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Account suspension discussion [merged]

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@Ashamir.9574 said:Funny how now the fact that they banned people takes a backseat to the fact that they gathered user data they shouldn't have gathered.

In my country, this is against the law. It doesn't matter what I accepted in the ToS, if it's against the law it's the against the law. If someone would bother to take them to court for this they'd be kitten.

I seriously don't understand how people argue here that because it's in the ToS they are allowed to do that. I can sign any sheet that says that I am selling myself to person X to do whatever they want with me, and it will still never be legally binding, because ... guess what ... it's illegal. How hard is that to understand?

It is really harmless user data. Only the hashes of applications that were running at the same time as GW2.exeThat is a lot less intrusive than running a resource hungry monitoring program in the background. Which would just make the CPU useage of the game even worse.

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@CptAurellian.9537 said:

@"Belorn.2659" said:As is known, Anet added in the March 6th patch a piece of spyware to detect cheating software that resulted in the recent suspension wave. In order to do so they also collected and stored every program that people had running on their computer, location on their drive, windows user account names, and possible more.

What makes you come up with such a crazy idea? (LOL) Usually, anti-cheats only scan your RAM for known cheat signatures of running processes and maybe the game files for alterations. None are scanning your complete hard drives and data -- that would slow down performance like hell and also is completely unnecessary for what an anti-cheat is trying to achieve.

The Guy even said himself that the anti cheat programm collects the Data from your RAM only (the current programms that are active at the same time when gw2 is played)looking only through your RAM is allowed, Warden (the anti cheat solution from Blizzard for WoW) and VAC (Valve Anti Cheat) does the same thing.

So dont worry guys, our weird fetishes and pron folders are still safe from Anet.

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@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@Jumpin Lumpix.6108 said:It's amazing to see so many people not care or be in favor of a violation of our privacy.

its because 'violiation of our privacy' is hyperbolic nonesence driven by modern fear mongers, I seriously blame the kitten tv that pumps out of america - every 2nd program has a 'conspiracy' element to it and is illogical nonesense. Tracing process names while a process is running is not a big deal and has been around for nearly 2 decades.

boom heres 1 option out of a million:

AnsiString compare;bool procRunning = false;
HANDLE hProcessSnap;PROCESSENTRY32 pe32;hProcessSnap = CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS, 0);if (hProcessSnap == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {    procRunning = false;} else {    pe32.dwSize = sizeof(PROCESSENTRY32);    if (Process32First(hProcessSnap, &pe32)) { // Gets first running process        if (pe32.szExeFile == process) {            procRunning = true;        } else {            // loop through all running processes looking for process            while (Process32Next(hProcessSnap, &pe32)) {                 // Set to an AnsiString instead of Char[] to make compare easier                compare = pe32.szExeFile;                if (compare == process) {                    // if found process is running, set to true and break from loop                    procRunning = true;                    break;                }            }        }        // clean the snapshot object        CloseHandle(hProcessSnap);    }}return procRunning;


Except anet did more than simple monitoring processes looking for a match. They gathered the data and transfered it to their servers without our knowledge. In this case it may be a case of security breach.

People 'may' do a lot of things, that doesn't mean it happened. You can go through life looking for demons, or you can get on with life.

Just like cheating. Anet assumed they used cheat engine hooked into GW2, that doesn't mean it happened. Anet may treat our data carefully, it doesn't mean they do.

ye that's right, they assumed people running cheating programs do in fact cheat in games, and said players ran cheating programs alongside GW2 on MULTIPLE occasions. Go work out the probabilities from there.

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@"Kheldorn.5123" said:If the redditor is right and this data has been sent via unprotected channels there is a risk of your payment data being revealed to unautharized person, including your credit card numbers. The redittor can by lying but Anet never said it's not possible or explained what is happening with our data now so any scenario is possible.

That's not what the redditor said.

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@"Malediktus.9250" said:It is really harmless user data. Only the hashes of applications that were running at the same time as GW2.exeThat is a lot less intrusive than running a resource hungry monitoring program in the background. Which would just make the CPU useage of the game even worse.

Ok, how did you not get my "it's against the law"?

It doesn't fucking matter what data it was, the fact remains that (at least in my country) they were not allowed to do it.

