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Account suspension discussion [merged]

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@vesica tempestas.1563 said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@Polarfairy.8046 said:I generally have no sympathy for people who cheat in any game, i just don't see the need to risk your account on any game that you love to maybe make things slightly easier for yourself but anger other players in the process and put your friends accounts in danger if they play with you on a regular basis and get caught up in your ban. I do not count dps meters as cheating or mods that change your UI and as you can see, neither do Anet. As a company they do what they need to do to make sure their game is fair for everyone and if that means monitoring the programs running on my system then I don't mind, it's not like they are hunting for any information worth keeping that could be damaging to my identity or online safety. If you use cheat programs then you deserve to get banned, even if you weren't using them in this particular game at this point in time, you have them installed and Anet has no way of knowing if you ever plan to use them in the future, so out you go. Hopefully in 6 months you will either have learned your lesson and uninstalled said programs or moved on to other games which is no big loss to the rest of us.

Do you have knives in your kitchen?

It was never about owning the knife! it was about having the knife with you whilst playing. Its not against the law to have one in the home but If you leave your home with a knife and get searched whether it was used or not it's still intent and an offence.

uhm... no. You can't punish me for having knife in my pocket until I actually use it commiting a crime. Just like cheatengine. Well they know some people used it. But they didn't check if it was used to modify GW2.

Actually you can be punished for having a knife in your pocket, it's called an arrest on possession of weapons. It is illegal to carry a weapon without a good reason and it's illegal to carry a banned weapon so your metaphor isn't really working for you there ;)

yup equally:

You will get prosecuted if you are sitting drunk in a car and not drivingYou will get prosecuted if you accidentally take performance enhancing drugs even though you didst intend to enhance performance.

and so on and so forth.

The question is, what was the intent of the games cheater when he was running GW2 alongside the cheating program on several occasions. We know the answer to this.

we are now changing car anecdote to fit your agenda more eh?

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@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@Malediktus.9250 said:I think Anet handled it fair. If you use cheat tools for one game you will likely also cheat in other games.

If you failed an exam today, is it okay to automaticaly fail 2 others you have tomorrow?

If they failed you because you had the materials to cheat on the test, regardless if you used them or not, then yes.

The school would actually do an investigation into the person accused of cheating which ANET didn't do.

Cheat engine is not an automatic cheat a more comparable example would be like bringing your mobile phone into a maths test. Yes you could potentially open your calculator on your phone but they would require evidence to prove that you did do that and not that you innocently left it turned on in your bag.

Dooh if your caught cheating in the exam you will be removed from it no questions.. the investigation comes after.. just like with this situation. Difference here is ANET would of already done some checking before banning and after on appeal...If you bring your phone into the exam that is already breaking the ruleset no matter if you used it or not.. sound familiar.You seem to think ANET just ban cos they can.. I beg to differ

But we know they haven't checked or invested further as they even admitted that in the forum update.

actually they said they monitored over several weeks. Once the decision was made then those running cheating programs explicitly were in fact banned. Perfect.

They didn't just monitor, they gathered the data. This is very important distinction.

gathered means 'persist' ofc they done that, unfortunately its not the year 2100, tech is not quite there yet to do anything else.

Actually it is. WoW process checker Warden does monitor you on your computer and only sends alerts to Blizzard if it finds a match. Meanwhile anet gathered all the data they were monitoring only to check in on their servers.

lol a little knowledge is a dangerous thing.

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@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@Polarfairy.8046 said:I generally have no sympathy for people who cheat in any game, i just don't see the need to risk your account on any game that you love to maybe make things slightly easier for yourself but anger other players in the process and put your friends accounts in danger if they play with you on a regular basis and get caught up in your ban. I do not count dps meters as cheating or mods that change your UI and as you can see, neither do Anet. As a company they do what they need to do to make sure their game is fair for everyone and if that means monitoring the programs running on my system then I don't mind, it's not like they are hunting for any information worth keeping that could be damaging to my identity or online safety. If you use cheat programs then you deserve to get banned, even if you weren't using them in this particular game at this point in time, you have them installed and Anet has no way of knowing if you ever plan to use them in the future, so out you go. Hopefully in 6 months you will either have learned your lesson and uninstalled said programs or moved on to other games which is no big loss to the rest of us.

