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Matchmaking still bad and disgusting.


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I just figured out that the matchmaking of this game is a mess, when the matchmaking queue doesn't find enough players queuing around my rating, what it does is match me with random Low Rating People.

There are times of the day where the queue takes a long time to match and ends up matching you with people much lower than your rating, which sucks.

I'm Platinum T2. Yesterday I just lost two bad matches (20-500/0-500) and asked my team what rating they are, In these two bad games that I had they answered me Gold T1 &T2 while the other team were all platinum, r*ping us!!!. So I think my theory is true.

I really prefer to wait 20 minutes of queueing to be placed with people around my rating and not this sh****t.

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Do like me. stop playing spvp and play something else. When they will not have players more they will have to think on it. I think that class balance is by far less a problem than matchmaking. When you do a match were 2 people run like bot on mid dieing istantly over and over... the only solution is stop playing .

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population is low due to:Horrific balance decisionsRampant cheating/match manipulationNo punishments with any real consequencesStale boring mapsOne game mode being conquest in rankedDuo que (people do like to play with their friends regardless of what you torchbearers for duo que say. Population toilet bowled when 5 man went away)Limiting people to solo at high end in rankedGarbage rewardsJoke carny looking weapons skins that no one in their right mind would use (Fashion Wars is after all the end game)No PvP tutorial even from launch for new players so they can learn how to playRanked becoming a PvE gold farm due to no restriction at all for entry other than rank 20 with is ridiculously easy to attain.Lack of communication from ANet regarding any long term plan or roadmap for the game mode

All of this makes for very low player population and thus very bad match making. It doesn't help that their match maker is hopelessly broken.

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@FlOwMaKeRs.8623 said:.... asked my team what rating they are..... the other team were all platinumAlthough you can speculate, you can never truly rely on people to be honest. I'm not disagreeing but until there is a system showing MMR post match, we can only trust the words of other players.I really prefer to wait 20 minutes of queueing to be placed with people around my rating and not this sh****t.The system makes a compromise, remember, others may not want to wait 20+ mins so it becomes a sort of middle ground.

@FlOwMaKeRs.8623 said:This is just another reason of the low popularity that this game is having in this moment in pvp. Nobody is playing pvp like before, there's not enough people of your rating playing and that's may be the reason why the matchmaking is so disgusting.

Low population can be considered both a cause and consequence.Low pop = wider spread of ratings = bad matching.Poor matchmaking = some people leaving (lowering pop further).

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You are all getting wrong repeating the old argument of low population. Because then the game starts with 10 people, with just 1 change it can become a more balanced fight. Just changing 1 very bad player of your team against 1 better of other team and all can be different.

So th real problem is not the low population, because we experienced bad matches even a sunday afternoon . The real problem is the mixing between the 10 players.

You lose when you have numerous bad players (2 or 3) in your team when other team has 1 or not at all.

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