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Alas, Mesmer


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I know, the last thing this place needs is another Mesmer thread, but bear with me. I play a Mesmer, I love Mesmer, especially Mirages just because I find them so much FUN to play. I'm a casual player, chose Mesmer from the start some 3 or so years ago when they weren't all that great, and just this year after avoiding it completely, I finally started doing spvp. Let me be frank: I suck at spvp, but Mirage was so much fun, I didn't mind that I lost over 50% of my matches because I was still learning and still am.

But that brings me to the point of this post. The Mesmer hatred here is so strong that frankly, it's enough to make me quit and play another class. I understand better why certain Chrono and Mirage builds are really tough. I haven't mastered them by any means but I imagine that eventually, even I, who used to try to ambush necros and died in seconds from all the red circles, would be able to do so. I love Mesmer, but if nerfing them into the ground is what half the posters here want, and that certainly is my impression, then frankly, it isn't worth it. I find it depressing.

There's always my rev. Oh wait, ppl complain about them for the opposite reason.

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@"Oneira.7691" said:I know, the last thing this place needs is another Mesmer thread, but bear with me. I play a Mesmer, I love Mesmer, especially Mirages just because I find them so much FUN to play. I'm a casual player, chose Mesmer from the start some 3 or so years ago when they weren't all that great, and just this year after avoiding it completely, I finally started doing spvp. Let me be frank: I suck at spvp, but Mirage was so much fun, I didn't mind that I lost over 50% of my matches because I was still learning and still am.

But that brings me to the point of this post. The Mesmer hatred here is so strong that frankly, it's enough to make me quit and play another class. I understand better why certain Chrono and Mirage builds are really tough. I haven't mastered them by any means but I imagine that eventually, even I, who used to try to ambush necros and died in seconds from all the red circles, would be able to do so. I love Mesmer, but if nerfing them into the ground is what half the posters here want, and that certainly is my impression, then frankly, it isn't worth it. I find it depressing.

There's always my rev. Oh wait, ppl complain about them for the opposite reason.

most ppl would be happy when mesmer is nerfed to a reasonable level so that mesmer will compete with the other classes on the same level.

sadly balancing it that way seems to be pretty hard (lol). Im a main thief rev war and all those classes were pretty much trash and almost not worth playing at some point in pvp. (in s1-s3 ppl were afking or crying in team chat if they saw they had a thief or war on their team, yes that bad)

but honestly most classes go through times where they arent being that viable and if u main that class u gotta deal with it like everyone does. and here i am still playing rev war and thief.

soo anyways, if anet balances mesmer to a reasonable level im completly happy. if theres no other way to either nerf them into the ground and then slowly buff them till they reach this "reasonable level" id like them to go ahead and do so. Mesmer has ALWAYS had a decent pvp build for the past 3 years (since the first expansion). Chrono has ALWAYS been in a very good spot during HOT times and always one of the best 1v1 classes if not the best. And now with POF tops it all of and made mirage and chrono completly ridiculous.

i weight a happy pvp atmosephere without a chrono build that is literally unkillable 1v1 which is spreading toxicity in every pvp game over a few mesmer mains that have to deal with a class that is underperforming for 1 season till the next balance patch. ( since most players went through that with their main classes)

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@Oneira.7691 said:I know, the last thing this place needs is another Mesmer thread, but bear with me. I play a Mesmer, I love Mesmer, especially Mirages just because I find them so much FUN to play. I'm a casual player, chose Mesmer from the start some 3 or so years ago when they weren't all that great, and just this year after avoiding it completely, I finally started doing spvp. Let me be frank: I suck at spvp, but Mirage was so much fun, I didn't mind that I lost over 50% of my matches because I was still learning and still am.

But that brings me to the point of this post. The Mesmer hatred here is so strong that frankly, it's enough to make me quit and play another class. I understand better why certain Chrono and Mirage builds are really tough. I haven't mastered them by any means but I imagine that eventually, even I, who used to try to ambush necros and died in seconds from all the red circles, would be able to do so. I love Mesmer, but if nerfing them into the ground is what half the posters here want, and that certainly is my impression, then frankly, it isn't worth it. I find it depressing.

There's always my rev. Oh wait, ppl complain about them for the opposite reason.