Do you have knives in your kitchen?

It was never about owning the knife! it was about having the knife with you whilst playing. Its not against the law to have one in the home but If you leave your home with a knife and get searched whether it was used or not it's still intent and an offence.

uhm... no. You can't punish me for having knife in my pocket until I actually use it commiting a crime. Just like cheatengine. Well they know some people used it. But they didn't check if it was used to modify GW2.

Actually you can be punished for having a knife in your pocket, it's called an arrest on possession of weapons. It is illegal to carry a weapon without a good reason and it's illegal to carry a banned weapon so your metaphor isn't really working for you there ;)

Is bread knife a weapon by default?

No, but CHEATengine is used for cheating by default. Not the same thing as a bread knife.

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@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@Polarfairy.8046 said:I generally have no sympathy for people who cheat in any game, i just don't see the need to risk your account on any game that you love to maybe make things slightly easier for yourself but anger other players in the process and put your friends accounts in danger if they play with you on a regular basis and get caught up in your ban. I do not count dps meters as cheating or mods that change your UI and as you can see, neither do Anet. As a company they do what they need to do to make sure their game is fair for everyone and if that means monitoring the programs running on my system then I don't mind, it's not like they are hunting for any information worth keeping that could be damaging to my identity or online safety. If you use cheat programs then you deserve to get banned, even if you weren't using them in this particular game at this point in time, you have them installed and Anet has no way of knowing if you ever plan to use them in the future, so out you go. Hopefully in 6 months you will either have learned your lesson and uninstalled said programs or moved on to other games which is no big loss to the rest of us.

Do you have knives in your kitchen?

It was never about owning the knife! it was about having the knife with you whilst playing. Its not against the law to have one in the home but If you leave your home with a knife and get searched whether it was used or not it's still intent and an offence.

uhm... no. You can't punish me for having knife in my pocket until I actually use it commiting a crime. Just like cheatengine. Well they know some people used it. But they didn't check if it was used to modify GW2.

Actually you can be punished for having a knife in your pocket, it's called an arrest on possession of weapons. It is illegal to carry a weapon without a good reason and it's illegal to carry a banned weapon so your metaphor isn't really working for you there ;)

yup equally:

You will get prosecuted if you are sitting drunk in a car and not drivingYou will get prosecuted if you accidentally take performance enhancing drugs even though you didst intend to enhance performance.

and so on and so forth.

The question is, what was the intent of the games cheater when he was running GW2 alongside the cheating program on several occasions. We know the answer to this.

we are now changing car anecdote to fit your agenda more eh?

my 'agenda' is that i'm not actual paranoid and don't care that Anet is banning cheaters and using process list to do this (i have been a developer for 20 years) You go for it Anet, i understand your intent.

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@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@vesica tempestas.1563 said:if you have nothing to hide then there's nothing to worry about. Too many people watching paranoid/conspiracy theory trash tv these days.

Do you leave your home door opened for strangers when going to work?

umm k Do you walk the streets with a cowl over your head in case a public camera there to protect you records you?

Answer firts.

Cynn.165 said it all really 4 posts above

I blocked him so can't see his post. I asked you directly so plz now answer me directly. Unless you admit you're not interested in the topic.

doh lol, ah wait your playing at trap him with clever logic, ok i will answer your oh so devious rhetorical question, yes i believe 99% of people would lock their doors.

you can't block on the forum, lul

now what is the probability that a liar would be inclined to use cheating programs and be defensive :P teasing here ofc :)

I didn't say I blocked him on forums though :)

This is exactly the case of jumping into conclusions. Another one is assuming that because of this, I must have an agenda about cheat programs. Well, happily I'm currently logged in. Feel free to check.

