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Is this class very good at solo'ing PvE content relative to other options?


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@Aigleborgne.2981 said:

@Feanor.2358 said:I'd love to see you facetank Balthazar HP on cele ele.

Note the word "basically". And feel free to join watch while i do it with my cele ele water/arcane/tempest and runes of durability ^^

My point is, nobody runs water/arcane/tempest in PvE.

Topic is about soloing content. There are no requirements about builds or trait lines. Elementalist is all about creativity, where you have a lot of choices.I don't see anything wrong with his build. Who cares if it is not meta, it is meant for solo ? On a personnal note, I wouldn't even look for META builds even when playing in groups, but it is off-topic.

Ty :) this is just what i mean. If you just wanna chill and do story missions, world bosses and openworld etc celestial ele with those traits let you relax and complete the content. Atleast it worked for me very well when My left arm was broken ;)

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@sokeenoppa.5384 said:

@Feanor.2358 said:I'd love to see you facetank Balthazar HP on cele ele.

Note the word "basically". And feel free to join watch while i do it with my cele ele water/arcane/tempest and runes of durability ^^

My point is, nobody runs water/arcane/tempest in PvE.

But there is always option for that. Ofc most players use meta weaver build like i do 90% of The Time. Also water arcane tempest is used in raids ^^

Yeah, but not solo. And that's the reason I wouldn't recommend it for solo - it is soooo slowwwww. Not enough damage.

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@Feanor.2358 said:

@Feanor.2358 said:I'd love to see you facetank Balthazar HP on cele ele.

Note the word "basically". And feel free to join watch while i do it with my cele ele water/arcane/tempest and runes of durability ^^

My point is, nobody runs water/arcane/tempest in PvE.

But there is always option for that. Ofc most players use meta weaver build like i do 90% of The Time. Also water arcane tempest is used in raids ^^

Yeah, but not solo. And that's the reason I wouldn't recommend it for solo - it is soooo slowwwww. Not enough damage.

Its not that Bad If you know how to maintain those might stacks.

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@Xialoh.7261 said:I'm a new returning player, and my main was an Ele last I played back around launch. For the last 2 or 3 weeks I've been bouncing back and forth somewhat between Ele and Mesmer play, and so far it seems like the Mesmer is more self sufficient. I have both HoT and PoF, and 3.5/4 of the elite specs unlocked now (50% through Chronomancer).

Problem is I definitely enjoy Elementalist more. Even with Weaver spec looking like it'll be a genuine nightmare to learn, the whole class is more appealing with its wider range of options at any given time. That said, fun for me comes in 2 parts: general appeal, and effectiveness. What I basically want to know is whether or not an Elementalist can be as effective solo'ing content as a Mesmer. My experience so far has been that an Ele is usually ok, until things get crazy. At this point I have a few buttons I can press before its all over. However, I haven't tried a lot of things, and I only have basic exotic gear so far.

Note that this is just for ease of solo'ing normal content. I will by all means group up later down the line for dungeons and fractals and whatever else. I just don't want to have to bang my head against a wall for a difficult story segment or something, and it seems like the Mesmer may never struggle in that regard.

TL;DR - Can an elementalist be as effective solo'ing open world/personal story/living world content as a Mesmer? If not, is it close, or is Ele a weak soloist?

Ele is fine for most PVE content but horrible at pvp and wvw... if you are ever gonna go pvp or wvw you will hate your elementalist it’s literslly like a roaming free kill... Mesmer on the other hand people will run away from you if they see you in PvP or wvw... most of the time if you know what you’re doing you can easily 1 vs 2 or 1 vs 3 with Mesmer.

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I just run full zerker weaver. The damage she can output is unreal, especially on large targets. I generally run fire/air/weaver with the staff, and I use this build in the overworld and in fractals.