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@Bloodstealer.5978 said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@Malediktus.9250 said:I think Anet handled it fair. If you use cheat tools for one game you will likely also cheat in other games.

If you failed an exam today, is it okay to automaticaly fail 2 others you have tomorrow?

If they failed you because you had the materials to cheat on the test, regardless if you used them or not, then yes.

The school would actually do an investigation into the person accused of cheating which ANET didn't do.

Cheat engine is not an automatic cheat a more comparable example would be like bringing your mobile phone into a maths test. Yes you could potentially open your calculator on your phone but they would require evidence to prove that you did do that and not that you innocently left it turned on in your bag.

Dooh if your caught cheating in the exam you will be removed from it no questions.. the investigation comes after.. just like with this situation. Difference here is ANET would of already done some checking before banning and after on appeal...If you bring your phone into the exam that is already breaking the ruleset no matter if you used it or not.. sound familiar.You seem to think ANET just ban cos they can.. I beg to differ

But we know they haven't checked or invested further as they even admitted that in the forum update.

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@Ashamir.9574 said:

@"Malediktus.9250" said:It is really harmless user data. Only the hashes of applications that were running at the same time as GW2.exeThat is a lot less intrusive than running a resource hungry monitoring program in the background. Which would just make the CPU useage of the game even worse.

Ok, how did you not get my "it's against the law"?

It doesn't kitten matter what data it was, the fact remains that (at least in my country) they were not allowed to do it.Laws who cares? Noone going to sue for this and if yes you might get your money back but loose your account lol

What is worse though is that Anet keeps your chat logs forever. So they know all your private conversations and not delete them after like 2 weeks when they are likely not needed anymore for any reports.

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@Twoodi.5849 said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@Malediktus.9250 said:I think Anet handled it fair. If you use cheat tools for one game you will likely also cheat in other games.

If you failed an exam today, is it okay to automaticaly fail 2 others you have tomorrow?

If they failed you because you had the materials to cheat on the test, regardless if you used them or not, then yes.

The school would actually do an investigation into the person accused of cheating which ANET didn't do.

Cheat engine is not an automatic cheat a more comparable example would be like bringing your mobile phone into a maths test. Yes you could potentially open your calculator on your phone but they would require evidence to prove that you did do that and not that you innocently left it turned on in your bag.

Dooh if your caught cheating in the exam you will be removed from it no questions.. the investigation comes after.. just like with this situation. Difference here is ANET would of already done some checking before banning and after on appeal...If you bring your phone into the exam that is already breaking the ruleset no matter if you used it or not.. sound familiar.You seem to think ANET just ban cos they can.. I beg to differ

But we know they haven't checked or invested further as they even admitted that in the forum update.

actually they said they monitored over several weeks. Once the decision was made then those running cheating programs explicitly were in fact banned. Perfect.

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@Malediktus.9250 said:

@Malediktus.9250 said:It is really harmless user data. Only the hashes of applications that were running at the same time as GW2.exeThat is a lot less intrusive than running a resource hungry monitoring program in the background. Which would just make the CPU useage of the game even worse.

Ok, how did you not get my "it's against the law"?

It doesn't kitten matter what data it was, the fact remains that (at least in my country) they were not allowed to do it.Laws who cares? Noone going to sue for this and if yes you might get your money back but loose your account lol

What is worse though is that Anet keeps your chat logs forever. So they know all your private conversations and not delete them after like 2 weeks when they are likely not needed anymore for any reports.

Since next month EU citizens will be able to demand data removal from anet, no worries.

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@vesica tempestas.1563 said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@Malediktus.9250 said:I think Anet handled it fair. If you use cheat tools for one game you will likely also cheat in other games.

If you failed an exam today, is it okay to automaticaly fail 2 others you have tomorrow?

If they failed you because you had the materials to cheat on the test, regardless if you used them or not, then yes.

The school would actually do an investigation into the person accused of cheating which ANET didn't do.

Cheat engine is not an automatic cheat a more comparable example would be like bringing your mobile phone into a maths test. Yes you could potentially open your calculator on your phone but they would require evidence to prove that you did do that and not that you innocently left it turned on in your bag.