You have been jumping to conclusions all through this thread based on.. well I am not even sure what your basing stuff on anymore other than some past mistakes.

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@vesica tempestas.1563 said:simple question, a cheat is running a cheating program alongside GW2 and has been doing it on multiple occasions - what is the probability that the game cheater intends to cheat in GW2 as well?

Very high. In this case a security officer should investigate the account carefully if a cheat is being used with gw2 client. But it's cheaper and faster to proceed with automated ban wave and not accept appeals :)

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@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@vesica tempestas.1563 said:simple question, a cheat is running a cheating program alongside GW2 and has been doing it on multiple occasions - what is the probability that the game cheater intends to cheat in GW2 as well?

Very high. In this case a security officer should investigate the account carefully if a cheat is being used with gw2 client. But it's cheaper and faster to proceed with automated ban wave and not accept appeals :)

exactly, very high. so what exactly would you provide to that security officer? data over a time period perchance.

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@Ashamir.9574 said:

@"Malediktus.9250" said:Laws who cares? Noone going to sue for this and if yes you might get your money back but loose your account lol

You have no point here really, and it confuses me. "it's harmless" and "who cares" aren't arguments. They broke the law.

What is worse though is that Anet keeps your chat logs forever. So they know all your private conversations and not delete them after like 2 weeks when they are likely not needed anymore for any reports.

Again, that has nothing to do with my argument. I said that gathering data from my pc that is outside the game is illegal. Them saving in-game data is not.

No. They didn't "break the law". What law are you thinking they broke?

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@vesica tempestas.1563 said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@vesica tempestas.1563 said:simple question, a cheat is running a cheating program alongside GW2 and has been doing it on multiple occasions - what is the probability that the game cheater intends to cheat in GW2 as well?

Very high. In this case a security officer should investigate the account carefully if a cheat is being used with gw2 client. But it's cheaper and faster to proceed with automated ban wave and not accept appeals :)

exactly, very high. so what exactly would you provide to that security officer? data over a time period perchance.

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@vesica tempestas.1563 said:simple question, a cheat is running a cheating program alongside GW2 and has been doing it on multiple occasions - what is the probability that the game cheater intends to cheat in GW2 as well?

Very high. In this case a security officer should investigate the account carefully if a cheat is being used with gw2 client. But it's cheaper and faster to proceed with automated ban wave and not accept appeals :)

exactly, very high. so what exactly would you provide to that security officer? data over a time period perchance.

then officer actually proceed with doing its job, monitors the account looking for activity that confirms the cheat is in use

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@vesica tempestas.1563 said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@Polarfairy.8046 said:I generally have no sympathy for people who cheat in any game, i just don't see the need to risk your account on any game that you love to maybe make things slightly easier for yourself but anger other players in the process and put your friends accounts in danger if they play with you on a regular basis and get caught up in your ban. I do not count dps meters as cheating or mods that change your UI and as you can see, neither do Anet. As a company they do what they need to do to make sure their game is fair for everyone and if that means monitoring the programs running on my system then I don't mind, it's not like they are hunting for any information worth keeping that could be damaging to my identity or online safety. If you use cheat programs then you deserve to get banned, even if you weren't using them in this particular game at this point in time, you have them installed and Anet has no way of knowing if you ever plan to use them in the future, so out you go. Hopefully in 6 months you will either have learned your lesson and uninstalled said programs or moved on to other games which is no big loss to the rest of us.

Do you have knives in your kitchen?

It was never about owning the knife! it was about having the knife with you whilst playing. Its not against the law to have one in the home but If you leave your home with a knife and get searched whether it was used or not it's still intent and an offence.

uhm... no. You can't punish me for having knife in my pocket until I actually use it commiting a crime. Just like cheatengine. Well they know some people used it. But they didn't check if it was used to modify GW2.

