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Seraph stats, a wasted potential

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I know there are some stat combinations that are just terrible (Looking at you Vigilant) but I feel Seraph tried to be somenthing that it couldn't quite achieve because of the way the stats are distributed.Being the only combination that have Condition Damage coupled with Concentration and Healing Power, I belive the idea of the Seraph stats was to allow people to make support oriented builds that relied on Conditions, oposed to the Power based ones we currently have with Commander and Harrier. However, the way the stats are allocated on that combination make hard to get somenthing out of it. Precision as a main stat was a terrible choice and, in my opinion, what killed Seraph stats. Also, with the introduction of PoF, we received the runes of Firebrand which also looked like another atempt for Condition supports. But without a appropriate armor combination back it up, it is nigh useless (You literally only pick it for the boon duration and the extra quickness duration while ignoring the condition bonuses).I belive Seraph stats would be a more viable choice if the Precision main stat was swaped with it's Healing Power minor stat, giving it a more supportive potential instead of a stat that isn't very valuable for this type of build.

Oh, and for my fellow WvW players that will cringe at the thought of bringing more condition builds to the game, keep in mind Seraph don't have neither Toughness, nor Vitality. I'm pretty sure Trailblazer will continue to be king in that and any "offensive" build that will rely solely in Healing Power to stay alive will most likely be playing Marshal instead (cof... Weaver... cof...)

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A swap of precision and healing power on seraph gear wouldn't have been a bad idea (now it's too late), but it also wouldn't have had such a massive impact on the use of the stat combo itself. For most condi builds, the lack of expertise hurts it much more than precision as a main stat. That's something we desperately need, a set with condi damage (main), expertise and concentration (and maybe healing power as a second main stat, if it's supposed to be a 4-stat set). Not all the trash stats like vigilant, wanderer and marshal.

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@CptAurellian.9537 said:A swap of precision and healing power on seraph gear wouldn't have been a bad idea (now it's too late), but it also wouldn't have had such a massive impact on the use of the stat combo itself. For most condi builds, the lack of expertise hurts it much more than precision as a main stat. That's something we desperately need, a set with condi damage (main), expertise and concentration (and maybe healing power as a second main stat, if it's supposed to be a 4-stat set). Not all the trash stats like vigilant, wanderer and marshal.

It would depend, I guess. Marshall stats are great to mix and match for roamer weaver, wanderer was good for guards (now meh). I think that expertise, a Lot of expertise is bad in wvw, because of the huge amount of cleansing. This is why hybrid builds become more popular, where a bomb has more spike damage.

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