Well, first of all, welcome to the salt mine which is the PvP forum. Second, don't listen to other peoples opinion. Play what you want. I don't think that Anet will gut the profession they have just made a huge rework on. Play want and just enjoy :) Haters gonna hate. After mesmer, there will be the next profession that will get all the hate these forums have. That should not change your mind on ANYTHING. The whole reason of playing a game is to have fun. Period. People will never stop complaining.Hope that helps :)

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@FyzE.3472 said:

@Oneira.7691 said:I know, the last thing this place needs is another Mesmer thread, but bear with me. I play a Mesmer, I love Mesmer, especially Mirages just because I find them so much FUN to play. I'm a casual player, chose Mesmer from the start some 3 or so years ago when they weren't all that great, and just this year after avoiding it completely, I finally started doing spvp. Let me be frank: I suck at spvp, but Mirage was so much fun, I didn't mind that I lost over 50% of my matches because I was still learning and still am.

But that brings me to the point of this post. The Mesmer hatred here is so strong that frankly, it's enough to make me quit and play another class. I understand better why certain Chrono and Mirage builds are really tough. I haven't mastered them by any means but I imagine that eventually, even I, who used to try to ambush necros and died in seconds from all the red circles, would be able to do so. I love Mesmer, but if nerfing them into the ground is what half the posters here want, and that certainly is my impression, then frankly, it isn't worth it. I find it depressing.

There's always my rev. Oh wait, ppl complain about them for the opposite reason.

Well, first of all, welcome to the salt mine which is the PvP forum. Second, don't listen to other peoples opinion. Play what you want. I don't think that Anet will gut the profession they have just made a huge rework on. Play want and just enjoy :) Haters gonna hate. After mesmer, there will be the next profession that will get all the hate these forums have. That should not change your mind on ANYTHING. The whole reason of playing a game is to have fun. Period. People will never stop complaining.Hope that helps :)

It does, thanks. I'm the first one to say that any class that is too OP should be toned down, and if that's Mesmers atm, then ok. What concerns me is that when I get into an spvp match, the moment either my team or the opposite team sees me the Mirage, they pretty much act as if I'm going to stomp everyone, and if I don't, then it's because I'm a terrible player. Like you said, I'm just there to have fun and win some matches if I can.

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@"Toron.4856" said:Im a main thief rev war and all those classes were pretty much trash and almost not worth playing at some point in pvp.I can understand revenant may be (slowly returning) but war and thief trash that not worth playing? Are you sure you play it well ?

soo anyways, if anet balances mesmer to a reasonable level im completly happy. if theres no other way to either nerf them into the ground and then slowly buff them till they reach this "reasonable level" id like them to go ahead and do so.Its like few patches per year, so thats mean 'reasonable level' would be achieved after few years?:D

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@Odik.4587 said:

@"Toron.4856" said:Im a main thief rev war and all those classes were pretty much trash and almost not worth playing at some point in pvp.I can understand revenant may be (slowly returning) but war and thief trash that not worth playing? Are you sure you play it well ?

soo anyways, if anet balances mesmer to a reasonable level im completly happy. if theres no other way to either nerf them into the ground and then slowly buff them till they reach this "reasonable level" id like them to go ahead and do so.Its like few patches per year, so thats mean 'reasonable level' would be achieved after few years?:D

... can u just... read the text.. carefully pls?

I said, war and thief WERE trash AT SOME POINT. this means im talking about the PAST.

if u were playing gw2 during s1 to s3 u may remember. warriors were trash talked for simply playing warrior in s1.

the team chat was literally like: "oh no a thief/warrior can u swap pls? " - "no i only play thief/war" - "wow thanks for the free loss random insult"

on a side note, rev is not trash today either. rev is picked in so many ATs nowadays and im playing rev this season and can easily maintain plat 3/plat2.

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@Toron.4856 said:

@Toron.4856 said:Im a main thief rev war and all those classes were pretty much trash and almost not worth playing at some point in pvp.I can understand revenant may be (slowly returning) but war and thief trash that not worth playing? Are you sure you play it well ?

soo anyways, if anet balances mesmer to a reasonable level im completly happy. if theres no other way to either nerf them into the ground and then slowly buff them till they reach this "reasonable level" id like them to go ahead and do so.Its like few patches per year, so thats mean 'reasonable level' would be achieved after few years?:D

... can u just... read the text.. carefully pls?

I said, war and thief WERE trash AT SOME POINT. this means im talking about the PAST.

if u were playing gw2 during s1 to s3 u may remember. warriors were trash talked for simply playing warrior in s1.

the team chat was literally like: "oh no a thief/warrior can u swap pls? " - "no i only play thief/war" - "wow thanks for the free loss
random insult

on a side note, rev is not trash today either. rev is picked in so many ATs nowadays and im playing rev this season and can easily maintain plat 3/plat2.

