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What will people do on these maps after few weeks?


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I wonder, doesent people care about achievements, collections and stuff? Is it all about map completion, finish the story, getting the griffon and then you have finished PoF and theres nothing more to do? I dont agree with that thinking.

I think there is alot more to do than just story, map completion and mounts. You have achievements and collections to get the new armors and weapons, casino coin event if you like getting toys and stuff, finding new recipies, maxing all masteries, all lore stuff etc.. Just to mention a few.

Just be creative and stop expect to get spoon fed with content that doesnt need any thinking and effort.

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I plan to be playing and exploring the PoF maps for months, getting achievements and collections. Just because someone has 12-14 hours a day to play games and rush through content like their hair is on fire doesn't mean everyone else can, or wants to. We have kids, jobs, chores, trips to take, other interests, other games. And sometimes -- shocker! -- we take breaks from the game.

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Other MMOs have instilled this feeling in people of "I need, need, NEED to farm the same content over and over to get this sense of progression in my character." which... I don't understand. I hate RNG drops with a burning passion, which is why I never plan on getting to FFXIV endgame content, not only because I have no idea how to even get the best gear, but also because I don't want to grind content over and over. I like GW2's model, where I am rewarded with cool bits of lore, pretty areas, and interesting event dialogue just because I chose to take the time to explore a bit. That's what these game worlds should be about tbh. The immersion, not the grind. I'll be returning to these maps over and over because there are still so many secrets to uncover. I can understand things such as gold farming (SW/Fractal 40), but I will never understand why people want to do all of this RNG reliant stuff. People say they don't want to do guaranteed achievements/collections in GW2 and such, but they'd rather go into other MMOs and be a tank in the same dungeon over and over and over and over... I don't really understand.

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@TheRandomGuy.7246 said:Guess their next step will be porting the game to facebook or phones. Those platform offer the same experience and are less costly to maintain than a PC MMO.

Probably already working on it.But what is wrong with that? More revenue for them, but uh might be less content here for you to gripe about lol.Don't push your luck, you might find out it can change pretty quickly.

@Kalli.4506 said:I wonder, doesn't people care about achievements, collections and stuff? Is it all about map completion, finish the story, getting the griffon and then you have finished PoF and theres nothing more to do? I dont agree with that thinking.

I think there is alot more to do than just story, map completion and mounts. You have achievements and collections to get the new armors and weapons, casino coin event if you like getting toys and stuff, finding new recipies, maxing all masteries, all lore stuff etc.. Just to mention a few.

Just be creative and stop expect to get spoon fed with content that doesn't need any thinking and effort.

I like you, you see the game as I do. Understand it like i do. i used to be like these guys, so I do understand them aswell. After you learn the lesson of you can't play gw2 like it's lineage 2 or some really deep hardcore grind fest of an MMO, you learn to play it as it was meant to be. A casual pass time. Take ya time at things work for everything, not just 1 or 2 things. I still haven't beat HoT story with a single char out of 8 in nearly the one year of owning it lol. (beat all metas more than i can remeber though) So ya know these rushers done it within week, then boo whoo. (same with PoF) (I'll get it eventually play it like HoT)

By chance I get desperately bored I'll do little more on the HoT story to pull me back in. But I have other goals, like completing atleast all of the PvE achievements (least ones in my lone wolf grasps) and them that aren't really tied to any specific game mode. There really is a ton of stuff to do in this game, but one has to set goals to actually find those things to do. Specially, once you hit that "I have nothing to do" point, but every game I've ever played is same way.

Now if you mastered game everything possible, I could understand the nothing to do part. At that point time you find a new game or if still love this game buy another account do it again. That's bragging rights then lol.

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@TEKnowledgy.1760 said:

@TheRandomGuy.7246 said:Guess their next step will be porting the game to facebook or phones. Those platform offer the same experience and are less costly to maintain than a PC MMO.

Probably already working on it.But what is wrong with that? More revenue for them, but uh might be less content here for you to gripe about lol.

Nothing wrong with that. I even said that it will reduce costs. It will even bring in more players because appstore and gplay is where their target audience of explorers is.

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@Andred.1087 said:

@sorudo.9054 said:i have bin playing GW2 since beta and still have not finished world exploration, it's called taking your time, you should try it.

