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So i just recently got back to game last time played properly in pre HoT. I have finished HoT and PoF expansion stories. Wanting to get to more into fractals raids and for some wvw maybe even for some PvP. What is good all around class for all of the activities. Summary of my experience of classes used to play mesmer pre HoT i liked it back then it was something different then anything else what i have played in past. Have tried now to play chronomancer i don't like it at all, haven't touched mirage at all so no experience on that spec.I'm thinking tho choose 1 of these classes to play Mesmer (need still look into mirage) Thief, Warrior, Guardian. I would like to know some pros and cons off those and what you would recommend most. you could also recommend some other class if you think they fit more

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It depends™.

If you want to play in PUGs, then you need to go to https://qtfy.eu/ if you have raid ambitions, or https://metabattle.com/ if you only care about non-raid content. QTFY will tell you what the random group leaders will accept, for what parts of raids. metabattle "top rated" builds will tell you what they will accept elsewhere.

If you simply want to be able to play through the content, and you will be raiding with friends or whatever, then you can play anything you like. Most everything is viable for those activities, even if they are not the most popular.

Of the classes you note, all of them are viable, and all of them have builds that work just fine in any game mode you care to name. The decision is really just "what you enjoy", though I'd note that thief, and to a lesser extent mesmer, can be harder to keep alive if you have not mastered the more active defensive tools in GW2. Warrior and guardian are not that much more robust, but they have at least a little more passive "not dying" built in. Once you master dodging, and defensive tools, they are all pretty equal.

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@"SlippyCheeze.5483" said:It depends™.

If you want to play in PUGs, then you need to go to https://qtfy.eu/ if you have raid ambitions, or https://metabattle.com/ if you only care about non-raid content. QTFY will tell you what the random group leaders will accept, for what parts of raids. metabattle "top rated" builds will tell you what they will accept elsewhere.

qT hasnt updated their website for over 5 months so it's pretty bad recommendation.

Warrior and mesmer were (and still are) meta in all game modes since PoF and that's not going to change any time soon. I'd suggest metabattle for wvw/pvp, godsofpvp for pvp and snowcrows for pve meta builds and explanations of each. Guard is also pretty good choice for all modes. Note that we had pve patch last night, so dps numbers and some gear parts could change.

Guard is incredibly strong support for pvp/wvw. Warr and mesmer build rather offensively in pvp/wvw, but in wvw they can spec for some supportive playstyle with boons (mesmer, usually the best build in zergs) and heals (both).

In pve, guard and warr are most often damage dealers (warr offers some strong group buffs too) and mesmer is usually utility support with boons, cc etc. Mesmer has some pretty strong dps builds too and guard can also spec into support/healer, but that one is kind of rare or usually not needed.

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