The hardest part about running this build is that it is the most frail thing in the world. The high damage can usually compensate for any frailness, but sometimes you have to win via the downstate lava font. In fractals, positioning is key, since being in the thick of combat spells instant death. You'll want to engage enemies before they engage you. The other part is that, even though it is a power build, it still has a ramp up. All of the high damage skills are pulsing AoEs, so they take awhile to build up. If you're fighting regular enemies, glyph of storms in earth is a blind field that renders everything without a defiance bar helpless.

I don't use the other weapons much. Occasionally I'll run sword + dagger, which has a much slower ramp up but still requires you to be in the middle of combat, which is dangerous.

For fun I'll run fire/air/tempest with staff. It has much better defenses and is much more mobile, but the damage isn't nearly as high. If the weaver is giving you trouble, running the tempest is much easier.

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Core ele carried me through LW2 and HoT (just finished today - good fun!) with zerker/F/A/A staff. I'm nowhere near as experienced or skilled as Aliam or Reikken, but I click with the playstyle of core ele.

Yes, it's fragile, but as a newbie, most of my deaths in big fights are to mechanics that probably would have killed me even with significantly more hp. Learning certain battles takes repetition. But for most open world fights, I stay on my feet, and I do enjoy the class. If you do, too, it's viable.

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@sokeenoppa.5384 said:

@Feanor.2358 said:I'd love to see you facetank Balthazar HP on cele ele.

Note the word "basically". And feel free to join watch while i do it with my cele ele water/arcane/tempest and runes of durability ^^

My point is, nobody runs water/arcane/tempest in PvE.

But there is always option for that. Ofc most players use meta weaver build like i do 90% of The Time. Also water arcane tempest is used in raids ^^

Yeah, but not solo. And that's the reason I wouldn't recommend it for solo - it is soooo slowwwww. Not enough damage.

Its not that Bad If you know how to maintain those might stacks.

Trust me, I've played builds designed to be self-sufficient and maintain might. Even in full zerk with offensive trait lines and utilities, they're still slower. With the support/survival traits the difference becomes dramatic.

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@Feanor.2358 said:

@Feanor.2358 said:I'd love to see you facetank Balthazar HP on cele ele.

Note the word "basically". And feel free to join watch while i do it with my cele ele water/arcane/tempest and runes of durability ^^

My point is, nobody runs water/arcane/tempest in PvE.

But there is always option for that. Ofc most players use meta weaver build like i do 90% of The Time. Also water arcane tempest is used in raids ^^

Yeah, but not solo. And that's the reason I wouldn't recommend it for solo - it is soooo slowwwww. Not enough damage.

Its not that Bad If you know how to maintain those might stacks.

Trust me, I've played builds designed to be self-sufficient and maintain might. Even in full zerk with offensive trait lines and utilities, they're still slower. With the support/survival traits the difference becomes dramatic.

Slower than what ? How can a build with full zerk / offensive trait lines / utilities be slower than any other ele build ? Or you are comparing with other (op) professions.

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@otto.5684 said:

@reikken.4961 said:ele is better at soloing than mesmer imo

but as always, it's really about build rather than class for these kinds of things. Both classes can build to be extremely self sufficient.

Ele WAS better solo than Mesmer. Right now it is not even remotely close. Since the Feb 2018 balance update, Mesmer is the strongest class in open world PvE.

This right here. Mesmer as either Chrono or Mirage is a monster at the moment.

TC as far as your question, it's basically what people said, both work great. Make sure you try both classes at 80 and see which one you enjoy more. Both play very differently from each other and are both high skill cap classes (compared to warrior, guardian, necromancer or ranger for example). It's very important you enjoy the game play of the classes when making your choice which one you want to play.

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@Aigleborgne.2981 said:

@Feanor.2358 said:I'd love to see you facetank Balthazar HP on cele ele.

Note the word "basically". And feel free to join watch while i do it with my cele ele water/arcane/tempest and runes of durability ^^

My point is, nobody runs water/arcane/tempest in PvE.

