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Druid Feedback May 8th Update [merged]


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@Talindra.4958 said:There's a post about it u> @nannorz.9548 said:

@Talindra.4958 said:I haven't tested but I feel it's still good and strong :) .. the update is only to tidy up the skills

Go test it first

There's a post under raid/fractal.. someone tested in w5 and no problem.. but I will try tonight. I think it's fine too

At this point after testing It, bringing power or Condi druid that just provides CA is the better option. The heals are almost non existent. You could still play it, I'm sure but at this point your just a might stack spirit bot.

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This change means you will have to choose betwen buffing with might or healing, that's all. Pretty much all other healers have to choose specific traits, weapons or skills to be healing focused support or utility focused supports, druid had everything at the same time. Let me help you to choose your traits!

oh nooo this is a dangerous area ;-;Get lingering light.

This monster is tough but it doesn't deal much damage, we got this bois 8)Get grace of the land.

damn our enemy is raining condis on us!!!Get trapper's expertise + healing spring.

And so on. Have fun!

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Honestly? After much testing, I feel in some ways the druid is in a better place. Though, to be fair, it depends on your spec and playstyle. I haven't really noticed too much of a change, but I rarely if never use the avatar form. Definitely don't use Harrier gear and don't do fractals. So my mileage may vary for other druids.

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@Alehin.3746 said:This change means you will have to choose betwen buffing with might or healing, that's all. Pretty much all other healers have to choose specific traits, weapons or skills to be healing focused support or utility focused supports, druid had everything at the same time. Let me help you to choose your traits!

oh nooo this is a dangerous area ;-;Get lingering light.

This monster is tough but it doesn't deal much damage, we got this bois 8)Get grace of the land.

kitten our enemy is raining condis on us!!!Get trapper's expertise + healing spring.

And so on. Have fun!

Then let’s nerf ALL self and team healing and regen by up to 40%, then force players to take specific traits that boost is back up by the same amount. Likewise, let’s nerf all self and team boon support skills by 40% and do the trait treatment as well.

But why stop at heal and non heal support either? Let’s take all profession mechanics and nerf them by up to 40% and trait those as well.

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So what your saying is, choose Lingering light ( like every other healer but worse ) Take Grace of the land ( Give might and don't use healing gear) Right I think that's the point. There were much better healers out there than Druid this entire time. The only benefit was Grace of the land and Spirits. So Support or play another healer. Got it. And why nerf the Wyvern, he wasn't that OP

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Thank you, Anet, for screwing over my one source of income in this game. I no longer have the option of fractals with my druid and probably not even for raids. I loved my druid and now it's kind of worthless. The druid was my favorite class and a fun one to play. Now I fully regret taking the time and energy to gear her, learn how to play it and get attached. Now I'm going to have to find something else that is "needed" for fractals and raids and hope that I'll be able to find groups and not be kicked. Seems as though it's meta or nothing anymore. How many more classes are you going to destroy before fixing the real issues? Thank you, again, for completely screwing over druid instead of making other healing classes better like you should have.

I don't have the ability to go through and gear out another character. Especially since I won't be able to run fractals anymore for income. I just tried to heal myself on just the golem in the training area and I can't even keep myself healed. I'm at a loss. Farm random stuff for the next few months just to get the materials to gear another character and hope that you don't screw that one over when I finally get it geared and learned? I finally got my mesmer geared and learned and within a couple of weeks you guys went and nerfed that too. Why do I bother playing this game?

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@Swagger.1459 said:

@Alehin.3746 said:This change means you will have to choose betwen buffing with might or healing, that's all. Pretty much all other healers have to choose specific traits, weapons or skills to be healing focused support or utility focused supports, druid had everything at the same time. Let me help you to choose your traits!

oh nooo this is a dangerous area ;-;Get lingering light.

This monster is tough but it doesn't deal much damage, we got this bois 8)Get grace of the land.

kitten our enemy is raining condis on us!!!Get trapper's expertise + healing spring.

And so on. Have fun!

Then let’s nerf ALL self and team healing and regen by up to 40%, then force players to take specific traits that boost is back up by the same amount. Likewise, let’s nerf all self and team boon support skills by 40% and do the trait treatment as well.

But why stop at heal and non heal support either? Let’s take all profession mechanics and nerf them by up to 40% and trait those as well.

They already have to take specific traits, skills and weapons for it. They have to take specific traitlines and traits to improve their healing/support, and they have no offensive buffs aside from might and quickness (Fb) and alacrity (rev), while druid have might+spirits+empower allies.

All druid had to do to keep 25 might on 10 people and still provide more than enough healing is trait grace of the land -> enter CA (10 seconds cooldown) and use it's skills. It doesn't matter what other traits you pick, your weapon or skills, you could easily keep 10 people at 25 might and that's extremely overtuned copared to the other supports people like it or not.

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@"jokobet.6081" said:For PvE raids, I like the idea although I wish they had been more extreme. I am looking forward to more heal variety in raids. I am a bit salty over their wyvern change, however, and I don't see the point in changing might on CA, there's no effect outside of a little more ramp.Edit: fixed error

Druid isn't picked over others for being the best "healer", Druid is picked as a support that also heals. There are better options that are easier to heal with and don't feel as odd to play, but they aren't very good at supporting in raids like Druid can. Druid had only been the pick for raids/fractals too, outside of that it's been Firebrands everywhere.

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@Alehin.3746 said:

@Alehin.3746 said:This change means you will have to choose betwen buffing with might or healing, that's all. Pretty much all other healers have to choose specific traits, weapons or skills to be healing focused support or utility focused supports, druid had everything at the same time. Let me help you to choose your traits!

oh nooo this is a dangerous area ;-;Get lingering light.

