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What will people do on these maps after few weeks?


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@"Nick Lentz.6982" said:I love how people ALWAYS say "play the content slower" do you play 30 minutes a day? I have been playing liberally and almost have the Griffin mount. These maps have too many mobs to enjoy anything. Opinions will change in two months, regardless of what people feel.

Doesn't matter, it's not up to you to judge people for how much time they spend in game, even if it may be only 30 minutes at a time sometimes. The time is irrelevant, but what you do with it is. Some people are very efficient and even playing 1 or 2 hours a day may finish all the major content. I have seen people with griffons within hours of release. They choose to play the game that way. If they later complain about lack of content, sorry bud, you did it to yourself in HOW you play the game. "Playing slower" is a valid option to some, even if it isn't for you. People don't ALWAYS say that, but it is an option and worth mentioning as well.

Too many mobs to enjoy anything? Do you enjoy standing AFK in the middle of the map for hours on end? How in a game, focused on interactive combat, you have too many mobs to "enjoy anything?" Regardless of combat system, personally I haven't had a problem with enjoying the game, finding mobs to be well placed in places where it makes to sense to see them. I guess trolls will be trolls.

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@Vladish.3940 said:If they later complain about lack of content, sorry bud, you did it to yourself in HOW you play the game.

I am not a history expert but people did the same thing with HoT, yet the maps are full.

Why is that?

I am asking this question in this thread 2nd time and no one dares to answer.

Why I did the same thing in HoT and it was interesting 2 years after (probably will be more) and doing it in PoF makes the maps no more interesting?

I mean I did 2 absolutely identical actions during both expansions. How can the outcome be different? The problem shouldn't be in my playstyle, that "I have done it to myself", right? It should be in what 1 of the expansions can offer and what the other one can't offer, right?

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I have 20 characters. I only have total map completion on my main character. I completed Verdant Brink for my specialization tasks in HoT and then I just didn't bother trying to get map completion on my other characters because map exploration is something I like to do by myself. The metas are fun in HoT. I wouldn't mind having half the maps with meta events like HoT and the other half like core Tyria maps as long as map completion is soloable I do not care. But I have to say it is really nice to have this expansion catering to the things I enjoy the most - collecting, crafting, exploring. I really love these new maps.

I was disappointed with HoT because it was drastically different from the core game. There were no little side paths to explore. It was all about metas and those horrifically frustrating adventures, and making players do adventures to complete collections. I bought the game right before HoT was added, so it kinda felt like false advertising to me to buy HoT after the "free trial" which was Tyrian maps. It isn't that I hate HoT, but it isn't nearly as fun to me as the core game. I felt that they really captured the spirit of the core game in these new maps. I am really happy with it.

I understand how you feel, for you it is all about fighting. All I can say is that you had an entire expansion focused on the things you enjoy, now others get a turn to be catered to. And you still have raids, etc.

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@"Ophidia Moonstone.2587" said:I understand how you feel, for you it is all about fighting. All I can say is that you had an entire expansion focused on the things you enjoy, now others get a turn to be catered to. And you still have raids, etc.

It is not all about fighting. No need to go all black or all white here.

HoT wasn't all about fighting, Yes, there were a lot of meta events and people say that HoT divided the player base in 2.

If something has to be learned from HoT, it is that an expansion should offer both things, so everyone can be happy.

I am not saying I want all maps to be DS, but the lack of any events from the caliber of Chack Garnet or Tarir, or even 1 single world boss, is just absurd.

With your logic, I can say "You have your core game - go play it". The point is that everyone wants new content and you can't just ignore 1 part of the player base.

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@Tekey.7946 said:The expansion has to offer meaningful repeatable content, even more so if it's being advertised as content heavy.

Ironically this sums up the endgame content in pretty much every MMO. In WoW you're farming dungeons & raids via dungeon browser and every run you have a CHANCE to get the item you needed. I miss sth like this in GW2. Even in GW1 you had sth like this, killing certain mobs for a chance of dropping one of these green weapons, why not introduce sth similar in GW2? Imo GW2 should orientate much more on GW1 in general but also concerning the endgame content. The latter in GW1 was practically farming Underworld to buy very nice looking armor sets (of which GW2 currently really lacks except for a few exceptions e.g. the Seraph uniform). Unfortunately the new armor sets in PoF are, again, not really the hit.META events or world bosses with a chance for a very rare item would be a good start. New dungeons would also be nice.