Pretty sure that's called "not actually playing the game."

with so many other games i play and the time i have to actually play, i say you are seriously ignorant towards ppl who don't play exclusively 1 game and barely have time.

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@Kalli.4506 said:I wonder, doesent people care about achievements, collections and stuff? Is it all about map completion, finish the story, getting the griffon and then you have finished PoF and theres nothing more to do? I dont agree with that thinking.

I think there is alot more to do than just story, map completion and mounts. You have achievements and collections to get the new armors and weapons, casino coin event if you like getting toys and stuff, finding new recipies, maxing all masteries, all lore stuff etc.. Just to mention a few.

Just be creative and stop expect to get spoon fed with content that doesnt need any thinking and effort.

That is what puzzles me when someone says they are 'done' with the new content. After 3 years I am still not done with core, even if I had 100% completion on all of my characters. There is always some achievement or whatever to chase. It does not even have to be a listed achievement, like 'can I get from LA to the south of Orr as a level 10 character by myself'.

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@TheRandomGuy.7246 said:

@TEKnowledgy.1760 said:

@TheRandomGuy.7246 said:Guess their next step will be porting the game to facebook or phones. Those platform offer the same experience and are less costly to maintain than a PC MMO.

Probably already working on it.But what is wrong with that? More revenue for them, but uh might be less content here for you to gripe about lol.

Nothing wrong with that. I even said that it will reduce costs. It will even bring in more players because appstore and gplay is where their target audience of explorers is.

Ok wasn't sure what your angle with the statement was. Wasn't sure of sarcasm or realism. So my apologies for coming off a little blunt.

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@sorudo.9054 said:

@Andred.1087 said:

@sorudo.9054 said:i have bin playing GW2 since beta and still have not finished world exploration, it's called taking your time, you should try it.

Pretty sure that's called "not actually playing the game."

with so many other games i play and the time i have to actually play, i say you are seriously ignorant towards ppl who don't play exclusively 1 game and barely have time.

Playing 10 games doesn't mean you play GW2. We can all play 1 hour a year and have something to do for decades. That's not the point. The point is to fill the time for the players that want to play THIS game, not 10 more, for 3-4-5+ hours a day, with new content. This is what such players are expecting - something to do. Who are you to tell them what they need or what they don't and how much they have to play and what? He thinks that your playstyle is barely playing the game - doesn't mean you can call him ignorant? Stay with this content and play it for 100 years if you want, we don't care. We are here because some people feel the need of more content and you don't have to care also - let these people discuss this thread.

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@TEKnowledgy.1760 said:In reply to thread title.

My marketing perspective:PoF was content to sell a mount for $30.(also open doors for more gem store sales) How many people would of paid $30 for just a mount?Some would have, most would say nay and some would say yay.Others be oh mommy I can't use this awesome mount, it is behind a pay wall will you buy it for me Mom: what 30$ for a mount sorry I can't afford that sweety. Child: wah wah gw2 is pay to win.. Then you'd see oh its pay to win (in mass) blah blah blah same old story. So to counter this they slap in a casual expansion some extra elite specs in there so that stuff wouldn't be said. (atleast not in mass) Also opens a door for more living story stuff, just use HoT for reference guide.

My gaming perspective:Remember, original idea behind gw2 was to be played casually, if you rush through casual content what do you think will happen?Pretty simple question...... With a pretty simple answer.

People complained HoT was to hard for casuals so here is PoF now people complain it's to casual for hardcore players, but anet just trying to please everyone. Probably would have worked out better for all, if both expansion would have just been as a whole lol.One thing you can bet, you probably wont see players dying and get ressed then dying and ressed over and over because they fell asleep from excitement and playing to long. See that alot on the core gw2 side lol.

Anyways, this is my straightforward reply to the question, you may not like it, may not agree with it, but that's how I see it.

Sorry, but that's farfetched.If all i wanted to sell is a mount, even for $30, I'd do just that. I wouldn't waste company's time and resources for two years, and make content around those mounts, just to sell a mount. All the mounts are usable in vanilla and Hot. If selling mount and opening market is what I was aiming for, I would just make a mount and sold it.