This monster is tough but it doesn't deal much damage, we got this bois 8)Get grace of the land.

kitten our enemy is raining condis on us!!!Get trapper's expertise + healing spring.

And so on. Have fun!

Then let’s nerf ALL self and team healing and regen by up to 40%, then force players to take specific traits that boost is back up by the same amount. Likewise, let’s nerf all self and team boon support skills by 40% and do the trait treatment as well.

But why stop at heal and non heal support either? Let’s take all profession mechanics and nerf them by up to 40% and trait those as well.

They already have to take specific traits, skills and weapons for it. They have to take specific traitlines and traits to improve their healing/support, and they have no offensive buffs aside from might and quickness (Fb) and alacrity (rev), while druid have might+spirits+empower allies.

All druid had to do to keep
25 might on 10 people
and still provide
more than enough healing
is trait grace of the land -> enter CA (10 seconds cooldown) and use it's skills. It doesn't matter what other traits you pick, your weapon or skills, you could easily keep 10 people at 25 might and that's extremely overtuned copared to the other supports people like it or not.

There are other modes besides raids...


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@Ardenwolfe.8590 said:

@"Knox.8962" said:Somehow I think you'll end up surviving.


True. Veteran ranger players are used to this. And we adapt.

Veteran or not it doesn't change the separation between support and healing. It means that as a healer the build will probably no longer appear in the meta but will be more of a support build and other healers will take its place.

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@Ardenwolfe.8590 said:Call me jaded, but I expect this nonsense with each patch and know I have to figure a workaround. Blaise, maybe, but again . . . expected.

I understand, and I agree there have been several patches in the last few months that have been brutal with a few professions. I expect nerfs too, but if we don't let Anet know what we want and that some of these changes may not be warranted they wont know. I don't want to lose anymore friends from this game due to balance patches that were not really thought through.

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I know it may not matter to many, but the Lingering Light change is a big numbers buff to both Glyph of Rejuvenation and Alignment. I personally really like running these for fun, so although I don't necessarily agree with the implemented changes, I am glad that there is at least this.

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@Ardenwolfe.8590 said:Honestly? After much testing, I feel in some ways the druid is in a better place. Though, to be fair, it depends on your spec and playstyle. I haven't really noticed too much of a change, but I rarely if never use the avatar form. Definitely don't use Harrier gear and don't do fractals. So my mileage may vary for other druids.

See, that's the issue. That's the gear-type and game-mode that's affected the most, almost disproportionately so. And it's exactly where I run my druid. This change can potentially make it so on harder fractals a single supportive druid just won't be enough, you'll have to bring other supports/healers around which a lot of people do not enjoy playing in the first place, especially with random instabilities in place (Things like pugging Mai Trin w/ Toxic Trail or Social Awk. comes to mind). I've always had open parties for pugs w/ no requirements, but now I'm mostly likely have to contribute to the elitist meta of asking for specific classes in my pugs and make it harder on myself to find people for content. It's just not a good change. It feels like a very kneejerk change just to push Thief boon-share as a thing (let's be honest -- this is the real reason), which I've yet to see anyone run and I doubt many people are interested in it (I don't think many people run Thief in high-level fractals anyway, even though I always enjoy having a competent one on my team).

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Guys. 1 druid is still the nececary in raids/fractals. Yesterday I participated in raid training and 2 druids could overheal greens on VG on first try.Might generation is the same for harrier druid (now 2 might for 16 seconds against old 3 might for 10 seconds). To keep up might you need to cast more spells in CA but less often.Spirits were nerfed but there is no other healer that has anything like that (and revenants assasins presence was nerfed too).And finaly heals are less effective. That doesnt matter because druid is there not for heals. Only thing this patch might do is make other healers better for secondary healer role (for groups that need it) but one druid will stay for sure.

In fractals it will be the same. If your party is good and stack harrier druid is more then enough (since power druid provided enough heals for party in fractals). If your party suvk and they are spread you wouldnt heal them anyway

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The nerfs hurt quite a bit but nothing that we can't manage if needed. These seem more aimed towards increasing the difficulty of the druid (if you care to squeeze out all of the buffs, boons and healing possible) or make people finally consider one of the alternative support options.

Tried to play without GOTL in Fractals last night. Seems fine - might capped at 25 anyways even without GOTL or PS, not that that comes as a surprise. Maintaining 25 might without GOTL has never been an issue. The old might stacking druid comes to mind. And it didn't even have the luxury of alacrity being a boon (and thus spreading to our Jungle Stalker for a lower cd on might) nor did it have the buffed might on warhorn. Not to mention that the high healing is not even needed in many cases.Raids are a bit more interesting. Kind of reminds me of what I used to run back when GOTL was a unique modifier. One PS warrior in group 1 and a might stacking druid in group 2 would work again. That is if you aren't using one of the alternatives, if you actually need the healing or if you didn't run two druids to begin with (in which case you only need one GOTL). Personal survivability got cut quite a bit but that is nothing too serious.

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@OGDeadHead.8326 said:

@"Swagger.1459" said:There was nothing wrong with this trait...

That's just false. That trait has been complete garbage ever since it got nerfed because of the blind spam in pvp. Now it actually serves a purpose. You can disagree with how the trait serves a purpose, I personaly also thinks it creates a false set of "build diversity", but the fact is you were always better off running the other two GM traits prior to this change.

The way they went about this change is laughable, and not worth defending at all. Gutting the healing aspect of druids, the MAIN thing about this spec when they introduced it, and then slam this outgoing healing crap to this trait to try and compensate is nothing but BAD, BAD design all over again.

But keep at it Anet, I know what to expect from this company by now and I don't care anymore - you guys are failing.

They did one thing: Seperating buffing druids from healing druids in PvE and create more diversity for healers in raids. But the nerf to the healing values should have never been this high in WvW/PvP.

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