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@bOTEB.1573 said:

@Vladish.3940 said:If they later complain about lack of content, sorry bud, you did it to yourself in HOW you play the game.

I am not a history expert but people did the same thing with HoT, yet the maps are full.

Why is that?

I am asking this question in this thread 2nd time and no one dares to answer.

Why I did the same thing in HoT and it was interesting 2 years after (probably will be more) and doing it in PoF makes the maps no more interesting?

I mean I did 2 absolutely identical actions during both expansions. How can the outcome be different? The problem shouldn't be in my playstyle, that "I have done it to myself", right? It should be in what 1 of the expansions can offer and what the other one can't offer, right?

  1. Much smaller zones so you have a bigger chance of meeting someone. I lost count how many times I was in HOT maps and chat was barren for a long time and I also saw no one, so I thought I might be in an empty zone only to meet a group of player minutes later.
  2. HOT maps offer somewhat diferent playing than POF and many of those that do come in are already prepared to do one or two things. Meta or HP train. This means focused group playing which means player will actively seek other players.
  3. HOT maps are oriented towards groups, while POF maps are towards solo players. Solo players tend to get lost in the POF especially since they are not on any kind of time limit and can afk or explore or do stuff HOT players would never even think of. Try going to HOT maps after big meta event has finished. Sometimes is echoes like an empty cavern.
  4. GW2 just became bigger. And counting km2, much bigger. There was an influx of new players, but many of those are all over Tyria. And not just new players. I find myself playing in core Tyria more than before as I am trying mounts on those old, familiar places.
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@PopeUrban.2578 said:And literally none of these things will reward you with anything more than two golds and a token.

When Anet upgraded from two greens and a blue, they missed the point. It isn't the rarity that made their content rewards suck. It was the lack of interesting rewards. They built all these massive maps and unique events and totally forgot to add unique and interesting rewards for completing them.

You know.

Becuase if they rewarded you with stuff for playing the game they couldn't compel you to pull out your credit card to get the REAL rewards from the gem store.

You know.

The ones they update more often than anything else.

What's the problem with that, I've been playing that way for years, farm gold while having fun and then convert it to gems for something interesting or a new Black Lion Skin, I just pull out the Credit Card to make up the difference. I used to love Champ trains in Vanilla GW2, as long as there are a few Ore Temple style events then I'm good. These maps sound like giant versions of LWS3 maps where again you had repeatable hearts, small event chains, and champ trains and this kept most of us happy for a year so what's different?

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@Tekey.7946 said:

@Menadena.7482 said:Umm, maybe next time do not rush? I prioritized mounts and act 1 of the story. I have 2 mounts at level 3, one at 1, and the jackal I just got. I have some HPs but that is only because I was in a zerg that was nearby. I will be doing new stuff for a long time.

There will always people who play more than others.

Not to mention some who play less. Season 4 starts in 2 or 3 months. Notice you do not hear people complaining we will not have POF 'finished' by then? I highly doubt anyone is 'finished' with the expansion pack but if you are just wait for season 4, surely you have other things (either inworld or in RL) to do between now and then?

Maybe you just joined? We had almost a year without major new content before the first expansion and the same without major new content after it. Compared to that we are practically drowning in content right now. Anet even said this would be like a LW episode just bigger.

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@bOTEB.1573 said:

@Lokki.1092 said:

@bOTEB.1573 said:

@symke.3105 said:

@Vladish.3940 said:

@symke.3105 said:To all those that have alredy "finished" POF ... How long did it take you to "finish" HOT? I imagine a bit longer, so let's say three weeks to finish story, most of the hero or masstery points and certain percentage of achievements.