Pay to win? win at what? Travel time? Skills and boons can make you faster than those mounts if used efficiently. Aside from that, the overabundance of WPs in older content makes travel time a joke to start with.

I am sorry, but your marketing perspective has no grounds, or base in logic from a business point.

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@bOTEB.1573 said:

@sorudo.9054 said:so ppl rushes trough the entire expansion and now complain there is nothing to do, maybe if ppl took their time to enjoy an expansion and not rush blindly trough it you might enjoy it more.i have only yesterday finished the main story but am a long shot from completing all the maps, there are plenty of hidden stuff to do and don't have the jackal yet.i am not asking to do things slower, i ask to have patience for ones, the issue isn't always the content, it can easily your hasty habits.

Let me remind you that this is an MMO where people should have end content to farm over and over (besides everything else that should 1 MMO include)Nothing wrong with it, not to rush. The title says few weeks. If you have finished the story for 1 week, I am pretty sure you will finish everything else for the next 3 weeks and then what? 2 years bounty farm with meh rewards?

The fact that people complain that there is nothing to do is a joke. EVERY end-game scenario devolves into farming in every mmorpg game. That's what keeps people playing, working for more expensive skins and other gold/resource sinks. This is nothing new to this game design across the board, let along GW2. It keeps people playing. Those complaints only show their inexperience in playing this type of games, and at that point they should be trying to change the industry standard, and not trying to take out their frustration on a single game.

You have enough content to farm for years. If you choose not to partake in it for whatever reasons, doesn't change the fact content is there.

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@bOTEB.1573 said:

@sorudo.9054 said:

@Andred.1087 said:

@sorudo.9054 said:i have bin playing GW2 since beta and still have not finished world exploration, it's called taking your time, you should try it.

Pretty sure that's called "not actually playing the game."

with so many other games i play and the time i have to actually play, i say you are seriously ignorant towards ppl who don't play exclusively 1 game and barely have time.

Playing 10 games doesn't mean you play GW2. We can all play 1 hour a year and have something to do for decades. That's not the point. The point is to fill the time for the players that want to play THIS game, not 10 more, for 3-4-5+ hours a day, with new content. This is what such players are expecting - something to do. Who are you to tell them what they need or what they don't and how much they have to play and what? He thinks that your playstyle is barely playing the game - doesn't mean you can call him ignorant? Stay with this content and play it for 100 years if you want, we don't care. We are here because some people feel the need of more content and you don't have to care also - let these people discuss this thread.

But you can't expect it anet already stated 5 years ago game directed more towards casual players and or the "Casual Friendly" concept. You want hardcore sub to lineage 2.That would fix you up really good, takes like 6 months of hardcore play we talking like 12+ hrs a day just to get like level 50. Last i played level 80 was max took some people a year to do.

You seem to be looking for a game like that, maybe gw2 isn't for you when all said and done. If it isn't it isn't.So with that said, how much of griping do you think you will need to do before you see gw2 turn into lineage 2 or some Korean grind? Bet you could do it daily for next 5 years nothing will change. But hey have at it. Your time wasted not mine. haha

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@bOTEB.1573 said:

@sorudo.9054 said:

@bOTEB.1573 said:

@sorudo.9054 said:so ppl rushes trough the entire expansion and now complain there is nothing to do, maybe if ppl took their time to enjoy an expansion and not rush blindly trough it you might enjoy it more.i have only yesterday finished the main story but am a long shot from completing all the maps, there are plenty of hidden stuff to do and don't have the jackal yet.i am not asking to do things slower, i ask to have patience for ones, the issue isn't always the content, it can easily your hasty habits.

Let me remind you that this is an MMO where people should have end content to farm over and over (besides everything else that should 1 MMO include)Nothing wrong with it, not to rush. The title says few weeks. If you have finished the story for 1 week, I am pretty sure you will finish everything else for the next 3 weeks and then what? 2 years bounty farm with meh rewards?

i have bin playing GW2 since beta and still have not finished world exploration, it's called taking your time, you should try it.

Good that we have all kinds of players. Now, let's satisfy them all, including the majority (which actually play)

Sounds to me he actually plays. Just because you have more time than others to spend in the game, or no other commitments, doesn't entitle you to nothing. If you are not satisfied, go find a game that will satisfy you you. This game is plenty satisfying to all kinds of people,, even people like me with thousands of hours put in it.