Actually you can be punished for having a knife in your pocket, it's called an arrest on possession of weapons. It is illegal to carry a weapon without a good reason and it's illegal to carry a banned weapon so your metaphor isn't really working for you there ;)

yup equally:

You will get prosecuted if you are sitting drunk in a car and not drivingYou will get prosecuted if you accidentally take performance enhancing drugs even though you didst intend to enhance performance.

and so on and so forth.

The question is, what was the intent of the games cheater when he was running GW2 alongside the cheating program on several occasions. We know the answer to this.

we are now changing car anecdote to fit your agenda more eh?

my 'agenda' is that i'm not actual paranoid and don't care that Anet is banning cheaters and using process list to do this (i have been a developer for 20 years) You go for it Anet, i understand your intent.

Low and doesn't matter anyway you cannot just assume people will cheat in your game because they do in other single player games. It didn't even need be detected running for ANET to punish accounts, in my case it was only installed but not used since December 2017.

Also stop lying about being a developer for 20 years, its very easy to see that you are when you don't even understand what cheat engine is.

Certain races have a higher percentage of people in prison, are you now going to assume that everybody in that race is more likely to commit crime?

People like you who make these assumptions on people are everything that is wrong with society today

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@"Kheldorn.5123" said:Actually it is. WoW process checker Warden does monitor you on your computer and only sends alerts to Blizzard if it finds a match. Meanwhile anet gathered all the data they were monitoring only to check in on their servers.

"...anet gathered all the data they were monitoring only to check in on their servers."

Based on what proof? One guy's reddit post? That's like bombing Syria because they think they might have used chemic...oh...wait

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@misterman.1530 said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:Actually it is. WoW process checker Warden does monitor you on your computer and only sends alerts to Blizzard if it finds a match. Meanwhile anet gathered all the data they were monitoring only to check in on their servers.

"...anet gathered all the data they were monitoring only to check in on their servers."

Based on what proof? One guy's reddit post? That's like bombing Syria because they think they might have used chemic...oh...wait

They pretty much confirmed reddit thread in their second message (a damage control). Also, to make things spicy, Chris Cleary removed his tweets about the ban wave.

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@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@vesica tempestas.1563 said:simple question, a cheat is running a cheating program alongside GW2 and has been doing it on multiple occasions - what is the probability that the game cheater intends to cheat in GW2 as well?

Very high. In this case a security officer should investigate the account carefully if a cheat is being used with gw2 client. But it's cheaper and faster to proceed with automated ban wave and not accept appeals :)

exactly, very high. so what exactly would you provide to that security officer? data over a time period perchance.

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@vesica tempestas.1563 said:simple question, a cheat is running a cheating program alongside GW2 and has been doing it on multiple occasions - what is the probability that the game cheater intends to cheat in GW2 as well?

Very high. In this case a security officer should investigate the account carefully if a cheat is being used with gw2 client. But it's cheaper and faster to proceed with automated ban wave and not accept appeals :)

exactly, very high. so what exactly would you provide to that security officer? data over a time period perchance.

then officer actually proceed with doing its job, monitors the account looking for activity that confirms the cheat is in use

lol do you even know what your saying. your complaining about data gathering, but hey, if a 'security officer' that gets that data (must be persisted then btw) then its ok. So lets replace 'security officer' with a real example such as a data analyst lookingg at the bare minimum of data from the customer so they can protect privacy but reach a position of high probability - get it now?

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@"Kheldorn.5123" said:I asked you - did you check if I have keys? Did anet check if cheat engine is hooked into GW2?

You are avoiding answering this.

No, I answered you earlier.

@"CETheLucid.3964" said:You are sitting drunk at McDonald's and police arrests you because you have a car so it's possible for you to drive it drunk today.Actually if you're sitting in a car drunk even if you're not driving and a police officer catches you, 9 times out of 10 you're going down for a DUI. You better have a verifiable alibi that can say "Yes, it was I who took them to McDonalds" and you kitten sure better not have the keys or you're SOL regardless.