Sorry then :')I remember s1-2 people were like this but 3? I dont remember people hate them too much , probably because quickly farmed title and went inactive.I know that rev is played once again and i'm aware what happen when you stack 4-5 of them xD

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@Odik.4587 said:

@Toron.4856 said:Im a main thief rev war and all those classes were pretty much trash and almost not worth playing at some point in pvp.I can understand revenant may be (slowly returning) but war and thief trash that not worth playing? Are you sure you play it well ?

soo anyways, if anet balances mesmer to a reasonable level im completly happy. if theres no other way to either nerf them into the ground and then slowly buff them till they reach this "reasonable level" id like them to go ahead and do so.Its like few patches per year, so thats mean 'reasonable level' would be achieved after few years?:D

... can u just... read the text.. carefully pls?

I said, war and thief WERE trash AT SOME POINT. this means im talking about the PAST.

if u were playing gw2 during s1 to s3 u may remember. warriors were trash talked for simply playing warrior in s1.

the team chat was literally like: "oh no a thief/warrior can u swap pls? " - "no i only play thief/war" - "wow thanks for the free loss
random insult

on a side note, rev is not trash today either. rev is picked in so many ATs nowadays and im playing rev this season and can easily maintain plat 3/plat2.

Sorry then :')I remember s1-2 people were like this but 3? I dont remember people hate them too much , probably because quickly farmed title and went inactive.I know that rev is played once again and i'm aware what happen when you stack 4-5 of them xD

yeah it took some time till war got meta. war was meta around s4- s6 ish i believe. first season it was condi berserker only then power war entered the meta as well.

in s7 war dropped out of meta again tho and was sort of useless because they nerfed shield bash, headbutt, arcing slice and made burst skills stack only 1 adrenal health stack instead of 3. this literally killed war from s7 on till they buffed core war. war remained useless during s1-s3 ish and s7 till s8 or so?! core war then got buffed and spellbreaker introduced.

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@Wichidi.9281 said:

@Toron.4856 said:Im a main thief rev war and all those classes were pretty much trash and almost not worth playing at some point in pvp.I can understand revenant may be (slowly returning) but war and thief trash that not worth playing? Are you sure you play it well ?

soo anyways, if anet balances mesmer to a reasonable level im completly happy. if theres no other way to either nerf them into the ground and then slowly buff them till they reach this "reasonable level" id like them to go ahead and do so.Its like few patches per year, so thats mean 'reasonable level' would be achieved after few years?:D

... can u just... read the text.. carefully pls?

I said, war and thief WERE trash AT SOME POINT. this means im talking about the PAST.

if u were playing gw2 during s1 to s3 u may remember. warriors were trash talked for simply playing warrior in s1.

the team chat was literally like: "oh no a thief/warrior can u swap pls? " - "no i only play thief/war" - "wow thanks for the free loss
random insult

on a side note, rev is not trash today either. rev is picked in so many ATs nowadays and im playing rev this season and can easily maintain plat 3/plat2.

Sorry then :')I remember s1-2 people were like this but 3? I dont remember people hate them too much , probably because quickly farmed title and went inactive.I know that rev is played once again and i'm aware what happen when you stack 4-5 of them xD

yeah it took some time till war got meta. war was meta around s4- s6 ish i believe. first season it was condi berserker only then power war entered the meta as well.

in s7 war dropped out of meta again tho and was sort of useless because they nerfed shield bash, headbutt, arcing slice and made burst skills stack only 1 adrenal health stack instead of 3. this literally killed war from s7 on till they buffed core war. war remained useless during s1-s3 ish and s7 till s8 or so?! core war then got buffed and spellbreaker introduced.

yeah basically what he said. tbh it mightve been s3 to s5 as well instead of s4 till s6 i dont remember 100% but war was useless for almost half of the league seasons. thief was decent again after they had tuned down the HOT specs and increased the dmg on thief.

Also, after mesmer gets nerfed thief and war are gonna be the next classes the forum will QQ about.

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@Wichidi.9281 said:

@Toron.4856 said:Im a main thief rev war and all those classes were pretty much trash and almost not worth playing at some point in pvp.I can understand revenant may be (slowly returning) but war and thief trash that not worth playing? Are you sure you play it well ?

soo anyways, if anet balances mesmer to a reasonable level im completly happy. if theres no other way to either nerf them into the ground and then slowly buff them till they reach this "reasonable level" id like them to go ahead and do so.Its like few patches per year, so thats mean 'reasonable level' would be achieved after few years?:D

... can u just... read the text.. carefully pls?