Dooh if your caught cheating in the exam you will be removed from it no questions.. the investigation comes after.. just like with this situation. Difference here is ANET would of already done some checking before banning and after on appeal...If you bring your phone into the exam that is already breaking the ruleset no matter if you used it or not.. sound familiar.You seem to think ANET just ban cos they can.. I beg to differ

But we know they haven't checked or invested further as they even admitted that in the forum update.

actually they said they monitored over several weeks. Once the decision was made then those running cheating programs explicitly were in fact banned. Perfect.

Yeah they just monitored if they had a program open at the same time not a good enough investigation

detected that the accounts were running Guild Wars 2 at the same time as one or more of the following programs

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@CETheLucid.3964 said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:But do I have the keys?Did you? Are you banned?

I'm not. Now answer my question.

You answered your own question. Or was there something more you wanted to add?

I asked you - did you check if I have keys? Did anet check if cheat engine is hooked into GW2?

You are avoiding answering this.

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@Jinks.2057 said:No we did not agree to have spyware installed onto our computersThat spyware is called Windows Operating System. (ANet used its API to expose which software is running, as many other companies do, including MS of course, as well as other gaming systems).

putting our finances at risk without our knowledge.That doesn't appear to be remotely the case.

What might have been exposed is what software we had active while GW2 was running.

Should ANet have done this? How private should that data be? Did ANet take appropriate steps to protect their data collection? Those are separate questions.

If we're going to carry pitchforks and torches, let's try to make sure we're marching towards Frankenstein's laboratory, not towards the Frank's Labrador Retriever Rescue Farm.

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@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@Polarfairy.8046 said:I generally have no sympathy for people who cheat in any game, i just don't see the need to risk your account on any game that you love to maybe make things slightly easier for yourself but anger other players in the process and put your friends accounts in danger if they play with you on a regular basis and get caught up in your ban. I do not count dps meters as cheating or mods that change your UI and as you can see, neither do Anet. As a company they do what they need to do to make sure their game is fair for everyone and if that means monitoring the programs running on my system then I don't mind, it's not like they are hunting for any information worth keeping that could be damaging to my identity or online safety. If you use cheat programs then you deserve to get banned, even if you weren't using them in this particular game at this point in time, you have them installed and Anet has no way of knowing if you ever plan to use them in the future, so out you go. Hopefully in 6 months you will either have learned your lesson and uninstalled said programs or moved on to other games which is no big loss to the rest of us.

Do you have knives in your kitchen?

It was never about owning the knife! it was about having the knife with you whilst playing. Its not against the law to have one in the home but If you leave your home with a knife and get searched whether it was used or not it's still intent and an offence.

uhm... no. You can't punish me for having knife in my pocket until I actually use it commiting a crime. Just like cheatengine. Well they know some people used it. But they didn't check if it was used to modify GW2.

Actually you can be punished for having a knife in your pocket, it's called an arrest on possession of weapons. It is illegal to carry a weapon without a good reason and it's illegal to carry a banned weapon so your metaphor isn't really working for you there ;)

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@vesica tempestas.1563 said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@Malediktus.9250 said:I think Anet handled it fair. If you use cheat tools for one game you will likely also cheat in other games.

If you failed an exam today, is it okay to automaticaly fail 2 others you have tomorrow?

If they failed you because you had the materials to cheat on the test, regardless if you used them or not, then yes.

The school would actually do an investigation into the person accused of cheating which ANET didn't do.

Cheat engine is not an automatic cheat a more comparable example would be like bringing your mobile phone into a maths test. Yes you could potentially open your calculator on your phone but they would require evidence to prove that you did do that and not that you innocently left it turned on in your bag.

Dooh if your caught cheating in the exam you will be removed from it no questions.. the investigation comes after.. just like with this situation. Difference here is ANET would of already done some checking before banning and after on appeal...If you bring your phone into the exam that is already breaking the ruleset no matter if you used it or not.. sound familiar.You seem to think ANET just ban cos they can.. I beg to differ

But we know they haven't checked or invested further as they even admitted that in the forum update.

actually they said they monitored over several weeks. Once the decision was made then those running cheating programs explicitly were in fact banned. Perfect.

They didn't just monitor, they gathered the data. This is very important distinction.

