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InstanceCreate failed Error=1042


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Similar issue here, but it strikes at the end of the instance. Halting my story progress, now I need to find mastery points in new maps while not getting any XP because my mastery tree is full. Pretty terrible experience at launch and nothing from Anet to give us any hope.

Edit:Ofcourse the second map is mount gated so now there is no way for me to progress at all, and any play I do is completely wasted because my XP bar is full.

Edit2:Tried for a fourth time to do the story, now it is bugged and I cannot even enter the instance.

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@Sobx.1758 said:It's 3:10 right now, we had no patches, no "quick fixes", no emergency updates or anything AND MAGICALLY I CAN NOW GET INTO POF MAPS!!!!!1 Do you still blindly (and stupidly) believe it's a "random unknown bug"? It's obviously not the case. I was right. Meanwhile NA had hardly ANY problems, hows that possible when most people use similar specs with the same build? You really think all those dcs and (WHAT LITERALLY WAS TOLD TO YOU BY THE ERROR MSG) "failed instance creations" are accidents? Let me ask you again, are you stupid?

You sir with your crystal ball have some incredible investigative skills. And some great conspiracy theories.

The point of "unknown bug" is that, you know, it can result in quite unspecified behaviour. And some bugs can't be caught before its too late. Anyone who ever shipped software knows that. No matter how much precautions and tests you do, its still not the real thing. Thats why space rockets explode on start and why MMOs have issues with new content. At least this is not like Diablo's fiasco, where the company simply didn't have enough servers to hold all the players (even though they knew the counts).

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I couldn't log in for like a day, I was glad I could play today, but now i can't get out of the instance because the game cannot access to the login servers. I checked twice if I was connecting through a campus network even though I left college 10 years. I am not. Fix this.

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Yep just started having the same problem again now. Couldn't enter an instance without getting the cannot create instance error, so I tried to relog.Foolish move on my part, because now I can't get past the character select screen. Once I select a character, the game immediately pops up with a message about not being able to log-in to the game servers, and exits the game once I click okay.

Been happening for the last 30minutes or so. I'm on an EU server (sadly we don't seem to be getting quite as much attention for these problems as the US servers do).

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I'm still waiting to have this fixed. Every time I log on I get the instancecreate errors, long loading times and DCs pretty much constantly. I've managed to get to Amnoon, but no further. Now I can't enter the guild hall thanks to instancecreate and got DC'd within 5 mins of my first logon today.

Now I can't even login.

I know expacs have bugs but this is getting rediculous.

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@"green plum.7514" said:You sir with your crystal ball have some incredible investigative skills. And some great conspiracy theories.

The point of "unknown bug" is that, you know, it can result in quite unspecified behaviour. And some bugs can't be caught before its too late. Anyone who ever shipped software knows that. No matter how much precautions and tests you do, its still not the real thing. Thats why space rockets explode on start and why MMOs have issues with new content. At least this is not like Diablo's fiasco, where the company simply didn't have enough servers to hold all the players (even though they knew the counts).

I can play anything from the pof content, but magically during peek hours the 'instancecreate failed' error comes back even in places I already visited before. Meanwhile NA servers on the same build don't get the same problem. "Conspiracy theory", right.

And this is nowhere near the 'space rockets exploding' nor is the reason for that which is pretty clear in this case, so try getting better examples next time if you try to appear like you know what you're talking about.And what do you mean "nowhere near Diablo"? That's actually pretty close to that, but for some reason you can't comprehend that.

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I was into an instance on my story - but couldn't leave. Each time I tried I gto "Log in server not available"Logged off for a bit and tried agin - this time I can't get IN to the instance! I get error code 1042 (plus a load more detail)Just logged off again to go away and do something else.It's really irritating, but the reality is that this is a pretty good game (imho) which doesn't often have game stopping bugs. Yeh I am p'd off like everyone else who can't progress, but I also work in the IT server support industry and can imagine the headless chicken dance that's going on behind the scenes to interpret the alerts and crash reports, and fix them. Fixes don't work in isolation; it's a complicated business and I'm surprised things aren't worse than they are.How much do you pay to log on to this game? Nothing - other than the purchase price of the expansion, which comes AFTER they have invested time and money into developing it.I read a post somewhere from someone who said he had taken days off work for the expansion, and couldn't do anything so hey what a waste. DON'T take days off is my advice! Anything can happen, from a perfect launch to a complete full stop. Is it so important that you have to be in there on day one?? Get a life and find something else to do :). Playing GW2 is high on my list of things-I-want-to-do .... but it isn't the main driver of my life. I can never understand people who spend the whole time they are logged on just complaining in mapchat about how rubbish everything is; if you hate it that much, thern go and play something else and give our eyes/ears a rest.Ditch the whingeing, don't overload the techs with pointless uninformative moaning, submit intelligent bug reports - and most importantly - enjoy one of the best games out there.

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