I said, war and thief WERE trash AT SOME POINT. this means im talking about the PAST.

if u were playing gw2 during s1 to s3 u may remember. warriors were trash talked for simply playing warrior in s1.

the team chat was literally like: "oh no a thief/warrior can u swap pls? " - "no i only play thief/war" - "wow thanks for the free loss
random insult

on a side note, rev is not trash today either. rev is picked in so many ATs nowadays and im playing rev this season and can easily maintain plat 3/plat2.

Sorry then :')I remember s1-2 people were like this but 3? I dont remember people hate them too much , probably because quickly farmed title and went inactive.I know that rev is played once again and i'm aware what happen when you stack 4-5 of them xD

yeah it took some time till war got meta. war was meta around s4- s6 ish i believe. first season it was condi berserker only then power war entered the meta as well.

in s7 war dropped out of meta again tho and was sort of useless because they nerfed shield bash, headbutt, arcing slice and made burst skills stack only 1 adrenal health stack instead of 3. this literally killed war from s7 on till they buffed core war. war remained useless during s1-s3 ish and s7 till s8 or so?! core war then got buffed and spellbreaker introduced.

Adrenal health buff that made condi warrior a monster duelist was in effect by season 3 so it was only seasons 1,2, and 7 where they weren't solid. Season 8 was odd as the might makes right core warrior was probably the best 1v1 spec in the game, but it largely flew under the raidar and didn't have portal.

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@ArthurDent.9538 said:

@Toron.4856 said:Im a main thief rev war and all those classes were pretty much trash and almost not worth playing at some point in pvp.I can understand revenant may be (slowly returning) but war and thief trash that not worth playing? Are you sure you play it well ?

soo anyways, if anet balances mesmer to a reasonable level im completly happy. if theres no other way to either nerf them into the ground and then slowly buff them till they reach this "reasonable level" id like them to go ahead and do so.Its like few patches per year, so thats mean 'reasonable level' would be achieved after few years?:D

... can u just... read the text.. carefully pls?

I said, war and thief WERE trash AT SOME POINT. this means im talking about the PAST.

if u were playing gw2 during s1 to s3 u may remember. warriors were trash talked for simply playing warrior in s1.

the team chat was literally like: "oh no a thief/warrior can u swap pls? " - "no i only play thief/war" - "wow thanks for the free loss
random insult

on a side note, rev is not trash today either. rev is picked in so many ATs nowadays and im playing rev this season and can easily maintain plat 3/plat2.

Sorry then :')I remember s1-2 people were like this but 3? I dont remember people hate them too much , probably because quickly farmed title and went inactive.I know that rev is played once again and i'm aware what happen when you stack 4-5 of them xD

yeah it took some time till war got meta. war was meta around s4- s6 ish i believe. first season it was condi berserker only then power war entered the meta as well.

in s7 war dropped out of meta again tho and was sort of useless because they nerfed shield bash, headbutt, arcing slice and made burst skills stack only 1 adrenal health stack instead of 3. this literally killed war from s7 on till they buffed core war. war remained useless during s1-s3 ish and s7 till s8 or so?! core war then got buffed and spellbreaker introduced.

Adrenal health buff that made condi warrior a monster duelist was in effect by season 3 so it was only seasons 1,2, and 7 where they weren't solid. Season 8 was odd as the might makes right core warrior was probably the best 1v1 spec in the game, but it largely flew under the raidar and didn't have portal.

yeah i just checked the wiki for the adrenal health changes. so it actually was s1 and s2 but then again season 8 was still Pre PoF means war was not relevant in s8 either. meaning war was pretty much trash in s1/s2 and not really relevant in s7 and s8.

now compare that to chrono being either meta, op or godlike from season 1 on.

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Sorry I just dont want it to feel totally 1 sided when a mesmer comes along as a +1 to any fight in any situation.

Please dont confuse nerfing it to a reasonable position with nerfing into the ground.If being in a reasonable position equals nerffing it to the ground or gutting it to you then yes its best that you play another profession.

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@Toron.4856 said:

@Toron.4856 said:Im a main thief rev war and all those classes were pretty much trash and almost not worth playing at some point in pvp.I can understand revenant may be (slowly returning) but war and thief trash that not worth playing? Are you sure you play it well ?

soo anyways, if anet balances mesmer to a reasonable level im completly happy. if theres no other way to either nerf them into the ground and then slowly buff them till they reach this "reasonable level" id like them to go ahead and do so.Its like few patches per year, so thats mean 'reasonable level' would be achieved after few years?:D

... can u just... read the text.. carefully pls?