So, what have you been doing since then? Playing events, according to you. But that means you were playing the same content over and over again. Well, you can do the same in POF. It's just different content. I understand and somewhat agree that big meta events are not as engaging as the events we've seen in POF so far, but unlike HOT there are other things you can do in POF. If you have to aks what those other things are, you are part of the problem.

Like they did with HOT and adjusted it to more casual play several weeks or months after the launch, they will add some big or medium events in POF or LF4 maps.

It is a matter of opinion, and my personal opinion is that although yes, playing events over and over, regardless of map or expansion, is the standard post-story play, thus there is no difference in the concept itself between these expansions. There is one fundamental difference between HoT maps and PoF maps though. HoT maps are dynamic, as I could be doing my thing and then see something pop up in vicinity that I might feel like participating in, while PoF maps are very static, with most things having to be initiated. To me personally, the dynamic nature of HoT maps makes them that much more fun, interesting and appealing, while PoF maps I personally, find rather boring.

I agree. Which is why I would like them to design next zones as a combination of HOT and POF. The ease of POF zone design combined with dynamics of HOT meta events. The biggest HOT downfalls, imo, were the difficulty in traveling the zones, barely useable map as a tool and the design of meta events being the basics for it all.

This made hot maps full 2 years (some liked the events, some were farming them for legendaries). If nothing changes here PoF maps won't last 1/8 of that time - no mats that drop specifically from bounties, required for an endgame item, no such feeling as being a part of 100 people event, killing huge monsters. You don't have to be a genius to see this. Soon, a lot of people will go back to hot maps/world boss killing and the rest will feel super lonely in PoF, combine it with the big maps and you get the feeling of an empty map. And even then these people won't agree with people like me - they will just quit the game and go play something else or follow the steps of the rest.

Many people absolutely hated the HoT maps, for everything you are praising them for. There are also people who flat out skipped HoT some that haven't even attempted all the metas and prefer pre HoT content, they are still here and playing.

Huge Meta events, reliance on others, and long material grinds are not the only way to make this game fun to players. Else we would have never made It to HoT in first place.

Besides there is a lot of map now, and we will still regular updates. The updates will continue to give you more things to do.

We will soon see which type of players are more.

I'll repeat myself - HoT maps were FULL 2 years and will be most likely more populated than PoF very soon. Let's see how the "meta haters" will be filling PoF maps next 2 years if they don't add such content there.

P.S If this wasn't major problem there wouldn't be so many threads about this and also every comment in the official feedback thread to be about adding such content. There wouldn't be so much talk about this if so MANY people were ok with this change. To me, it seems that MANY people aren't ok with this.

An interesting thought experiment ..... are people still on HOT maps for the maps or to farm? If anet were to severely nerf the ability to get loot from those maps would they be as popular? I submit doing the same thing over and over again just to increase a number in my wallet is the height of boredom. If you have a longterm goal (a legendary, say) then you might justify it, but it is still boring as kittens. I would rather dig out my credit card to buy gems as my time is worth more than what most farms yield.

Silverwastes is popular but it has a mix of a meta and individual events that all mesh so it is hard to point to an exact thing. They might want to look at what is the most popular in the pre-season 2 maps to see what people like.

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@Menadena.7482 said:

@bOTEB.1573 said:

@Lokki.1092 said:

@bOTEB.1573 said:

@symke.3105 said:

@Vladish.3940 said:

@symke.3105 said:To all those that have alredy "finished" POF ... How long did it take you to "finish" HOT? I imagine a bit longer, so let's say three weeks to finish story, most of the hero or masstery points and certain percentage of achievements.

So, what have you been doing since then? Playing events, according to you. But that means you were playing the same content over and over again. Well, you can do the same in POF. It's just different content. I understand and somewhat agree that big meta events are not as engaging as the events we've seen in POF so far, but unlike HOT there are other things you can do in POF. If you have to aks what those other things are, you are part of the problem.

Like they did with HOT and adjusted it to more casual play several weeks or months after the launch, they will add some big or medium events in POF or LF4 maps.

