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What happened to Dancing Dagger?


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They call this a bug but if no one complains about it, they would have just left it alone. In my opinion, this is intended.

If there is a fix in the works, that would only mean that they will normalize the projectile speed instead of speeding up the bounces. Meaning, they will nerf the speed of the thrown dagger and speed up the bounces just a little bit so all travel time will be normalized. Overall, it will be slower than before. That's how ArenaNet "fix" things.

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@saerni.2584 said:It is currently bugged. A fix is in QA atm.

Good to hear. Did some testing as well...When you throw it at a completely stand-still target with another target nearby, the dagger will hit the first target like normal, and when it's supposed to bounce to another target, it'll instead SHOOT for the stars into friggin' space and doesn't come back down to hit it's intended target. Slowing down the projectile is one thing, making it absolutely useless is another.

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Yeah they acknowledged “something” caused a number of bouncing projectiles to stop working. We just need to be patient because I’m sure the cause was more complicated and required additional QA than a standard bug fix (i.e. a bug where it just didn’t apply some additional modifier because of an oversight).

That said, we can always hope for Tuesday :p

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