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Ehntu.2604's Achievements

  1. Thanks for that and I'm glad you found a way to get the achievment, but I'm really not keen on the whole "jump up and down on one foot while rotating to the left and humming the national anthem" set of contraits you need to be under to get this. It should be simple: complete events during Tier 2, and get your reward when it's hits Tier 3. It's a bug otherwise and ArenaNet should FIX it or remove the contraints because interest in this map has rapidly depleted and few groups are making it their priority to get this niche achievment done.
  2. Hello BoB! I was fishing with someone who was really funny yesterday from BoB. Always looking for more Australians to play with - my ingame name is actually Ehntu.2604.
  3. Ye just adding that I'm also having this issue to bring attention to it.
  4. I handed the Axe in to the relative and didn't get any progress towards 'To Greater Heights' (it's not in my achievement panel). So sounds like it's totally bugged. I also picked up the Rusted Necklace of the Mists but I have no idea what to do with it, double clicking on it sends me to the Armory so I tried to hand it into the Kurzick at the village but there was no option to . . .
  5. @Ashantara.8731thank you for letting me know . . . I find the name of this achievement very misleading as none of the floatsam is actually in the CANALS. lol I managed to get all 15 though. There were three around Sotdae Landing and about three on the other side of Naksi Bay if that helps? Some of them require you to go into the shallows and your skiff goes incredibly slow . . .
  6. Heya, Literary Thievery is working. I think the three books you need are a Letter to Ankka (Old Kaineng), a Bloodstained Note (just outside Grub Town) and a 'Field Note' (also in Old Kaineng). I haven't added them to the wiki though because I am getting confused with what had triggered what, and this might not be correct. I know it's possible though because mysself and 800 or so people have it recorded on GW2E. Ocean-Fresh Sashimi on the other hand is most likely bugged, only 8 have it done and I've also never seen it in the city. And no one has unlocked Cleanup Duty so I think that is a bit problematic as well. I'm hoping for a bug fix patch soon!
  7. How do you even find the floatsam? I literally can't see anything floating on, or below the water?
  8. Hi, there are five of them listed on the wiki now. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Kaineng_Unmade One of them which I discovered I THINK might be bugged, unless there is another more substantial one. I am doing map completion specifically across the next day or so with this instance active so I can try to comb a little further. I specifically started the story on a new character to approach from a different entry way but it doesn't seem to be that. @Donari.5237one thing I can assure you is that you can still discover them after the instance! I know it's kinda disappointing to not have it completed before moving on but don't worry in that you don't need to run it through on a new character, you can use your main to search whenever you feel like it. To anyone else reading, we'd appreciate the help! I am currently writing up all the Story Achievements in a bit more detail to help people. 🙂
  9. This is still bugged, it constantly doesn't work. Luckily you can now cheat and use the Skyscale blast to attack the Maw directly, so it is possible to finish the event if the escorts stop. Unfortunately that means no progress for the spikes though. 😕 It's been 4 years and this still doesn't work properly. I've never seen a non-bugged run. Why is PoF content so consistently bugged with this stuff? It never happens in HoT metas.
  10. I think without a doubt we will have additional content, like LW S6 to expand the rest of Cantha and other areas in the Tyrian map. Of course this is how I interpreted what they meant when they said End of Dragons is not the end of Guild Wars 2. But another expansion, who's to say? The interface of the game is feeling increasingly aged - in-built systems and quality of life can't seem to be improved due to ever complicating things like 'spaghetti code' and developers leaving and there being no possible succession to their work meaning that systems are close to impossible to refining (think dungeons, LFG, BLTC). Because of this it sometimes feels like GW2 is living on life-support since its trapped in its original creation from 10 years ago. That's not to say I wouldn't love another expac (mainly to give ele a bow) and I love the game obsessively. Hopefully EoD really revitalises people's optimism.