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@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@Malediktus.9250 said:I think Anet handled it fair. If you use cheat tools for one game you will likely also cheat in other games.

If you failed an exam today, is it okay to automaticaly fail 2 others you have tomorrow?

If they failed you because you had the materials to cheat on the test, regardless if you used them or not, then yes.

The school would actually do an investigation into the person accused of cheating which ANET didn't do.

Cheat engine is not an automatic cheat a more comparable example would be like bringing your mobile phone into a maths test. Yes you could potentially open your calculator on your phone but they would require evidence to prove that you did do that and not that you innocently left it turned on in your bag.

Dooh if your caught cheating in the exam you will be removed from it no questions.. the investigation comes after.. just like with this situation. Difference here is ANET would of already done some checking before banning and after on appeal...If you bring your phone into the exam that is already breaking the ruleset no matter if you used it or not.. sound familiar.You seem to think ANET just ban cos they can.. I beg to differ

But we know they haven't checked or invested further as they even admitted that in the forum update.

actually they said they monitored over several weeks. Once the decision was made then those running cheating programs explicitly were in fact banned. Perfect.

They didn't just monitor, they gathered the data. This is very important distinction.

gathered means 'persist' ofc they done that, unfortunately its not the year 2100, tech is not quite there yet to do anything else. Or would you like them to make a decision and not keep any evidence mm?

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@Polarfairy.8046 said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@Polarfairy.8046 said:I generally have no sympathy for people who cheat in any game, i just don't see the need to risk your account on any game that you love to maybe make things slightly easier for yourself but anger other players in the process and put your friends accounts in danger if they play with you on a regular basis and get caught up in your ban. I do not count dps meters as cheating or mods that change your UI and as you can see, neither do Anet. As a company they do what they need to do to make sure their game is fair for everyone and if that means monitoring the programs running on my system then I don't mind, it's not like they are hunting for any information worth keeping that could be damaging to my identity or online safety. If you use cheat programs then you deserve to get banned, even if you weren't using them in this particular game at this point in time, you have them installed and Anet has no way of knowing if you ever plan to use them in the future, so out you go. Hopefully in 6 months you will either have learned your lesson and uninstalled said programs or moved on to other games which is no big loss to the rest of us.

Do you have knives in your kitchen?

It was never about owning the knife! it was about having the knife with you whilst playing. Its not against the law to have one in the home but If you leave your home with a knife and get searched whether it was used or not it's still intent and an offence.

uhm... no. You can't punish me for having knife in my pocket until I actually use it commiting a crime. Just like cheatengine. Well they know some people used it. But they didn't check if it was used to modify GW2.

Actually you can be punished for having a knife in your pocket, it's called an arrest on possession of weapons. It is illegal to carry a weapon without a good reason and it's illegal to carry a banned weapon so your metaphor isn't really working for you there ;)

Is bread knife a weapon by default?

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@Polarfairy.8046 said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@Polarfairy.8046 said:I generally have no sympathy for people who cheat in any game, i just don't see the need to risk your account on any game that you love to maybe make things slightly easier for yourself but anger other players in the process and put your friends accounts in danger if they play with you on a regular basis and get caught up in your ban. I do not count dps meters as cheating or mods that change your UI and as you can see, neither do Anet. As a company they do what they need to do to make sure their game is fair for everyone and if that means monitoring the programs running on my system then I don't mind, it's not like they are hunting for any information worth keeping that could be damaging to my identity or online safety. If you use cheat programs then you deserve to get banned, even if you weren't using them in this particular game at this point in time, you have them installed and Anet has no way of knowing if you ever plan to use them in the future, so out you go. Hopefully in 6 months you will either have learned your lesson and uninstalled said programs or moved on to other games which is no big loss to the rest of us.

Do you have knives in your kitchen?

It was never about owning the knife! it was about having the knife with you whilst playing. Its not against the law to have one in the home but If you leave your home with a knife and get searched whether it was used or not it's still intent and an offence.

uhm... no. You can't punish me for having knife in my pocket until I actually use it commiting a crime. Just like cheatengine. Well they know some people used it. But they didn't check if it was used to modify GW2.