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@Kalli.4506 said:I wonder, doesent people care about achievements, collections and stuff? Is it all about map completion, finish the story, getting the griffon and then you have finished PoF and theres nothing more to do? I dont agree with that thinking.

I think there is alot more to do than just story, map completion and mounts. You have achievements and collections to get the new armors and weapons, casino coin event if you like getting toys and stuff, finding new recipies, maxing all masteries, all lore stuff etc.. Just to mention a few.

Just be creative and stop expect to get spoon fed with content that doesnt need any thinking and effort.

Even if they don't, it's okay (I actually don't care about achievements either), doesn't change the fact that the content is there and they choose not to take full advantage of it. Just because I am one of those people I am not gonna start crying that there is no content. I simply choose to play parts I enjoy, but that's my choice, doesn't invalidate rest of the game though. I personally don't understand the people that limit their own play and cry about lack of content, they limit themselves willingly and by choice (like I did).

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@bOTEB.1573 said:

@sorudo.9054 said:

@Andred.1087 said:

@sorudo.9054 said:i have bin playing GW2 since beta and still have not finished world exploration, it's called taking your time, you should try it.

Pretty sure that's called "not actually playing the game."

with so many other games i play and the time i have to actually play, i say you are seriously ignorant towards ppl who don't play exclusively 1 game and barely have time.

Playing 10 games doesn't mean you play GW2. We can all play 1 hour a year and have something to do for decades. That's not the point. The point is to fill the time for the players that want to play THIS game, not 10 more, for 3-4-5+ hours a day, with new content. This is what such players are expecting - something to do. Who are you to tell them what they need or what they don't and how much they have to play and what? He thinks that your playstyle is barely playing the game - doesn't mean you can call him ignorant? Stay with this content and play it for 100 years if you want, we don't care. We are here because some people feel the need of more content and you don't have to care also - let these people discuss this thread.

"The point is to fill the time for the players that want to play THIS game, not 10 more, for 3-4-5+ hours a day, with new content."

No it is not. Company release the content, and people can go through it at different pace. Doesn't entitle people that will hardcore commit to something to be entitled to anything. You want end game content? Farm, that is end game content of EVERY MMOrpg. It is PHYSICALLY IMPOSSIBLE to cater to people with your mentality, because there are people who finished the story and got their griffons on DAY 1 of release. By your logic Anet should be releasing new content DAILY. There is a lot to do in this game post-story content (Raids/Fractals/Bounties/World Bosses/Metas/Dynamic and now static events/collecting skins/Trading Post games/World Completion/Achievements... AND SO ON), and if you can't see it, you haven't been playing this game.

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@Vladish.3940 said:

@bOTEB.1573 said:

@sorudo.9054 said:

@Andred.1087 said:

@sorudo.9054 said:i have bin playing GW2 since beta and still have not finished world exploration, it's called taking your time, you should try it.

Pretty sure that's called "not actually playing the game."

with so many other games i play and the time i have to actually play, i say you are seriously ignorant towards ppl who don't play exclusively 1 game and barely have time.

Playing 10 games doesn't mean you play GW2. We can all play 1 hour a year and have something to do for decades. That's not the point. The point is to fill the time for the players that want to play THIS game, not 10 more, for 3-4-5+ hours a day, with new content. This is what such players are expecting - something to do. Who are you to tell them what they need or what they don't and how much they have to play and what? He thinks that your playstyle is barely playing the game - doesn't mean you can call him ignorant? Stay with this content and play it for 100 years if you want, we don't care. We are here because some people feel the need of more content and you don't have to care also - let these people discuss this thread.

"The point is to fill the time for the players that want to play THIS game, not 10 more, for 3-4-5+ hours a day, with new content."

No it is not. Company release the content, and people can go through it at different pace. Doesn't entitle people that will hardcore commit to something to be entitled to anything. You want end game content? Farm, that is end game content of EVERY MMOrpg. It is PHYSICALLY IMPOSSIBLE to cater to people with your mentality, because there are people who finished the story and got their griffons on DAY 1 of release. By your logic Anet should be releasing new content DAILY. There is a lot to do in this game post-story content (Raids/Fractals/Bounties/World Bosses/Metas/Dynamic and now static events/collecting skins/Trading Post games/World Completion/Achievements... AND SO ON), and if you can't see it, you haven't been playing this game.

