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InstanceCreate failed Error=1042


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@weirdload.5901 said:

@Traveller.7496 said:

@Nidome.1365 said:Been trying to start the first instance for over 3 hours now - either the client crashes after 5 minutes of instance loading screen or a cannot start instance error.I am normally a very patient person but after 3 hours even I'm starting to get a bit miffed by this.

Same thing here. Loading either a story instance or a new map causes long load screen and then crash.

Good thing that Divinity: OS 2 has also come out recently...

Amen to that! I wasn't planning on starting anything new this close to PoF launch, but Divinity: OS2 is AMAZING. The combat, the freedom, the writing, the integration of so many in-game systems all working together. But you know what the best thing about Divinity: OS2 is? It works.


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why did you gave us DEMO and not opening a BETA first to see wtf your releasing and fix bugs but NO. first we take the presales money and give a less fuck about the ones that buy the game , good luck on loosing your players , because let me tell you something without us there is no Anet or GW2

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@Kidel.2057 said:I managed to log in after an update, but still I can't eneter any PoF story instance. It's still completely broken.

Same here. I had managed right before I got kicked apparently due to the update but now I don't manage to get in again, at least haven't yet. Seems to be pure luck atm.

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@Delta.2690 said:

@RockinTalvin.9824 said:ArenaNet commented on Reddit 15 Mins ago:

Hello all - we are aware of this issue and we think we have figured out where it is going wrong. We are working on a fix. This is primarily hitting people in Europe at peak time (which is now and for the next few hours). The basic problem is a routing problem between the game servers and the database and it is worse in the EU because more people play at the same time in the EU region because the majority of people are in one or two time zones, where as in North America the players are spread over five-ish time zones.

As much as I like that they're communicating, this sounds immediately untrue. This has been a problem since at the very least 10 AM CET this morning which is heardly "peak time"

"Untrue" literally means "lie". I can confirm that for me (and most other people with problems on EU) it's been the same since around 10 AM CET. I couldn't get into maps or story all day. Peak time my ass.

It's working for me now, after midnight, about 14h+ later. Thanks for the fix.

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@mushweed.4370 said:I have the problem too.... but how some ppl are complaining here makes me sick...

  1. "That's not the way how you treat customers"Yeah, I am sure they want to treat us that way....

  2. "Since release of PoF"Yeah, complex game and code and less than 24 hours, what a shame

  3. "well done anet"Compared to the amount of players, here are only a few complaining. looks like a small number

  4. "thanks for this nice expansion"One little bug and such a sacrastic comment... Why do you even play?

Gosh i am so sick of you ppl...

I can't play either... So? Instead of complaining do one of the other tasks you can do. They will fix it asap.

Are you literally stupid? Here's my post from yesterday (and I couldn't get in the PoF maps since the release!):

@Sobx.1758 said:

@Vishnu.1692 said:after trying and beeing patient it does work, just give it time guys.i waited patiently for a couple of hours to stop flooding. it might load longer on the loading screen but you can definitely play it.

No, it doesn't. The only thing it (the fact that a "single" person got in) proves is that it's pretty much not a bug, but some kind of sh%ttyservers issue or a set limit to creating instances within new zones. So when the zones are full, it pops out an ""error"" that it failed to create the new instance (because they're capped for some reason?) and when it lets you through to the loading screen, someone with better hardware/connection gets in before you, which causes you to get stuck in loading screen and then disconnects you, because the space is taken again.Am I sure about it? No. But that's exactly what it looks like. Now they tell us they're "working on it", while in reality people will get tired of this crap and when people stop trying to get in, the problem will magically disappear. """"fixed""""

support does its best. give them time.

Right, because the support fixed it for you, but not for other people, seems legit!Give me a break.

It's 3:10 right now, we had no patches, no "quick fixes", no emergency updates or anything AND MAGICALLY I CAN NOW GET INTO POF MAPS!!!!!1 Do you still blindly (and stupidly) believe it's a "random unknown bug"? It's obviously not the case. I was right. Meanwhile NA had hardly ANY problems, hows that possible when most people use similar specs with the same build? You really think all those dcs and (WHAT LITERALLY WAS TOLD TO YOU BY THE ERROR MSG) "failed instance creations" are accidents? Let me ask you again, are you stupid? What else do you want me to tell you? They had beta tests, they had the time to release. Their servers (for EU) are shit because they don't care. THEY CAN AFFORD THE UPGRADES BUT THEY DON'T CARE. Do you understand why some people THAT PAID FOR THE CONTENT are pissed off? I bet your god damn ass that I won't be able to get into PoF maps in about 10 hours. Why? Because an uknown bug? No. Because they CONCIOUSLY limited instances that can be created for PoF maps. THAT'S what's not ok. Not bugs, not unknown/unexplained issues. But treating EU server as second category players. If you're ok with that, it's your problem. This is not ok and we shouldn't make excuses for them during such events. They're not new to maintaining MMORPGs, they KNOW what they're doing and I'm honestly SICK of people like you that try to justify it in one or another way.

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