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Eater of Souls - The Departed


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I mean... it's the second extension. About time it gets a little more complicated right?It's still really easy if you take the time to understand the mechanics.

I mean, I don't remember seeing complains like that for gw1 missions, and some of them were challenging as well. Why does everything need to be easy "because it's the story" today? None of you played old school difficult games?

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@Exsul.5803 said:Completed him as a Scourge:

  • No Pets out
  • Run around the boss
  • As soon as his bar turns blue hit him with Torch 5 skill to stun him
  • DPS
  • About the time Torch 5 resets, his bar will turn blue again
  • Repeat stun
  • If you miss and he starts draining you, double dodge away to reduce how much he drains

Took me several tries to get the timing right and this was not fun. Also, after I finally downed him I DC'd from server so had to do it again.

This helped me tremendously. Thank you very much for this. Also thank you for not just saying "git gud", those people need to "git gud" at social skills and empathy.

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Being a shortbow/double dagger ranger I found it essentially impossible to beat him in a "fair" fight... No CC skills, couldn't change my weapons. Such a shame because I wanted it to be as entertaining as the earlier Balthazar fight, lots of dodging and stuff.All I could do is get him "stuck" around the cage (he wasn't stuck, just "confused"), quickly run to the other side of it, and let my pet attack him. Weirdly enough he wouldn't run to me, just stood there. Took less than 10 minutes. I just wish every class and every build was able to solo that boss... this isn't challenging, this is too much.

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Condi rev here. He killed me once because I didnt recognize the tell on something nasty the first time I saw it. After that he more or less melted. Didnt let him hit me with that jump attack on round 2 and the piles of torment and burning I apply fried him in fairly short order. I may have lucked out and broke his breakbear useing darkrazor's daring on him on CD as I never even noticed the drain. That said agressiveness seems to be the key. I'm noticing alot of people complaining about the fight that say they are runing vit and toughness. That isnt the way to attrition a regenerating fight.

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The story line is awesome. Loving the story, it's actually pretty darn amazing, the fake mythology is well written, interesting, and intriguing. Over the years, the GW2 back story has gotten me interested, and I congratulate the story people at ANet for doing this up really well. Kudos. Boss fights are meh for low DPS.

The fighting is too sloggy for PCs that don't have high DPS. Definitely not fun. Big turn off is too much hack and slash - this doesn't make story, it's action oriented. In itself, that's not bad, but there's too much for lower DPS PCs (as stated before here and other people).

I was starting to figure out the fight mechanics but I'd already dealt with B-dude, and the fight's dodge or die mechanics - which gets tiresome and you just know you won't beat him, it's the 3rd act and the second time you fight him. Why? This part makes no sense to the story. He just appears for no apparent reason. There's clues, but very subtle.

Professions like engineer, mesmer, elementalist, i.e., all the low DPS ones, just aren't good enough DPS-wise to get through fights like these to be entertaining, to me. The class skew is just meh.

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Mesmer here. Took me a couple hours of messing with builds and such, but I succeeded. I'm a casual player (and not very good), with an ascended armor set with only a couple of runes equipped. Weapons are exotics. At first I was running Mirage with Axe/Torch & Scepter/Pistol. I was doing well, got him to about half health, then I saw he was absorbing /all/ of my clones even when I was doing just fine avoiding the life steal tether. As others have mentioned, absorbing the clones puts the boss back to full health. I still rolled with a condition build so that I was still applying damage even while I was running around and avoiding his attacks. Not once was I in danger of dying either. Hardly had to heal - only did it to top off my health in case I slipped up.

Here's what I ended up doing to finally beat it. It took me about 15-20 minutes of widdling him down. Patience is key with this one.Noob Condi Mirage

  • Avoid using skills that create clones. (I realize this is easier said than done considering EVERY Mesmer weapon has 1-2 skills that create clones/illusions).
  • Weapons Used: Axe/Pistol & Axe/Torch
  • Skills used: Axe 1&3, Pistol 5, Torch 4
  • Utility Skills: Crystal Sands, Signet of Inspiration (for swiftness as Mirage doesn't have faster movement like Chrono had), Signet of Domination, Jaunt. I used Ether signet for heals, but considering I was avoiding creating clones, a different heal skill is probably better.