I said, war and thief WERE trash AT SOME POINT. this means im talking about the PAST.

if u were playing gw2 during s1 to s3 u may remember. warriors were trash talked for simply playing warrior in s1.

the team chat was literally like: "oh no a thief/warrior can u swap pls? " - "no i only play thief/war" - "wow thanks for the free loss
random insult

on a side note, rev is not trash today either. rev is picked in so many ATs nowadays and im playing rev this season and can easily maintain plat 3/plat2.

Sorry then :')I remember s1-2 people were like this but 3? I dont remember people hate them too much , probably because quickly farmed title and went inactive.I know that rev is played once again and i'm aware what happen when you stack 4-5 of them xD

yeah it took some time till war got meta. war was meta around s4- s6 ish i believe. first season it was condi berserker only then power war entered the meta as well.

in s7 war dropped out of meta again tho and was sort of useless because they nerfed shield bash, headbutt, arcing slice and made burst skills stack only 1 adrenal health stack instead of 3. this literally killed war from s7 on till they buffed core war. war remained useless during s1-s3 ish and s7 till s8 or so?! core war then got buffed and spellbreaker introduced.

Adrenal health buff that made condi warrior a monster duelist was in effect by season 3 so it was only seasons 1,2, and 7 where they weren't solid. Season 8 was odd as the might makes right core warrior was probably the best 1v1 spec in the game, but it largely flew under the raidar and didn't have portal.

yeah i just checked the wiki for the adrenal health changes. so it actually was s1 and s2 but then again season 8 was still Pre PoF means war was not relevant in s8 either. meaning war was pretty much trash in s1/s2 and not really relevant in s7 and s8.

now compare that to chrono being either meta, op or godlike from season 1 on.

Except warrior was relevant in season 8. MMR warrior was meta for the first half of season 8, and then Pof happened in the middle which brought in Spellbreaker which at that point in time was literally unkillable.

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@Crinn.7864 said:

@Toron.4856 said:Im a main thief rev war and all those classes were pretty much trash and almost not worth playing at some point in pvp.I can understand revenant may be (slowly returning) but war and thief trash that not worth playing? Are you sure you play it well ?

soo anyways, if anet balances mesmer to a reasonable level im completly happy. if theres no other way to either nerf them into the ground and then slowly buff them till they reach this "reasonable level" id like them to go ahead and do so.Its like few patches per year, so thats mean 'reasonable level' would be achieved after few years?:D

... can u just... read the text.. carefully pls?

I said, war and thief WERE trash AT SOME POINT. this means im talking about the PAST.

if u were playing gw2 during s1 to s3 u may remember. warriors were trash talked for simply playing warrior in s1.

the team chat was literally like: "oh no a thief/warrior can u swap pls? " - "no i only play thief/war" - "wow thanks for the free loss
random insult

on a side note, rev is not trash today either. rev is picked in so many ATs nowadays and im playing rev this season and can easily maintain plat 3/plat2.

Sorry then :')I remember s1-2 people were like this but 3? I dont remember people hate them too much , probably because quickly farmed title and went inactive.I know that rev is played once again and i'm aware what happen when you stack 4-5 of them xD

yeah it took some time till war got meta. war was meta around s4- s6 ish i believe. first season it was condi berserker only then power war entered the meta as well.

in s7 war dropped out of meta again tho and was sort of useless because they nerfed shield bash, headbutt, arcing slice and made burst skills stack only 1 adrenal health stack instead of 3. this literally killed war from s7 on till they buffed core war. war remained useless during s1-s3 ish and s7 till s8 or so?! core war then got buffed and spellbreaker introduced.

Adrenal health buff that made condi warrior a monster duelist was in effect by season 3 so it was only seasons 1,2, and 7 where they weren't solid. Season 8 was odd as the might makes right core warrior was probably the best 1v1 spec in the game, but it largely flew under the raidar and didn't have portal.

yeah i just checked the wiki for the adrenal health changes. so it actually was s1 and s2 but then again season 8 was still Pre PoF means war was not relevant in s8 either. meaning war was pretty much trash in s1/s2 and not really relevant in s7 and s8.

now compare that to chrono being either meta, op or godlike from season 1 on.

Except warrior was relevant in season 8. MMR warrior was meta for the first half of season 8, and then Pof happened in the middle which brought in Spellbreaker which at that point in time was literally unkillable.

oh yeh.. SB was released mid season lol

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