Don't go to McDonalds while you're drunk. Or else you better stick to your sober friend like glue and avoid anything that even remotely implicates you as a potential driver of a motor vehicle. Because you're still likely to catch crap regardless.

And God help you if you're a stupid/crazy kind of drunk. You better just stay home or not drink.

You would know if you had the keys and what it means if the police catch you with keys while your drunk in a motor vehicle. You're just being obtuse with the whole if it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, quacks like a duck thing. You want argue it's a fish? I'm not interested.

I have no vested interest in your semantics debate nor am I an enforcer of the law/ban that you should take it up with me. You're barking up the wrong tree mate.

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@Polarfairy.8046 said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@Polarfairy.8046 said:I generally have no sympathy for people who cheat in any game, i just don't see the need to risk your account on any game that you love to maybe make things slightly easier for yourself but anger other players in the process and put your friends accounts in danger if they play with you on a regular basis and get caught up in your ban. I do not count dps meters as cheating or mods that change your UI and as you can see, neither do Anet. As a company they do what they need to do to make sure their game is fair for everyone and if that means monitoring the programs running on my system then I don't mind, it's not like they are hunting for any information worth keeping that could be damaging to my identity or online safety. If you use cheat programs then you deserve to get banned, even if you weren't using them in this particular game at this point in time, you have them installed and Anet has no way of knowing if you ever plan to use them in the future, so out you go. Hopefully in 6 months you will either have learned your lesson and uninstalled said programs or moved on to other games which is no big loss to the rest of us.

Do you have knives in your kitchen?

It was never about owning the knife! it was about having the knife with you whilst playing. Its not against the law to have one in the home but If you leave your home with a knife and get searched whether it was used or not it's still intent and an offence.

uhm... no. You can't punish me for having knife in my pocket until I actually use it commiting a crime. Just like cheatengine. Well they know some people used it. But they didn't check if it was used to modify GW2.

Actually you can be punished for having a knife in your pocket, it's called an arrest on possession of weapons. It is illegal to carry a weapon without a good reason and it's illegal to carry a banned weapon so your metaphor isn't really working for you there ;)

It is not illegal to carry a knife in your pocket everywhere. And not all knives are illegal even in places which restrict some blades (such as by length).

Its not even illegal, everywhere, to have a gun in your pocket (so long as you have a concealed carry license).

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@Twoodi.5849 said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@Malediktus.9250 said:I think Anet handled it fair. If you use cheat tools for one game you will likely also cheat in other games.

If you failed an exam today, is it okay to automaticaly fail 2 others you have tomorrow?

If they failed you because you had the materials to cheat on the test, regardless if you used them or not, then yes.

The school would actually do an investigation into the person accused of cheating which ANET didn't do.

Cheat engine is not an automatic cheat a more comparable example would be like bringing your mobile phone into a maths test. Yes you could potentially open your calculator on your phone but they would require evidence to prove that you did do that and not that you innocently left it turned on in your bag.

Dooh if your caught cheating in the exam you will be removed from it no questions.. the investigation comes after.. just like with this situation. Difference here is ANET would of already done some checking before banning and after on appeal...If you bring your phone into the exam that is already breaking the ruleset no matter if you used it or not.. sound familiar.You seem to think ANET just ban cos they can.. I beg to differ

But we know they haven't checked or invested further as they even admitted that in the forum update.

where exactly did they say that.. cos when they say they have been monitoring for several weeks, that kind of suggests the complete oppositeStop with the assumptions and read what they actually said.

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@Bloodstealer.5978 said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@Malediktus.9250 said:I think Anet handled it fair. If you use cheat tools for one game you will likely also cheat in other games.

If you failed an exam today, is it okay to automaticaly fail 2 others you have tomorrow?

If they failed you because you had the materials to cheat on the test, regardless if you used them or not, then yes.

The school would actually do an investigation into the person accused of cheating which ANET didn't do.

Cheat engine is not an automatic cheat a more comparable example would be like bringing your mobile phone into a maths test. Yes you could potentially open your calculator on your phone but they would require evidence to prove that you did do that and not that you innocently left it turned on in your bag.