It is a matter of opinion, and my personal opinion is that although yes, playing events over and over, regardless of map or expansion, is the standard post-story play, thus there is no difference in the concept itself between these expansions. There is one fundamental difference between HoT maps and PoF maps though. HoT maps are dynamic, as I could be doing my thing and then see something pop up in vicinity that I might feel like participating in, while PoF maps are very static, with most things having to be initiated. To me personally, the dynamic nature of HoT maps makes them that much more fun, interesting and appealing, while PoF maps I personally, find rather boring.

I agree. Which is why I would like them to design next zones as a combination of HOT and POF. The ease of POF zone design combined with dynamics of HOT meta events. The biggest HOT downfalls, imo, were the difficulty in traveling the zones, barely useable map as a tool and the design of meta events being the basics for it all.

This made hot maps full 2 years (some liked the events, some were farming them for legendaries). If nothing changes here PoF maps won't last 1/8 of that time - no mats that drop specifically from bounties, required for an endgame item, no such feeling as being a part of 100 people event, killing huge monsters. You don't have to be a genius to see this. Soon, a lot of people will go back to hot maps/world boss killing and the rest will feel super lonely in PoF, combine it with the big maps and you get the feeling of an empty map. And even then these people won't agree with people like me - they will just quit the game and go play something else or follow the steps of the rest.

Many people absolutely hated the HoT maps, for everything you are praising them for. There are also people who flat out skipped HoT some that haven't even attempted all the metas and prefer pre HoT content, they are still here and playing.

Huge Meta events, reliance on others, and long material grinds are not the only way to make this game fun to players. Else we would have never made It to HoT in first place.

Besides there is a lot of map now, and we will still regular updates. The updates will continue to give you more things to do.

We will soon see which type of players are more.

I'll repeat myself - HoT maps were FULL 2 years and will be most likely more populated than PoF very soon. Let's see how the "meta haters" will be filling PoF maps next 2 years if they don't add such content there.

P.S If this wasn't major problem there wouldn't be so many threads about this and also every comment in the official feedback thread to be about adding such content. There wouldn't be so much talk about this if so MANY people were ok with this change. To me, it seems that MANY people aren't ok with this.

An interesting thought experiment ..... are people still on HOT maps for the maps or to farm? If anet were to severely nerf the ability to get loot from those maps would they be as popular? I submit doing the same thing over and over again just to increase a number in my wallet is the height of boredom. If you have a longterm goal (a legendary, say) then you might justify it, but it is still boring as kittens. I would rather dig out my credit card to buy gems as my time is worth more than what most farms yield.

Silverwastes is popular but it has a mix of a meta and individual events that all mesh so it is hard to point to an exact thing. They might want to look at what is the most popular in the pre-season 2 maps to see what people like.

Time will show what people like.

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In reply to thread title.

My marketing perspective:PoF was content to sell a mount for $30.(also open doors for more gem store sales) How many people would of paid $30 for just a mount?Some would have, most would say nay and some would say yay.Others be oh mommy I can't use this awesome mount, it is behind a pay wall will you buy it for me Mom: what 30$ for a mount sorry I can't afford that sweety. Child: wah wah gw2 is pay to win.. Then you'd see oh its pay to win (in mass) blah blah blah same old story. So to counter this they slap in a casual expansion some extra elite specs in there so that stuff wouldn't be said. (atleast not in mass) Also opens a door for more living story stuff, just use HoT for reference guide.

My gaming perspective:Remember, original idea behind gw2 was to be played casually, if you rush through casual content what do you think will happen?Pretty simple question...... With a pretty simple answer.
People complained HoT was to hard for casuals so here is PoF now people complain it's to casual for hardcore players, but anet just trying to please everyone. Probably would have worked out better for all, if both expansion would have just been as a whole lol.One thing you can bet, you probably wont see players dying and get ressed then dying and ressed over and over because they fell asleep from excitement and playing to long. See that alot on the core gw2 side lol.

Anyways, this is my straightforward reply to the question, you may not like it, may not agree with it, but that's how I see it.

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@Vladish.3940 said:

@"Nick Lentz.6982" said:I love how people ALWAYS say "play the content slower" do you play 30 minutes a day? I have been playing liberally and almost have the Griffin mount. These maps have too many mobs to enjoy anything. Opinions will change in two months, regardless of what people feel.