We are talking about the expansion. Why you even include raids/fractals/world bosses/metas/dynamic events. None of these exist in the new expansion.

Also, who told you I haven't completed the achievements? I already did the achievements.

I don't want new content daily. I want an event/world boss or something else that is challenging and I can enjoy with 50+ people and that I know will reward me with something that can be used as endgame gear/mats. And of course, I want to do it daily. And another point - I want it to be new, not 2+ years old.

WHy is it hard for you to understand that there are different players? You don't need this but some of us do.

P.S No need to put 3 chaotic posts 1 after another - there is an edit option.

@TEKnowledgy.1760 said:

@bOTEB.1573 said:

@sorudo.9054 said:

@Andred.1087 said:

@sorudo.9054 said:i have bin playing GW2 since beta and still have not finished world exploration, it's called taking your time, you should try it.

Pretty sure that's called "not actually playing the game."

with so many other games i play and the time i have to actually play, i say you are seriously ignorant towards ppl who don't play exclusively 1 game and barely have time.

Playing 10 games doesn't mean you play GW2. We can all play 1 hour a year and have something to do for decades. That's not the point. The point is to fill the time for the players that want to play THIS game, not 10 more, for 3-4-5+ hours a day, with new content. This is what such players are expecting - something to do. Who are you to tell them what they need or what they don't and how much they have to play and what? He thinks that your playstyle is barely playing the game - doesn't mean you can call him ignorant? Stay with this content and play it for 100 years if you want, we don't care. We are here because some people feel the need of more content and you don't have to care also - let these people discuss this thread.

But you can't expect it anet already stated 5 years ago game directed more towards casual players and or the "Casual Friendly" concept. You want hardcore sub to lineage 2.That would fix you up really good, takes like 6 months of hardcore play we talking like 12+ hrs a day just to get like level 50. Last i played level 80 was max took some people a year to do.

You seem to be looking for a game like that, maybe gw2 isn't for you when all said and done. If it isn't it isn't.So with that said, how much of griping do you think you will need to do before you see gw2 turn into lineage 2 or some Korean grind? Bet you could do it daily for next 5 years nothing will change. But hey have at it. Your time wasted not mine. haha

They also stated that what makes gw2 unique are these open world boss, big dragon fights.

Seems like the game isn't for u either.

I dare you to make a poll about it - if people want some meta events/boss fights in pof or not. Come on...

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@Vladish.3940 said:Pay to win? win at what? Travel time? Skills and boons can make you faster than those mounts if used efficiently. Aside from that, the overabundance of WPs in older content makes travel time a joke to start with.

I am sorry, but your marketing perspective has no grounds, or base in logic from a business point.

It dosn't just perspective like i said might not agree which i car not if u do or don't just how i see things.as for pay to win I think you misunderstood what i was trying to say.....

Man if you seen some of the players in other games released recently, at how people complain about pay to win over slightest thing.For example crossout don't know you messed with it yet. Ok sure there is an IM (item mall) and there is a premium currency like gems here and the BLTC. In that game you can have any weapons, parts w/e in the game for free, just have to work or grind for it, but even with that concept the youngins cry pay to win.This was what i was basing that on, the way people are starting to act in games. They are starting to twist this pay to win analogy to fit there personal perspectives.Pay to win to me is having to buy something with real world cash and that is the only way you can get it. (this is the original view point of pay to win all started back in 2005ish an onward when lotta games dropped the pay per monthly concept and moved to I.M.) You follow?

So I wasn't saying I seen something as pay to win here in gw2, I was speaking from these entitled little brats perspective that would toss this whole pay to win analogy of the mount if you could have only bought it with say gems for $30.It still wouldn't be pay to win, because you could make enough gold in game to buy the mount. But a majority of young people would still twist it as pay to win.That's what i was trying to say with all that above. You didn't miss my point just misunderstood it.