But there is always option for that. Ofc most players use meta weaver build like i do 90% of The Time. Also water arcane tempest is used in raids ^^

Yeah, but not solo. And that's the reason I wouldn't recommend it for solo - it is soooo slowwwww. Not enough damage.

Its not that Bad If you know how to maintain those might stacks.

Trust me, I've played builds designed to be self-sufficient and maintain might. Even in full zerk with offensive trait lines and utilities, they're still slower. With the support/survival traits the difference becomes dramatic.

Slower than what ? How can a build with full zerk / offensive trait lines / utilities be slower than any other ele build ? Or you are comparing with other (op) professions.

By using different weapon set and using specific skills to stack/maintain might instead of using other skills for doing damage.

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@Feanor.2358 said:

@Feanor.2358 said:I'd love to see you facetank Balthazar HP on cele ele.

Note the word "basically". And feel free to join watch while i do it with my cele ele water/arcane/tempest and runes of durability ^^

My point is, nobody runs water/arcane/tempest in PvE.

But there is always option for that. Ofc most players use meta weaver build like i do 90% of The Time. Also water arcane tempest is used in raids ^^

Yeah, but not solo. And that's the reason I wouldn't recommend it for solo - it is soooo slowwwww. Not enough damage.

Its not that Bad If you know how to maintain those might stacks.

Trust me, I've played builds designed to be self-sufficient and maintain might. Even in full zerk with offensive trait lines and utilities, they're still slower. With the support/survival traits the difference becomes dramatic.

Slower than what ? How can a build with full zerk / offensive trait lines / utilities be slower than any other ele build ? Or you are comparing with other (op) professions.

By using different weapon set and using specific skills to stack/maintain might instead of using other skills for doing damage.

Slower yes. And about might stacks.. you can maintain em almost with 0 effort while still dealing dmg. Ofc it does less dmg than build that is made to do dmg only. Celestial D/D Works great in Solo play. It wont work in PvP coz of Boon hate.

And i kinda agree what ur saying as a "veteran player" i can Solo My stories etc with meta build, but not everyone can.

Edit: got already Lost are we talking about cele Gear or water/arcane/tempest traitlines sry :D

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Since the mesmer rework i have a blast as full glass chrono. Mirage were always to ''flashy'' for me to play. Now Chrono wrecks trough everything without any problems. Sword/Sword/ Focus or shield provides decent cc and defutility. First it's maybe a little bit hard to play as mesmer, but when you get into the mechaniks it's pretty easy to stay alive.

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@reikken.4961 said:

@"AliamRationem.5172" said:2) While ele has more tools in the toolkit, including the strongest heals in the game and plenty of tankiness should you want to take it, it has to sacrifice a lot more to gain that survivability.

It has to sacrifice a lot less than you think. Celestial is not good for doing damage in PvE. You can have a build that's just as tanky but does way more PvE dps.For example, this build:

pretty poor display, but you can get the idea

whoa, that was nice!you think this build will work with a sword main hand?another question: You picking Master's Fortitude and using d/d, there's something i sould know about this or it was just a misplacement on the build?

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@Malafaia.8903 said:whoa, that was nice!you think this build will work with a sword main hand?another question: You picking Master's Fortitude and using d/d, there's something i sould know about this or it was just a misplacement on the build?

Sword works, but not quite as well imo. Sword is a much more forced hybrid weapon than dagger. Dagger has Drake's Breath, which is a lot of burning and not much else, and on a very short cooldown. Sword meanwhile has a lot of power damage on all the condi skills, and more skills with bleeding. In my experience, sword damage output is a little lower. Not a lot, so sword is still fine. Also I like dagger's much bigger AoE.

As for the trait choice, you get about 1k health from it, which is half as much as with sword, yeah, but I didn't like the other traits. Extra crit is useless on this build as it has no power damage, but if you want a bit of superspeed, feel free to take the superspeed trait.

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