Dooh if your caught cheating in the exam you will be removed from it no questions.. the investigation comes after.. just like with this situation. Difference here is ANET would of already done some checking before banning and after on appeal...If you bring your phone into the exam that is already breaking the ruleset no matter if you used it or not.. sound familiar.You seem to think ANET just ban cos they can.. I beg to differ

But we know they haven't checked or invested further as they even admitted that in the forum update.

where exactly did they say that.. cos when they say they have been monitoring for several weeks, that kind of suggests the complete oppositeStop with the assumptions and read what they actually said.

Right here:

we detected that the accounts were running Guild Wars 2 at the same time as one or more of the following programs over a significant number of hours during a multi-week period earlier this year.

The only evidence they have is that someone had cheat engine open they didn't look any further into it

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@Menadena.7482 said:

@Belorn.2659 said:They could have a developer write a statement on the forum that information from users not suspected of any wrongdoing is now deleted. It would help a lot and reassure that paying customers that have done nothing wrong get treated with respect and understanding.

You have never talked to anyone who subscribes to a conspiracy theory I take it?

I have .. he's been posting about it for hours and hours now :)

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@CETheLucid.3964 said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:I asked you - did you check if I have keys? Did anet check if cheat engine is hooked into GW2?

You are avoiding answering this.

No, I answered you earlier.

@CETheLucid.3964 said:You are sitting drunk at McDonald's and police arrests you because you have a car so it's possible for you to drive it drunk today.Actually if you're sitting in a car drunk even if you're not driving and a police officer catches you, 9 times out of 10 you're going down for a DUI. You better have a verifiable alibi that can say "Yes, it was I who took them to McDonalds" and you kitten sure better not have the keys or you're SOL regardless.

Don't go to McDonalds while you're drunk. Or else you better stick to your sober friend like glue and avoid anything that even remotely implicates you as a potential driver of a motor vehicle. Because you're still likely to catch crap regardless.

And God help you if you're a stupid/crazy kind of drunk. You better just stay home or not drink.

You would know if you had the keys and what it means if the police catch you with keys while your drunk in a motor vehicle. You're just being obtuse with the whole if it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, quacks like a duck thing. You want argue it's a fish? I'm not interested.

I have no vested interest in your semantics debate nor am I an enforcer of the law/ban that you should take it up with me. You're barking up the wrong tree mate.

I can be with someone else. Did police check if that person has the keys? Everything that needs to be done is investigating, they don't just approach me drunk and putting me in jail. They want keys documents etc and I have the chance to explain myself. What did Anet to investigate? They assumed I'm alone and with keys.

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@Ashen.2907 said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@Polarfairy.8046 said:I generally have no sympathy for people who cheat in any game, i just don't see the need to risk your account on any game that you love to maybe make things slightly easier for yourself but anger other players in the process and put your friends accounts in danger if they play with you on a regular basis and get caught up in your ban. I do not count dps meters as cheating or mods that change your UI and as you can see, neither do Anet. As a company they do what they need to do to make sure their game is fair for everyone and if that means monitoring the programs running on my system then I don't mind, it's not like they are hunting for any information worth keeping that could be damaging to my identity or online safety. If you use cheat programs then you deserve to get banned, even if you weren't using them in this particular game at this point in time, you have them installed and Anet has no way of knowing if you ever plan to use them in the future, so out you go. Hopefully in 6 months you will either have learned your lesson and uninstalled said programs or moved on to other games which is no big loss to the rest of us.

Do you have knives in your kitchen?

It was never about owning the knife! it was about having the knife with you whilst playing. Its not against the law to have one in the home but If you leave your home with a knife and get searched whether it was used or not it's still intent and an offence.

uhm... no. You can't punish me for having knife in my pocket until I actually use it commiting a crime. Just like cheatengine. Well they know some people used it. But they didn't check if it was used to modify GW2.

