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Eater of Souls - The Departed


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Eh .. I killed it while being downed, his HP was back to 100% and I got downed because of it but then I remember that I play a reaper, so I just try not to get back up and stayed downed while sucking his life peacefully and just press skill 2 and 3 to break his cc bar :/ the fight ends in less than 2 mins. The search of a weapon was kinda easy too, I spot the asura with a name (suspicious enough) and he was complaining about junk, so a light bulb kinda pop.

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I was doing this with my Cleric Guardian husband, who could NOT even damage this guy hah! And I was no use as a wisp. He had no CC's in his mantra build and couldn't swap weapons. We died and left instance to try soloing (maybe overtuned for group?) I (Holosmith) had to take off my ogre gear to avoid having a pet for him to heal off of. I interupted maybe 30% of his break bars, but as long as you dps him as much as you can, and blink/run away after the leap (small circle attack) he doesn't heal for too much even if you miss the CC. My Cleric guardian guy ? Yah he found a tree hahaha! Though without me he took way too long on Balth- kind of him to rez you constantly.

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@Gloam Drifter.9158 said:The actual story and design are great but the gameplay for this whole story step is in serious need of a reconsideration.

It took forever for me to find the weapons. There is no indication where they are aside from the judge pointing but I was expecting them to be obvious and glowing somewhere with the lack of any kind of assistance (no green star, no circle, nothing). I wandered the map in circles for 15-20 minutes before I gave up and found a video. I guess I was supposed to brush up against random stuff to see if i could search it?

Then.. i missed the name ghost.. Once again, no indication where it went and it immediately goes and hides after it spawns. Managed to find it by accidentally walking over the cave it was in and triggering Nenah's lines.

So, 100 years later after the super long fight, wandering looking for weapons and wandering looking for the ghost we get another fight. You can't swap weapons or do anything with the inventory so hopefully you're all set going in. I thought it was going to be breakbars again because aNet is in love with breakbars recently but the bar is open for a ridiculously short amount of time. I even started to recognize the telegraph animation as the fight dragged on but there just wasn't enough time to actually hit him with anything.

There was a guy complaining in map chat earlier asking for tips and someone suggested running away when he does the siphon so i tried that but the vacuum is ridiculously strong. I had to alternate Rush and Bull's Charge to actually get away from him. I'm not sure how other classes are expected to do it.. and even then it was like trying to escape a black hole. One minor screw up or don't do it early enough and he regains a massive amount of health. It seriously seemed impossible like this was a fight where you were supposed to die to it (though its not). I couldn't even effectively range him because he walks way too fast for a guy that large he just stays on you.

I basically got nowhere for about 10 minutes and then.. i got DCed.. and because there are no checkpoints

Another really hard (for many) boss fight with no checkpoint? And especially considering the issues with all the lag and DCing lately? Great job Anet!

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@BeeFrost.5672 said:Ive never complained about boss fights..but wow this is ridiculous. I dont want to spend all this time trying to defeat this. Lol.Also cant access my inventory to repair my gear. Nice one haha

Wow, I'm amazed: all these years of difficult boss fights and people who can't complete them and what Anet does is make one harder than all the previous. I guess Anet has just made it's statement on the direction of the game. Thanks Anet - not going to spend any more $ on this game.

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@Necrid.9601 said:The way I ended up beating the boss was just damaging it down, then make sure his pounce doesn't hit you or any illusions/minions you might have. Dodge twice at this point, as the tether won't deal any damage to you so he won't heal from that. He then does a second AoE attack that, if it lands, will also heal him. Use any CC skill to break his bar before the attack goes off. Just keep doing that and the fight isn't that hard, it's just figuring that out took me like twenty minutes.

Special kudos to Necrid on this one. This boss is really easy with this. Do NOT dodge the leap he does (when the circle appears and he jumps to it). Walk out of the circle, when he lands immediately dodge twice (has to be twice). His life steal will not work then. I chased him around the jail cell with joko in it, hitting him with range, and dodging as i had mentioned. Thekey is not to waste your dodges on the leap or anything else, and dodge TWICE right after he lands in his circle.

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@Zaltys.7649 said:

@Feanor.2358 said:What exactly are you asking for, "boss" fights that are so undertuned that literally every build can 1-1-1-... through them? Because that could be someone's way, eh? That's unreasonable.Solo content should be soloable with whatever you normally play, absolutely. If it's good enough for pve, it should be enough for story. Nothing unreasonable about that.

Solo content hat clearly favors certain professions and playstyles is unreasonable, and that's exactly what we have here.

Let me ask you a question.

Should solo content put you in situations where you would have to adapt by, let's say, change an utility skill or god forbid, select a different trait line?

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He heals less to none at all the further away you stand when he does his sucking ability.My friend did the instance and we stood back and he was only healing for small amount.When his stun bar appears just keep running until he does his sucking ability and then after that stun him for the extra damage and then repeat this step.My friend had times where he healed none at all. This was on a Hybrid Soldier/Beserker Holosmith, so no ungodly DPS.We took time to pay attention to the mechanics of the fight. Don't just stand there and let his attacks hit you often use ranged and have a decent stun.Not hard.

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On my mesmer (with lots of CC skills), the only CC skill I could get to work was Downed 5. Which is not very helpful.Admittedly, I'm not a very good player, but I can usually quite easily solo story content. Figure out the mechanics; do something about it. This time I noticed the mechanics pretty much immediately but couldn't do shit about it.So either it's bugged or it desperately needs a nerf.