Traits (Anything that I thought was remotely useful, applied conditions, and didn't risk creating clones)

  • Domination: Confounding Suggestions, Furious Interruption, Power Block.
  • Chaos: Descent Into Madness, Chaotic Dampening, Prismatic Understanding
  • Mirage: Renewing Oasis, Mirrored Axes, Elusive Mind


  • Attack in melee, using skills mentioned above. Use Torch 4 to apply burning DoT, attack with Axe 1&3, and Pistol 5 until he prepares to leap at you for health siphon.*When boss does leap with AOE circle on ground, dodge away twice in a row
  • When boss is still at range and just finishes his larger ground-smash-type AOE, place Crystal Sands in his path
  • Repeat as necessary
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I thought I'd add to this thread as well as it was really quite frustrating the first 5 or so deaths on my sword/dagger Weaver. However, really all you need to do is have a way to quickly get away from him after he uses his leap, and have no pet or summon near him after the leap. I did not waste time trying to CC anything, instead I saved my dodges for just after his leap, just use them as you move away or use a mobility skill or an invuln skill. Once i realized this I downed him on the first try. Note the skills are not required, dodges work but they make it easier.

Likely, using CC can further make it easier, but for weaver, it is pretty difficult to be reactive with CC and also deal a lot of damage at the same time, AND keep your hp up. So I decided to cut the Cc bit out.

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Either this guy got absolutely gutted with nerfs, or the skill discrepancy between players in this game is even more mindblowing than I thought.While I thought story fights in the past like Caudecus or Lazarus were an absolute walk in the park, I at least could see how extremely casual players could have a problem with them (aka they had any form of mechanic).

This guy though dropped in about 20 seconds on my first try without cheese, not knowing any of his mechanics and I still don't.One of my big complaints with Story bosses is always that they are so easy, I would have to extremely hold back on purpose just to see their mechanics, meanwhile other players call them "literally unbeatable".

Now I'm not saying this with the intent of oh look at me, I'm awesome, I'm genuinely curious how the same fight can be so easy it's underwhelming for some players, and sheer impossible for others, considering you can't mess up characters in GW2 like in some hard core ARPG's, where content becomes unbeatable and there is next to no respec.

On the other hand, comments like "This boss can't be beaten with low damage classes like Elementalist", a class which has been the absolute uncontested king of DPS since years, might be telling.

Maybe, "I can't beat this boss with this Stat set and quality of gear and this build, how can I improve?" would be a better approach than "This is literally unbeatable, nerf it!".

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Yay! So I read through the comments explaining the mechanics of the fight, and tried the instance again. Killed the Eater of Souls in less than 2 minutes. Maybe he was nerfed (I think he was), but I don't care. Just glad I knew what as going on this time around. Yay! Thanks everyone for your tips.

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@Nissa Shannar.6904 said:Is this a joke ?? I mean this post, I killed him with my thief full berserk @11k hp, without single death in about 15 minutes? I didnt even pay atention, wasnt a challenge at all.Cmon, dont nerf everything coz kids cant play class properly, for god sake :(

Congrats. Now play something that will challenge you, like Dark Souls. Clearly, GW2 is too carebears easy for your elitist skills that us mere mortals can never hope to achieve.

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So I can confirm that range DPS with lots of CC and speed boost running around Joko's cage to "hook" the Eater is the easiest way to get this done. Sometimes the Eater just pauses like its AI "Can't Even." Enough time to hit it with a 5-6 freebie shots. Here's a breakdown of my stats for any other Guardians:

  • Berserker set with 6/6 Superior Rune of the Scholar
  • Longbow w/ Superior Sigil of Accuracy and Force
  • 2x Accended Earrings (110 power, 56 precision, 18 vitality, 74 ferocity)
  • 2x Ascended Rings (126 power, 85 precision, 85 ferocity)
  • Ascended Amulet (157 power, 108 precision, 108 ferocity)
  • Healing: Signet of Resolve
  • Utilities: Retreat, Save Yourselves, Fragments of Faith
  • Elite: Feel My Wrath

Hope this helps! :)

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The story line is awesome. Loving the story, it's actually pretty darn amazing, the fake mythology is well written, interesting, and intriguing. Over the years, the GW2 back story has gotten me interested, and I congratulate the story people at ANet for doing this up really well. Kudos. Boss fights are meh for low DPS.

The fighting is too sloggy for PCs that don't have high DPS. Definitely not fun. Big turn off is too much hack and slash - this doesn't make story, it's action oriented. In itself, that's not bad, but there's too much for lower DPS PCs (as stated before here and other people).

I was starting to figure out the fight mechanics but I'd already dealt with B-dude, and the fight's dodge or die mechanics - which gets tiresome and you just know you won't beat him, it's the 3rd act and the second time you fight him. Why? This part makes no sense to the story. He just appears for no apparent reason. There's clues, but very subtle.

Professions like engineer, mesmer, elementalist, i.e., all the low DPS ones, just aren't good enough DPS-wise to get through fights like these to be entertaining, to me. The class skew is just meh.

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I didnt have a lot of trouble as a power herald with sword/axe and staff. Granted, at first I got confused as he kept healing himself to the full health. So I ran away and looked at his description, which said something about boons so I took mallyx, kept boon stripping him and meleeed him to death. Looking at the thread apparent I was very wrong and it was staff CC I did without much tought that prevented his life stealing XD

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