Actually you can be punished for having a knife in your pocket, it's called an arrest on possession of weapons. It is illegal to carry a weapon without a good reason and it's illegal to carry a banned weapon so your metaphor isn't really working for you there ;)

It is not illegal to carry a knife in your pocket everywhere. And not all knives are illegal even in places which restrict some blades (such as by length).

Its not even illegal, everywhere, to have a gun in your pocket (so long as you have a concealed carry license).

actually that depends on the type of knife, e.g in britain it is in fact illegal to carry certain types of knives. so think of illegal types of knives = processes specifically design to cheat and your golden.

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@vesica tempestas.1563 said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@vesica tempestas.1563 said:simple question, a cheat is running a cheating program alongside GW2 and has been doing it on multiple occasions - what is the probability that the game cheater intends to cheat in GW2 as well?

Very high. In this case a security officer should investigate the account carefully if a cheat is being used with gw2 client. But it's cheaper and faster to proceed with automated ban wave and not accept appeals :)

exactly, very high. so what exactly would you provide to that security officer? data over a time period perchance.

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@vesica tempestas.1563 said:simple question, a cheat is running a cheating program alongside GW2 and has been doing it on multiple occasions - what is the probability that the game cheater intends to cheat in GW2 as well?

Very high. In this case a security officer should investigate the account carefully if a cheat is being used with gw2 client. But it's cheaper and faster to proceed with automated ban wave and not accept appeals :)

exactly, very high. so what exactly would you provide to that security officer? data over a time period perchance.

then officer actually proceed with doing its job, monitors the account looking for activity that confirms the cheat is in use

lol do you even know what your saying. your complaining about data gathering, but hey, if a 'security officer' that gets that data (must be persisted then btw) then its ok. So lets replace 'security officer' with a real example such as a data analyst lookingg at the bare minimum of data from the customer so they can protect privacy but reach a position of high probability - get it now?

As you didn't notice, Anet merged threads. This whole place is a mess now.

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@vesica tempestas.1563 said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@Polarfairy.8046 said:I generally have no sympathy for people who cheat in any game, i just don't see the need to risk your account on any game that you love to maybe make things slightly easier for yourself but anger other players in the process and put your friends accounts in danger if they play with you on a regular basis and get caught up in your ban. I do not count dps meters as cheating or mods that change your UI and as you can see, neither do Anet. As a company they do what they need to do to make sure their game is fair for everyone and if that means monitoring the programs running on my system then I don't mind, it's not like they are hunting for any information worth keeping that could be damaging to my identity or online safety. If you use cheat programs then you deserve to get banned, even if you weren't using them in this particular game at this point in time, you have them installed and Anet has no way of knowing if you ever plan to use them in the future, so out you go. Hopefully in 6 months you will either have learned your lesson and uninstalled said programs or moved on to other games which is no big loss to the rest of us.

Do you have knives in your kitchen?

It was never about owning the knife! it was about having the knife with you whilst playing. Its not against the law to have one in the home but If you leave your home with a knife and get searched whether it was used or not it's still intent and an offence.

uhm... no. You can't punish me for having knife in my pocket until I actually use it commiting a crime. Just like cheatengine. Well they know some people used it. But they didn't check if it was used to modify GW2.

Actually you can be punished for having a knife in your pocket, it's called an arrest on possession of weapons. It is illegal to carry a weapon without a good reason and it's illegal to carry a banned weapon so your metaphor isn't really working for you there ;)

It is not illegal to carry a knife in your pocket everywhere. And not all knives are illegal even in places which restrict some blades (such as by length).

Its not even illegal, everywhere, to have a gun in your pocket (so long as you have a concealed carry license).

actually that depends on the type of knife, e.g in britain it is in fact illegal to carry certain types of knives. so think of illegal types of knives = games specifically design to cheat and your golden.

But cheat engine isn't just for cheating in games. The police will investigate further e.g ask why you have the knife on you and if you have a good reason e.g on the way home from work they will understand and you can move on

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