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@Daharahj.1325 said:

@Zaltys.7649 said:

@Feanor.2358 said:What exactly are you asking for, "boss" fights that are so undertuned that literally every build can 1-1-1-... through them? Because that could be someone's way, eh? That's unreasonable.Solo content should be soloable with whatever you normally play, absolutely. If it's good enough for pve, it should be enough for story. Nothing unreasonable about that.

Solo content hat clearly favors certain professions and playstyles is unreasonable, and that's exactly what we have here.

Let me ask you a question.

Should solo content put you in situations where you would have to adapt by, let's say, change an utility skill or god forbid, select a different trait line?

Honestly I would love to get some more kind of this "challenging" content for solo play that make you have to adapt and don't just afk1111111 them.

That's my opinion then everybody has his own flavor

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@Manasa Devi.7958 said:

@ImTasty.2163 said:

4) You can switch your equipment anytime you want. You have to do this from the equipment tab though. Just open the equipment tab and select the weapon slot and you can equip/unequip anything in your bag.

That only works if you carry spare equipment in your bags. Which I don't.

That's why I included the "anything in your bag" comment at the end.

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This was an unnecessary hard boss, which was impossible to kill. 'Was' because of the bug exposed in this youtube video allowed me to get this Eater guy stuck in Joko's prison and allow me to use Skill 2 of scepter to AoE him to death (didn't have better options equipped). It took ages. This wasn't fun. Please make it abit easier Arenanet.

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I agree worked on this boss for 2 hours and could not kill him so now I have a story I can not complete. I used to do all my chars through the story lines because I enjoyed the story but now I wish I had never purchased the new expansion and will for sure NOT encourage anyone else to buy it ...I Need A Refund

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@kayeferr.1745 said:I agree worked on this boss for 2 hours and could not kill him so now I have a story I can not complete. I used to do all my chars through the story lines because I enjoyed the story but now I wish I had never purchased the new expansion and will for sure NOT encourage anyone else to buy it ...I Need A Refund

It isn't impossible to complete.He has obvious tells that you can use to avoid his two healing attacks which then you can slowly damage him down between his major health stealing attacks.My friend spent most of the time running and when he ran from the major attack it would heal no more than 3% and usually it healed no percentage and then once the attack is over, you can attack and then decide to stun him so you can get the extra damage debuff to knock him down a huge portion and then you repeat, avoid attacks and capitalize when the time is right.This boss is designed for one person to do, if you have friends, make them stay away because they have no way to counter many of the abilities.If you can't do it solo, than the fault is with you not understanding timing and the mechanics of the fight. Find someone who can do it and let them lead instead and fight it for you.

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I like this bosses mechanics, and I want harder story stuff, but this boss is just tuned wrong.

1) None of my CC skills were going off fast enough. The bar to stop him from pulling pops up for a split second. Nothing in the game (at a basic level) requires you to react this quickly up until his point. For a lot of CC skills, there is a wind up animation. So if you're not using instant CC, you have to use the skill before the breakbar even appears, especially if your ping is not wonderful.

2) Pets, clones, turrets, etc are all getting absorbed. I understand requiring people to take an extra cleanse or an extra CC, but completely changing up someone's playstyle is frustrating for the average player (which stories are designed for). And if you fail to break him ONCE as someone with a pet, he's going to heal an absurd amount.

3) Not being able to access the inventory is dumb. As an engi, I was unable to swap to a rifle which would have been perfect for this fight. I ended up using EG kit. So even if you're saying "Oh well you have to change the way you play", engis and eles might not have the option to switch to optimal setup once we're locked out of our inventory.

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So was having trouble with him on my thief, was a deadeye, swapped weapons to double pistol, made sure my build had little or no boons, and switched back to daredevil for the dash trait. After that it was to easy, just kite and stay ranged and spam #3. Hope this helps any thieves out there struggling bc we are a squishy class that likes to melee and rely on boons, and even with the range of the deadeye the lack of mobility just wasn't cutttig it for me.

Hint: you can't open your bags but you can still change weapons on your character screen.

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@Orimidu.9604 said:What were you thinking anet?! A boss that self heals way too often in a mission where your party members get bugged because it’s focused on the instance owner? I can’t pass this solo and it’s impossible to do in a group.

Soloed with Deadeye just fine. The trick is to run away when he does that health drain thing. And then break his bar immediately. A strong DC will do the trick, interruption, immobilization, knock down, launch, etc. If you thought he was annoying wait till you see Archon.

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@GussJr.1643 said:I guess my experience with this boss was a lot different...I guess everyone's experiences are going to vary...I did it on my Soulbeast

The fight starts at minute 34...and only lasts about a minute, if that. https://youtu.be/5vJUYW0FSCc

Wah, that was good! I feel bad because I wasn't able to beat it without trapping it in the cage xD

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@Irasch.7183 said:I was desperate in the beginning with the Boss, but after changing my tactic it was quite easy for me.

1.) Do DMG and keep moving around him2.) When he jumps don't use evade, use you initial movement around him for that.3.) As soon he hits the spot evade 2x directly after another in direction away from him4.) keep distance until he did the second jump attack that he does always after 3

With that i was able to kill him quickly, important is to safe evade only for the vacuum attack and keep distance for the second jump attack.

This is the way that works flawlessly. Stay ranged and have at least one block. i struggled for a little while as sword weaver but switched to scepter and killed him in minutes :) Many thanks, Irasch.

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