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Magebane Tether+Phalanx Strength

Knuckle Joe.7408

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It seems like a really nice combo, will that end the need of bringing forceful greatsword for applying 25 might to your party? Granted, ramp up time for 25 might its considerably longer and magebane has 12 sec CD, but it seems it would stack 25 might better when hiting only one enemy (raid bosses) and maybe sup sigil of concentration/might duration runes would help. I wonder Axe/Mace-camping power spellbreaker with that combo would be viable (raids), seeing that axe auto has better DPS than GS.

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The sad truth is that Berserker cPS spec with Might food can do the job just as well - and bring a bucketload of more damage along with it.

It is a fun combo to play around with, for sure, but until Anet come to their senses and buff Power Warrior in general it aint going to be viable.

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@Oglaf.1074 said:The sad truth is that Berserker cPS spec with Might food can do the job just as well - and bring a bucketload of more damage along with it.

It is a fun combo to play around with, for sure, but until Anet come to their senses and buff Power Warrior in general it aint going to be viable.

@Oglaf.1074 said:The sad truth is that Berserker cPS spec with Might food can do the job just as well - and bring a bucketload of more damage along with it.

It is a fun combo to play around with, for sure, but until Anet come to their senses and buff Power Warrior in general it aint going to be viable.

Most condi specs across a lot of classes are best in PvE , besides thief staff and even then condi d/d is still performs just as well.

Condi is just god mode in PvE , PoF didn't change any of that.

It's not that warrior is weak , condi performs better literally on almost every class in PvE.

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@ZhouX.8742 said:

@Oglaf.1074 said:The sad truth is that Berserker cPS spec with Might food can do the job just as well - and bring a bucketload of more damage along with it.

It is a fun combo to play around with, for sure, but until Anet come to their senses and buff Power Warrior in general it aint going to be viable.

@Oglaf.1074 said:The sad truth is that Berserker cPS spec with Might food can do the job just as well - and bring a bucketload of more damage along with it.

It is a fun combo to play around with, for sure, but until Anet come to their senses and buff Power Warrior in general it aint going to be viable.

Most condi specs across a lot of classes are best in PvE , besides thief staff and even then condi d/d is still performs just as well.

Condi is just god mode in PvE , PoF didn't change any of that.

It's not that warrior is weak , condi performs better literally on almost every class in PvE.

Revenant main here, yup condi is so much stronger than power. Condis need nerfs all across the board for every game mode. PoF made everything even worse... like ... what the fuck...

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Not THAT long ago, power was > Condi and literally the same complaints how OP power was (generally, not just warrior). I was hoping PoF would help power again, but... idk, this skill DOES bring future potential. I mean, if they can simply buff power with Warrior; a SB PS warrior is very viable merely due to this trait. It ramps up quickly, 8 secs every 12 secs, add str runes/sigil and you dont need GS no. But clearly cPS is still better just because of a simple thing - it does better DPS. Until that changes or power PS is more in line w/ condi yeah, this is just a fun thing.

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Yes you can support your group that way as well ,

But berserker will have little bit more damage on paper because well f2 berserk mode ,You can also decide when to activate your f2 if you need to put all your damage in a small window <------- this gives it a burst potentialSpell breaker however no doubt has it plus points over berserker as it feels very cheesy. * Oh no big hit incoming. Full counter saved. It also has probably the most efficiently hps values in the warrior tree making it tanky even with zerk gear

But in my personal opinion i just don't like the main hand dagger over axe, its does less damage. Every time you don't critic even if its 2 in 10 hits, it will make you cry :P .It also hits 2 targets instead of 3 o_0?? why Arenanet??Off- hand dagger however is beautiful , Don't know how a little dagger's 4'th skill is reaching numbers like 25 -35 k heh

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@JVJD.4912 said:Yes you can support your group that way as well ,

But berserker will have little bit more damage on paper because well f2 berserk mode ,You can also decide when to activate your f2 if you need to put all your damage in a small window <------- this gives it a burst potentialSpell breaker however no doubt has it plus points over berserker as it feels very cheesy. * Oh no big hit incoming. Full counter saved. It also has probably the most efficiently hps values in the warrior tree making it tanky even with zerk gear

But in my personal opinion i just don't like the main hand dagger over axe, its does less damage. Every time you don't critic even if its 2 in 10 hits, it will make you cry :P .It also hits 2 targets instead of 3 o_0?? why Arenanet??Off- hand dagger however is beautiful , Don't know how a little dagger's 4'th skill is reaching numbers like 25 -35 k heh

Oh I actually forgot about offhand dagger lol. Axe/Dagger seems way too fun. Ah well, imma just have fun with this, hopefully they buff power or balance condi damage.

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@Oglaf.1074 said:That being said, I asked nicely if I could play around with Spellbreaker when we fought Vale Guardian and they let me. You can really have an amazing uptime of 25 Might with just Dagger auto-attack and Magebane. But, as I feared, my personal DPS suffered greatly.

Not like GS is doing anymore damage though.After getting rid of GS, Power Warrior is doing much better in everywhere else lolz..The introduction of mount rly changes things up abit cuz I can ditch GS without feeling slow.

I feel like if people rly wanna stick with power build might sharing, Spellbreaker will be the way to go, not that clunky mess GS.

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@Aomine.5012 said:

@Oglaf.1074 said:That being said, I asked nicely if I could play around with Spellbreaker when we fought Vale Guardian and they let me. You can really have an amazing uptime of 25 Might with just Dagger auto-attack and Magebane. But, as I feared, my personal DPS suffered greatly.

Not like GS is doing anymore damage though.After getting rid of GS, Power Warrior is doing much better in everywhere else lolz..The introduction of mount rly changes things up abit cuz I can ditch GS without feeling slow.

I feel like people rly wanna stick with power build might sharing, Spellbreaker will be the way to go, not that clunky mess GS.

It feels like the real essence of a warrior... going melee and crushing enemies/making them vulnerable with Axes, maces, swords etc. Condi warrior feels so boring. I've never had more fun in the game than with an axe/mace warrior, it just makes you feel so powerful/mighty (numbers say otherwise though lol.)

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