Actually you can be punished for having a knife in your pocket, it's called an arrest on possession of weapons. It is illegal to carry a weapon without a good reason and it's illegal to carry a banned weapon so your metaphor isn't really working for you there ;)

Police will ask why you have it on you e.g for your job

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@"Malediktus.9250" said:Laws who cares? Noone going to sue for this and if yes you might get your money back but loose your account lol

You have no point here really, and it confuses me. "it's harmless" and "who cares" aren't arguments. They broke the law.

What is worse though is that Anet keeps your chat logs forever. So they know all your private conversations and not delete them after like 2 weeks when they are likely not needed anymore for any reports.

Again, that has nothing to do with my argument. I said that gathering data from my pc that is outside the game is illegal. Them saving in-game data is not.

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@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@Malediktus.9250 said:It is really harmless user data. Only the hashes of applications that were running at the same time as GW2.exeThat is a lot less intrusive than running a resource hungry monitoring program in the background. Which would just make the CPU useage of the game even worse.

Ok, how did you not get my "it's against the law"?

It doesn't kitten matter what data it was, the fact remains that (at least in my country) they were not allowed to do it.Laws who cares? Noone going to sue for this and if yes you might get your money back but loose your account lol

What is worse though is that Anet keeps your chat logs forever. So they know all your private conversations and not delete them after like 2 weeks when they are likely not needed anymore for any reports.

Since next month EU citizens will be able to demand data removal from anet, no worries.

But they can just delete your whole account (called malicious compliance) instead of just the chat logs. I doubt they will let you cherry pick.

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@vesica tempestas.1563 said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@Malediktus.9250 said:I think Anet handled it fair. If you use cheat tools for one game you will likely also cheat in other games.

If you failed an exam today, is it okay to automaticaly fail 2 others you have tomorrow?

If they failed you because you had the materials to cheat on the test, regardless if you used them or not, then yes.

The school would actually do an investigation into the person accused of cheating which ANET didn't do.

Cheat engine is not an automatic cheat a more comparable example would be like bringing your mobile phone into a maths test. Yes you could potentially open your calculator on your phone but they would require evidence to prove that you did do that and not that you innocently left it turned on in your bag.

Dooh if your caught cheating in the exam you will be removed from it no questions.. the investigation comes after.. just like with this situation. Difference here is ANET would of already done some checking before banning and after on appeal...If you bring your phone into the exam that is already breaking the ruleset no matter if you used it or not.. sound familiar.You seem to think ANET just ban cos they can.. I beg to differ

But we know they haven't checked or invested further as they even admitted that in the forum update.

actually they said they monitored over several weeks. Once the decision was made then those running cheating programs explicitly were in fact banned. Perfect.

They didn't just monitor, they gathered the data. This is very important distinction.

gathered means 'persist' ofc they done that, unfortunately its not the year 2100, tech is not quite there yet to do anything else.

Actually it is. WoW process checker Warden does monitor you on your computer and only sends alerts to Blizzard if it finds a match. Meanwhile anet gathered all the data they were monitoring only to check in on their servers.

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@Fluffball.8307 said:

@"Menadena.7482" said:Plus you can not delete information from the universe anyway, you can just make it harder and harder to reconstruct.

Assuming unlimited technology and energy, what kind of process would let you reconstruct the data on a hard drive you chucked into the core of a star?

I guess just to be safe we should insist anet launch their servers into the sun. "GW2 represents the world standard for personal data protection..."

sigh Trying not to go off on a tangent about physics, just google it. To put it simply, encryption, 'deletion', locking .... all of those are just complex Gordian Knot problems. At a certain point the effort to reconstruct the data is worth more than the data itself but you can always reconstruct the original. This is why there exists a military-grade option to reformat a drive but even it does not say the data is completely gone. It is just that reconstructing everything at that point would take more resources than anything would be worth.

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@Polarfairy.8046 said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@Polarfairy.8046 said:I generally have no sympathy for people who cheat in any game, i just don't see the need to risk your account on any game that you love to maybe make things slightly easier for yourself but anger other players in the process and put your friends accounts in danger if they play with you on a regular basis and get caught up in your ban. I do not count dps meters as cheating or mods that change your UI and as you can see, neither do Anet. As a company they do what they need to do to make sure their game is fair for everyone and if that means monitoring the programs running on my system then I don't mind, it's not like they are hunting for any information worth keeping that could be damaging to my identity or online safety. If you use cheat programs then you deserve to get banned, even if you weren't using them in this particular game at this point in time, you have them installed and Anet has no way of knowing if you ever plan to use them in the future, so out you go. Hopefully in 6 months you will either have learned your lesson and uninstalled said programs or moved on to other games which is no big loss to the rest of us.