You say my marketing perspective is baseless You are wrong, people have been begging for mounts since very first day of guild wars 2. Player base has been begging for mounts for far longer than they have expansions. At first anet wasn't ever going to implement them. Why the change of heart? You have to think from a business perspective to understand why they changed their heart. They seen an opurtunity to make money. All comes down to the demand and them making $. So tell me how my perspective is baseless. Your disagreement now is more baseless then my perspective..... Because saying if you wanted a mount just buy it then this goes back to my above explanation. Hopefully this clarifies it all for you.I don't blame anet for capitalizing on mounts idea, I'd done it to lol.

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@bOTEB.1573 said:They also stated that what makes gw2 unique are these open world boss, big dragon fights.

Seems like the game isn't for u either.

I dare you to make a poll about it.

Last i checked those battles are still there did they remove them every where? So what's your point you expect every expansion to be like either one before or the core side?Last i heard from another thread that linked to redit thread they had planned on bringing large scale boss battles.

I totally agree, gw2 definetly isn't for me. i quit for 2 1/2 years, but i still enjoy playing it casually here and there. At least I'm not griping about things that are actually in the game lmao.

Why are you daring me to make a poll i could careless what other people want to see, I see all I need to get me through the night.Instead of daring me to create a poll, why don't you practice what you preach.

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All we ask for is fun massive meta events just the previous expansions. Since these maps are huge and vast, they could target very specific areas so it wouldn't bother these simple minded 'explorers' who consider running around taking pictures and getting 1020% map completion for the next 3 months as actual gaming. I understand GW2 is for casuals, such as myself but some of you folks are either too stupid to understand what creates excitement or you actually find sitting there admiring your mount's idle animation an enlightening experience.

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@TEKnowledgy.1760 said:

@Vladish.3940 said:Pay to win? win at what? Travel time? Skills and boons can make you faster than those mounts if used efficiently. Aside from that, the overabundance of WPs in older content makes travel time a joke to start with.

I am sorry, but your marketing perspective has no grounds, or base in logic from a business point.

It dosn't just perspective like i said might not agree which i car not if u do or don't just how i see things.as for pay to win I think you misunderstood what i was trying to say.....

Man if you seen some of the players in other games released recently, at how people complain about pay to win over slightest thing.For example crossout don't know you messed with it yet. Ok sure there is an IM (item mall) and there is a premium currency like gems here and the BLTC. In that game you can have any weapons, parts w/e in the game for free, just have to work or grind for it, but even with that concept the youngins cry pay to win.This was what i was basing that on, the way people are starting to act in games. They are starting to twist this pay to win analogy to fit there personal perspectives.Pay to win to me is having to buy something with real world cash and that is the only way you can get it. (this is the original view point of pay to win all started back in 2005ish an onward when lotta games dropped the pay per monthly concept and moved to I.M.) You follow?

So I wasn't saying I seen something as pay to win here in gw2, I was speaking from these entitled little brats perspective that would toss this whole pay to win analogy of the mount if you could have only bought it with say gems for $30.It still wouldn't be pay to win, because you could make enough gold in game to buy the mount. But a majority of young people would still twist it as pay to win.That's what i was trying to say with all that above. You didn't miss my point just misunderstood it.

You say my marketing perspective is baseless You are wrong, people have been begging for mounts since very first day of guild wars 2. Player base has been begging for mounts for far longer than they have expansions. At first anet wasn't ever going to implement them. Why the change of heart? You have to think from a business perspective to understand why they changed their heart. They seen an opurtunity to make money. All comes down to the demand and them making $. So tell me how my perspective is baseless. Your disagreement now is more baseless then my perspective..... Because saying if you wanted a mount just buy it then this goes back to my above explanation. Hopefully this clarifies it all for you.I don't blame anet for capitalizing on mounts idea, I'd done it to lol.

I agree that games as whole turn towards pay to win model because that's what makes them money. Thus far I have not seen that trend in GW2 is what I'm saying. As it stands, mounts do not win you nothing in game, unless they would allow them in Competitive content (which they didn't, and I hope they never will).

And sorry, I didn't meant that you in particular thought it was pay to win game (I get it was an example). I just took opportunity to counter-argument that approach as I have seen it to start pop out on the forums. It was convenient since you actively brought it up as an example. Sorry, I should have expressed that better rather than jumping into the issue itself.

And I still say your marketing approach is baseless, implying that they wasted 2 years worth of labor and resources just as an excuse to implement mounts.