Doesn't matter, it's not up to you to judge people for how much time they spend in game, even if it may be only 30 minutes at a time sometimes. The time is irrelevant, but what you do with it is. Some people are very efficient and even playing 1 or 2 hours a day may finish all the major content. I have seen people with griffons within hours of release. They choose to play the game that way. If they later complain about lack of content, sorry bud, you did it to yourself in HOW you play the game. "Playing slower" is a valid option to some, even if it isn't for you. People don't ALWAYS say that, but it is an option and worth mentioning as well.

Too many mobs to enjoy anything? Do you enjoy standing AFK in the middle of the map for hours on end? How in a game, focused on interactive combat, you have too many mobs to "enjoy anything?" Regardless of combat system, personally I haven't had a problem with enjoying the game, finding mobs to be well placed in places where it makes to sense to see them. I guess trolls will be trolls.

what? Judgmental? Like how I pointed out people telling others to play the content slower? Sugar coating does not change a small content expansion, that boasted content oriented.

Secondly, this expansion was clearly exploration heavy. But yet you can not enjoy much scenery. Do to way too many mobs. You Also have no idea what a troll is, that's adorable

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@TEKnowledgy.1760 said:One thing you can bet, you probably wont see players dying and get ressed then dying and ressed over and over because they fell asleep from excitement and playing to long. See that alot on the core gw2 side lol.

I am not here to judge on your opinion but to ask what are we going to do with the fact that we don't have something to do.

Also, please.... Go in a bounty train and see how many people are dying like crazy there and already many are semi afk after a nice burst on the monster and just wait for the rest to kill it. The bounties are super easy, yet people are dying 10+ at the same time x 10 times in 1 fight, while u can see threads that bounties are super easy and yes they are - people are auto attacking or afking after a burst from a safe distance.

Now imagine you do this 2 hours a day next 2 years - bounty trains with semi afk players, which will become more and more.

P.S Sry for the long sentence, typing from a portable device

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so ppl rushes trough the entire expansion and now complain there is nothing to do, maybe if ppl took their time to enjoy an expansion and not rush blindly trough it you might enjoy it more.i have only yesterday finished the main story but am a long shot from completing all the maps, there are plenty of hidden stuff to do and don't have the jackal yet.i am not asking to do things slower, i ask to have patience for ones, the issue isn't always the content, it can easily your hasty habits.

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@sorudo.9054 said:so ppl rushes trough the entire expansion and now complain there is nothing to do, maybe if ppl took their time to enjoy an expansion and not rush blindly trough it you might enjoy it more.i have only yesterday finished the main story but am a long shot from completing all the maps, there are plenty of hidden stuff to do and don't have the jackal yet.i am not asking to do things slower, i ask to have patience for ones, the issue isn't always the content, it can easily your hasty habits.

Let me remind you that this is an MMO where people should have end content to farm over and over (besides everything else that should 1 MMO include)Nothing wrong with it, not to rush. The title says few weeks. If you have finished the story for 1 week, I am pretty sure you will finish everything else for the next 3 weeks and then what? 2 years bounty farm with meh rewards?

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@bOTEB.1573 said:

@sorudo.9054 said:so ppl rushes trough the entire expansion and now complain there is nothing to do, maybe if ppl took their time to enjoy an expansion and not rush blindly trough it you might enjoy it more.i have only yesterday finished the main story but am a long shot from completing all the maps, there are plenty of hidden stuff to do and don't have the jackal yet.i am not asking to do things slower, i ask to have patience for ones, the issue isn't always the content, it can easily your hasty habits.

Let me remind you that this is an MMO where people should have end content to farm over and over (besides everything else that should 1 MMO include)Nothing wrong with it, not to rush. The title says few weeks. If you have finished the story for 1 week, I am pretty sure you will finish everything else for the next 3 weeks and then what? 2 years bounty farm with meh rewards?

i have bin playing GW2 since beta and still have not finished world exploration, it's called taking your time, you should try it.