Do you have knives in your kitchen?

It was never about owning the knife! it was about having the knife with you whilst playing. Its not against the law to have one in the home but If you leave your home with a knife and get searched whether it was used or not it's still intent and an offence.

uhm... no. You can't punish me for having knife in my pocket until I actually use it commiting a crime. Just like cheatengine. Well they know some people used it. But they didn't check if it was used to modify GW2.

Actually you can be punished for having a knife in your pocket, it's called an arrest on possession of weapons. It is illegal to carry a weapon without a good reason and it's illegal to carry a banned weapon so your metaphor isn't really working for you there ;)

yup equally:

You will get prosecuted if you are sitting drunk in a car and not drivingYou will get prosecuted if you accidentally take performance enhancing drugs even though you didst intend to enhance performance.

and so on and so forth.

The question is, what was the intent of the games cheater when he was running GW2 alongside the cheating program on several occasions. We know the answer to this.

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@Malediktus.9250 said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@Malediktus.9250 said:It is really harmless user data. Only the hashes of applications that were running at the same time as GW2.exeThat is a lot less intrusive than running a resource hungry monitoring program in the background. Which would just make the CPU useage of the game even worse.

Ok, how did you not get my "it's against the law"?

It doesn't kitten matter what data it was, the fact remains that (at least in my country) they were not allowed to do it.Laws who cares? Noone going to sue for this and if yes you might get your money back but loose your account lol

What is worse though is that Anet keeps your chat logs forever. So they know all your private conversations and not delete them after like 2 weeks when they are likely not needed anymore for any reports.

Since next month EU citizens will be able to demand data removal from anet, no worries.

But they can just delete your whole account (called malicious compliance) instead of just the chat logs. I doubt they will let you cherry pick.

First of all data removal cant be a reason for service termination. Secondly, as you said, they gonna keep it forever, even if you no longer play. Well then those who truly want to leave can now be safe anet won't keep their data.

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@vesica tempestas.1563 said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@Polarfairy.8046 said:I generally have no sympathy for people who cheat in any game, i just don't see the need to risk your account on any game that you love to maybe make things slightly easier for yourself but anger other players in the process and put your friends accounts in danger if they play with you on a regular basis and get caught up in your ban. I do not count dps meters as cheating or mods that change your UI and as you can see, neither do Anet. As a company they do what they need to do to make sure their game is fair for everyone and if that means monitoring the programs running on my system then I don't mind, it's not like they are hunting for any information worth keeping that could be damaging to my identity or online safety. If you use cheat programs then you deserve to get banned, even if you weren't using them in this particular game at this point in time, you have them installed and Anet has no way of knowing if you ever plan to use them in the future, so out you go. Hopefully in 6 months you will either have learned your lesson and uninstalled said programs or moved on to other games which is no big loss to the rest of us.

Do you have knives in your kitchen?

It was never about owning the knife! it was about having the knife with you whilst playing. Its not against the law to have one in the home but If you leave your home with a knife and get searched whether it was used or not it's still intent and an offence.

uhm... no. You can't punish me for having knife in my pocket until I actually use it commiting a crime. Just like cheatengine. Well they know some people used it. But they didn't check if it was used to modify GW2.

Actually you can be punished for having a knife in your pocket, it's called an arrest on possession of weapons. It is illegal to carry a weapon without a good reason and it's illegal to carry a banned weapon so your metaphor isn't really working for you there ;)

yup equally:

You will get prosecuted if you are sitting drunk in a car and not drivingYou will get prosecuted if you accidentally take performance enhancing drugs even though you didst intend to enhance performance.

and so on and so forth.

The question is, what was the intent of the games cheater when he was running GW2 alongside the cheating program on several occasions. We know the answer to this.

Where are you getting seven from? They do not mention any figures once and again guilt by assumption is not good enough

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