Mounts imho are natural evolution of most MMOrpgs. Quite frankly, if they made new maps smaller, divided them into 10-20 smaller maps (which they could have), it would kill the immersion of the expansion as being a vast desert. Mounts simply make sense; can it make them more money down the road due to primarily skins? Yes, nothing wrong with that. Claiming though that entire expansion is made just for a single feature... if they did that, I would actually question their intelligence at that point. Is it an investment into future? Yes, as it opens up new avenues to them, but not an excuse for an entire expansion.

On the same note they have also caused themselves more hardships, as they have to get better at map design and always keep all the features in mind. But hell, IF maps will get better, all power to them.

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@bOTEB.1573 said:

@Vladish.3940 said:

@bOTEB.1573 said:

@sorudo.9054 said:

@Andred.1087 said:

@sorudo.9054 said:i have bin playing GW2 since beta and still have not finished world exploration, it's called taking your time, you should try it.

Pretty sure that's called "not actually playing the game."

with so many other games i play and the time i have to actually play, i say you are seriously ignorant towards ppl who don't play exclusively 1 game and barely have time.

Playing 10 games doesn't mean you play GW2. We can all play 1 hour a year and have something to do for decades. That's not the point. The point is to fill the time for the players that want to play THIS game, not 10 more, for 3-4-5+ hours a day, with new content. This is what such players are expecting - something to do. Who are you to tell them what they need or what they don't and how much they have to play and what? He thinks that your playstyle is barely playing the game - doesn't mean you can call him ignorant? Stay with this content and play it for 100 years if you want, we don't care. We are here because some people feel the need of more content and you don't have to care also - let these people discuss this thread.

"The point is to fill the time for the players that want to play THIS game, not 10 more, for 3-4-5+ hours a day, with new content."

No it is not. Company release the content, and people can go through it at different pace. Doesn't entitle people that will hardcore commit to something to be entitled to anything. You want end game content? Farm, that is end game content of EVERY MMOrpg. It is PHYSICALLY IMPOSSIBLE to cater to people with your mentality, because there are people who finished the story and got their griffons on DAY 1 of release. By your logic Anet should be releasing new content DAILY. There is a lot to do in this game post-story content (Raids/Fractals/Bounties/World Bosses/Metas/Dynamic and now static events/collecting skins/Trading Post games/World Completion/Achievements... AND SO ON), and if you can't see it, you haven't been playing this game.

We are talking about the expansion. Why you even include raids/fractals/world bosses/metas/dynamic events. None of these exist in the new expansion.

Also, who told you I haven't completed the achievements? I already did the achievements.

I don't want new content daily. I want an event/world boss or something else that is challenging and I can enjoy with 50+ people and that I know will reward me with something that can be used as endgame gear/mats. And of course, I want to do it daily. And another point - I want it to be new, not 2+ years old.

WHy is it hard for you to understand that there are different players? You don't need this but some of us do.

P.S No need to put 3 chaotic posts 1 after another - there is an edit option.

So you are crying that they didn't crammed everything from old content into new? Funny. I agree, lack of dynamic events isn't for me either, and I will be spending more time in HoT and vanilla eventually too, but that's because current content doesn't appeal to me. It doesn't mean it's not there just because the particular events I have personal interest in aren't there.

You also want everything handed to you on day one. It has been a long time before raids were implemented post HoT launch, and now they are one of the staples of the game. It doesn't mean they won't expand on content down the line, doesn't mean they have to cater to every single person with every single release. They things you mentioned may not exist in new expansion, because they are old content. So what, not like they took it away.

There is stuff to do in new content, it doesn't have to cater to everyone's particular tastes. As I said, I miss Metas/dynamic events in new maps too, doesn't mean I will completely dismiss the features that are there or the fact that there is still content I enjoy.

And I can make as many posts I want, not like I am posting same things again and again. Chill bruh.

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@Vladish.3940 said:

@bOTEB.1573 said:

@Vladish.3940 said:

@bOTEB.1573 said:

@sorudo.9054 said:

@Andred.1087 said:

@sorudo.9054 said:i have bin playing GW2 since beta and still have not finished world exploration, it's called taking your time, you should try it.