  11. Hi Team, I would like to suggest that like the 'Daily Gather' or 'Daily Vista', we have a permanent additional objective that is 'Daily Dungeon'. Dungeons don't need their own category like Fractals or Strikes, but adding one extra option to contribute to the daily total as it cycles through one path of the eight dungeons, going each day chronically from Ascalonian Catacombs to the City of Arah, and repeating. Dungeons are consistenly regarded as abandoned content with very little activation or on-going incentive for players to return to. Even though the rewards are still useful, and periodically people have interest, the LFG is usually pretty empty and anyone that tries to start a group will have to a wait a long time for it to fill up. Additionally, people who want to play story seem to give up, because there is no incentive to play through story mode since it gives no actual reward. However, every time a dungeon path enters the Daily rotation, a lot of people understandably want to play through and the entire map and LFG comes alive again. The argument for why adding Daily Dungeon would be a good addition: This gives people - including new players - a chance to reliably engage with the story mode of the dungeon. A rotating schedule would allow you to plan and reliably experience the intented story of the main quest, which I am sure a lot of users haven't played. These are interesting, crucial beats in the Guild Wars 2 story, and offer a deeper insight into the relationships and chemistry with the original characters of Destiny's Edge. They also give your character an expanded inclusion in the universe, and there is great voice acting and additionally animated cut scenes that are great and never seen! It allows users to revist unique mechanics, maps and appreciate the artistry and environments that were created and intended to be engaged with. These dungeons were created to be played and enjoyed, and they are currently very untapped - they are great pieces of content that are just as interesting as Fractals. Some people bang on about how dungeons are scrappy and an embarrassment that ArenaNet wants hidden, but this would also give people a regular engagement with them, meaning more people can understand and discover how to deal with these. Also, while I would say mechanically story instances are better since Heart of Thorns, the quality and gameplay is on the same high standard as Visions of the Past Season 1 interactions and Season 2. It re-activates the LFG for dungeons, without any need to build new assets. Dungeon rewards are just appropriate, and the daily incentive of recieving 100 tokens from a daily path is an excellent way for players to aim for completing weapon and armor sets, or saving for a legendary. The daily can even be dropped slightly to aim for longer retention. To a lesser extent, it populates core maps where little meta and additional events take place. It's always nice to see a map activated with chat and many people standing around, in otherwise abandoned or extremely quiet maps. Dredgehaunt Cliffs and Cursed Shore are examples of maps that are usually quite empty without large metas that people regularly engage in. It's also great to see areas uncontested and unlocked (like Citadel of Flames, or Cruicble of Eternity). They're really fun, and people should play them more. It's also a great opportunity to run a new character through, and I would argue that if casual players are doing it regularly they will see how They just are. With EoD coming soon, we can anticipate that regular tasks in the daily tasks set be changed to fit new content. No further changes are required to reactive dungeons other than added them to the player's regular radar. I've so enjoyed people running throught Citadel of Flames today, and also when exploring Arah's paths the other day when it was in the daily rotation. I am yet to experience toxicity and rage from people particularly who want to run through story, which seems welcoming and achiveable, even if you don't have the best and optimal buid. Please consider adding in Daily Dungeons and getting people back into this aspect of the game! 😄 ETA: I'm expecting this to be merged or moved but I thought this might be a good discussion for general play, over specifically taking about the dungeon strats. Sorry if not in the right place!
  12. Who is the dev that devliered this to us? So we can send our big thanks to them. 😎
  13. Hello team! This is still broken, with no spawn. Also, it seems with the latest update that the new achievement for the Return to Daybreak is not recognising new bounty kills for the achievement 'Istani Bounty Hunter'. Let me know if you need more information or specifics.
  14. I thought I wasn't a good enough player for raids. So I did some research, learnt a rotation, watched a video of the encounter, and read a guide. I then sought out a guild that offered raid training. Trying the raid the first time was overwhelming but fun. By the third try on the encounter, I felt totally comfortable with it. I now do full clears of all the wings once a week - for scope, I learnt how to raid in January. They feel so easy now, so I am a little surprised people want an 'easy' mode when to me the answer was just to research it - I feel really happy to have conquered the content and be able to keep getting better. To follow on - for the research I guess I do need to acknowledge I got everything about them outside the actual game, so things like explainations and (bigger) warnings might be useful. So I'm not sure we need an easy mode, but I think there would be some worth in a story or introduction mode where an NPC literally yells out and explains every mechanic (since the root of this problem is people just don't want to read or research themselves, they just want to experience it). Like you band up with some of the usual NPCs like Glenna who tells you on VG "Gee look out for those teleports on the ground, they'll throw you someplace else!" "You can't attack this without a way to strip it's boons". I would also be down for them to have a daily 'raid boss' where you fight just the one encounter which might incentivise people to learn/branch out.
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