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@sorudo.9054 said:

@bOTEB.1573 said:

@sorudo.9054 said:so ppl rushes trough the entire expansion and now complain there is nothing to do, maybe if ppl took their time to enjoy an expansion and not rush blindly trough it you might enjoy it more.i have only yesterday finished the main story but am a long shot from completing all the maps, there are plenty of hidden stuff to do and don't have the jackal yet.i am not asking to do things slower, i ask to have patience for ones, the issue isn't always the content, it can easily your hasty habits.

Let me remind you that this is an MMO where people should have end content to farm over and over (besides everything else that should 1 MMO include)Nothing wrong with it, not to rush. The title says few weeks. If you have finished the story for 1 week, I am pretty sure you will finish everything else for the next 3 weeks and then what? 2 years bounty farm with meh rewards?

i have bin playing GW2 since beta and still have not finished world exploration, it's called taking your time, you should try it.

Good that we have all kinds of players. Now, let's satisfy them all, including the majority (which actually play)

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@bOTEB.1573 said:

@TEKnowledgy.1760 said:One thing you can bet, you probably wont see players dying and get ressed then dying and ressed over and over because they fell asleep from excitement and playing to long. See that alot on the core gw2 side lol.

I am not here to judge on your opinion but to ask what are we going to do with the fact that we don't have something to do.

Also, please.... Go in a bounty train and see how many people are dying like crazy there and already many are semi afk after a nice burst on the monster and just wait for the rest to kill it. The bounties are super easy, yet people are dying 10+ at the same time x 10 times in 1 fight, while u can see threads that bounties are super easy and yes they are - people are auto attacking or afking after a burst from a safe distance.

Now imagine you do this 2 hours a day next 2 years - bounty trains with semi afk players, which will become more and more.

P.S Sry for the long sentence, typing from a portable device

Huh i didn't say people wouldnt die like crazy when afk. I said people falling asleep at the wheel dying over and over because they fell asleep from excitement man why am i repeating it just need re-read what i said..... afkers and people who just legitimately feel asleep are 2 dif things we talking two dif scenarios here as a whole lmao.

As for what you should do that's up to you, I play casually so even stuff i hardcored years ago feels new again. Now i haven't rushed my 5 years of gw2. I've took my time at it. (well since my change of perspective I used to hardcore it like 12hrs+ everday for 2 years and did same on HoT lesson learned) If you grow bored of the game take a break month or 2. In my case 2 1/2 years lmao. i got bored back in day, 3 or was it 4 years from gw2 launch to HoT so when i came back HoT been out like a year or so i guess. I had something new to do. Hardcored it then right back where i was, bored. So decided instead of quitting entirely I'd just play casually 1-3hrs a day.I actually enjoy gw2 better now then I did when I hardcored it from 2012-mid 2014. Set me few high end achievements as goals, that's pretty much what keeps me returning is those goals. Kinda like life, don't set goals in life you feel you have no purpose probably leading cause of depression for young people lol. Don't set goals in gw2 you eventually say why am I here theres nothing to do.

There is tons of stuff do in this game, actually overwhelming when one takes a step back from daily routine. Just look into all the things you haven't done.Now if you mastered the game, you have done every achievement there is then you can legitimately say "I have nothing to do".

No reason for apologies i type a great deal so if you can handle that then we both have respect for the each others flaws.

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@Andred.1087 said:

@sorudo.9054 said:i have bin playing GW2 since beta and still have not finished world exploration, it's called taking your time, you should try it.

Pretty sure that's called "not actually playing the game."

@bOTEB.1573 said:Good that we have all kinds of players. Now, let's satisfy them all, including the majority (which actually play)

Why because he don't waste his life playing it? People do have lives outside of gaming. Maybe they play other games? I know i have 575 steam games still most are work in progress lol. Not everybody is a 1 game wonder.

Maybe he is a lawyer or police officer or a doctor or a nurse someone has to work alot of hours? Maybe he/she has family they have to care for, babies, children and friends.Do you expect him/her to play gw2 while trying to arrest that drunk driver or trying save someones life?

Do you expect them to just let babies starve or children run wild and their friends to fade away from neglect?You should think before you type such a silly reply.

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