Pretty sure that's called "not actually playing the game."

with so many other games i play and the time i have to actually play, i say you are seriously ignorant towards ppl who don't play exclusively 1 game and barely have time.

Playing 10 games doesn't mean you play GW2. We can all play 1 hour a year and have something to do for decades. That's not the point. The point is to fill the time for the players that want to play THIS game, not 10 more, for 3-4-5+ hours a day, with new content. This is what such players are expecting - something to do. Who are you to tell them what they need or what they don't and how much they have to play and what? He thinks that your playstyle is barely playing the game - doesn't mean you can call him ignorant? Stay with this content and play it for 100 years if you want, we don't care. We are here because some people feel the need of more content and you don't have to care also - let these people discuss this thread.

"The point is to fill the time for the players that want to play THIS game, not 10 more, for 3-4-5+ hours a day, with new content."

No it is not. Company release the content, and people can go through it at different pace. Doesn't entitle people that will hardcore commit to something to be entitled to anything. You want end game content? Farm, that is end game content of EVERY MMOrpg. It is PHYSICALLY IMPOSSIBLE to cater to people with your mentality, because there are people who finished the story and got their griffons on DAY 1 of release. By your logic Anet should be releasing new content DAILY. There is a lot to do in this game post-story content (Raids/Fractals/Bounties/World Bosses/Metas/Dynamic and now static events/collecting skins/Trading Post games/World Completion/Achievements... AND SO ON), and if you can't see it, you haven't been playing this game.

We are talking about the expansion. Why you even include raids/fractals/world bosses/metas/dynamic events. None of these exist in the new expansion.

Also, who told you I haven't completed the achievements? I already did the achievements.

I don't want new content daily. I want an event/world boss or something else that is challenging and I can enjoy with 50+ people and that I know will reward me with something that can be used as endgame gear/mats. And of course, I want to do it daily. And another point - I want it to be new, not 2+ years old.

WHy is it hard for you to understand that there are different players? You don't need this but some of us do.

P.S No need to put 3 chaotic posts 1 after another - there is an edit option.

So you are crying that they didn't crammed everything from old content into new? Funny. I agree, lack of dynamic events isn't for me either, and I will be spending more time in HoT and vanilla eventually too, but that's because current content doesn't appeal to me. It doesn't mean it's not there just because the particular events I have personal interest in aren't there.

You also want everything handed to you on day one. It has been a long time before raids were implemented post HoT launch, and now they are one of the staples of the game. It doesn't mean they won't expand on content down the line, doesn't mean they have to cater to every single person with every single release. They may not exist in new expansion, because they are old content. So what, not like they took it away. There is stuff to do in the end, just not for everyone.

You are missing the whole point. You may also read the OP 1st, before engaging in a conversation.

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@flyingfox.6150 said:All we ask for is fun massive meta events just the previous expansions. Since these maps are huge and vast, they could target very specific areas so it wouldn't bother these simple minded 'explorers' who consider running around taking pictures and getting 1020% map completion for the next 3 months as actual gaming. I understand GW2 is for casuals, such as myself but some of you folks are either too stupid to understand what creates excitement or you actually find sitting there admiring your mount's idle animation an enlightening experience.

I understand completely, large scale battles are indeed fun, I think they would indeed be good for the game and PoF. I know when i tested them beta weekends yea i agree large maps but so empty felt dead i suppose content wise. So i do understand where people are coming from.Complaining there is nothing to do is kinda iffy don't you agree? Maybe pushing it little to far? Just 7 days after release some of you people rushed it like it was core GW2, expected it to last you for months on in. Who's fault is that anet's or yours?

If what was supposedly said on reddit about implementation of things, do you think they just gonna create things outta thin air instantly? Got to give them time to create content. Personally, I don't care if anyone wants to agree or not, but i still think PoF's main reason was to sell a mount. I can't help but think that, because mounts request been a mighty big demand for along time, before any of us even heard of expansions or even elite specs. Heck even before living story was announced, people was dying for mounts.

2 birds one stone, maybe even 4 birds one stone. Get opened door to more elites, opened a door for gem mounts like gem gliders, opened the door for more living story and at the same time gave people something new even if a bit short lived.So don't just pick and choose a future possibility, not without looking at all the possibilities to come.

Patients is virtue.

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