hit me for maybe 15-20k damage in total with a single drain and if i weren't far enough away when he used it and/or had dodges on cooldown i ended up downed.

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I was able to take him down the first time we fought him, but only because of this thread. A friend had issues with this and gave up so I looked for any info and three of us went in to do this together with myself as the instance owner. Ranger, traited for Soulbeast, axe/dagger and shortbow. I brought Entangle for my elite and quickening zephyr.

Most of the fight I tried to keep my distance from him and shoot him down with the bow (no, it was not a quick fight) while my friend!motes kept their own distance, and I remained merged with my pet since I didn't know if it would be a target for the life steal. I used SB3, Entangle, and Zephyr to help try to keep myself ahead of him and saved my endurance as a backup.

When I saw the circle ground marker I moved out of it quickly and popped SB5 as soon as I saw his breakbar come up. It's an insanely short window but after I succeeded, I switched to melee and burst him until he broke out of the stun. Rinse and repeat. The times I didn't manage to break his bar was where hoarding my endurance came in handy as I was able to double dodge back and keep moving farther to keep his health gain at a minimum. I wasn't anywhere near him for his AoE so I never broke that.

We discovered that Mote skill #3 also does pretty well in breaking the Eater's bar. Problem is that it's a thrown item and to be in range to throw is to be in range for the health drain should they miss the window to CC him. Motes were definitely health food for him as they got too close in the drain a few times. We had some issues with him chasing them around instead of me (which wasn't bad so long as they got away for the drain part, as I could keep DPSing him from afar). I did release my pet toward the end to try to keep him in one place and it didn't seem like he cared about that being a target for the life drain. Whenever he was going to start that chain, he ditched the pet target and came right after me.

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Completed him as a Scourge:

  • No Pets out
  • Run around the boss
  • As soon as his bar turns blue hit him with Torch 5 skill to stun him
  • DPS
  • About the time Torch 5 resets, his bar will turn blue again
  • Repeat stun
  • If you miss and he starts draining you, double dodge away to reduce how much he drains

Took me several tries to get the timing right and this was not fun. Also, after I finally downed him I DC'd from server so had to do it again.

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