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fighting on point?


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Rushing onto the point and dying 3 seconds later to stacked traps will not win you the game. That said fighting off point won't win you the game either. You need to use your judgement. If the point is loaded with traps and you can't take down your opponent quickly you're probably better off just going to a different point. There is no one size fits all answer. No matter how much people will try to pretend otherwise.

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Everything is situational and the people who spam "fight on point" are usually the ones who run on point into AoEs and die in 10 seconds. There are very few if any rules for sPvP that apply to every situation and the people who follow them like the law aren't doing it correctly. They are general guidelines at best.

The real answer is this - fight on point if the situation warrants it. Whether or not it warrants it is up for you to decide - and you won't always make an accurate assessment of the situation.

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Yeah, running onto a point regardless of whether you're just giving away 5 points. Not good. But attempting to shift the fight towards a point or decapping without leaving your buddies to die....

@Fjaeldmark.9043 said:Rushing onto the point and dying 3 seconds later to stacked traps will not win you the game. That said fighting off point won't win you the game either. You need to use your judgement. If the point is loaded with traps and you can't take down your opponent quickly you're probably better off just going to a different point. There is no one size fits all answer. No matter how much people will try to pretend otherwise.

This is it! It's always a judgment call... Only some peoples judgement is louder than others and often in team chat XD if you ever feel like you're fighting in no man's land for too long, look at the map and think how you could change it up ;)

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  1. Consider how much time it'll take for you to cap/decap the point, if long then prioritize killing over point
  2. If longer to kill then consider rotate or call for focus fire, you can lose cap points for seconds but snowballing remaining opponents has more chance of yielding more (not guaranteed as they may return if you burn all CD and can't kill remaining)
  3. Assess if opponent has teamdps - scourge, power shatter, holosmith, ones with good cleaves etc. If yes eliminate first or put them on CDs before step on point
  4. Only step on point if you're confident you can tank/evade through it with defense options, NOT heal skill and preferably not dodges
    • Bonus point for not being silly and chase people 1200 range off a point and can't secure a kill

Ultimately there is no single rule. It depends on your ability to assess situation and decide quickly. Points are important but competent groups will seize any opportunity to snowball opponent while avoid overstretching. Hence you see a lot of high end fights start with group stealth, put pressure on far but rotate enough to save close/mid.

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The point is what allows the dominant player(s) / side to force the enemies to fight them (or disengage).Momentum is, unless you can win off static points, probably more important than nodes themselves.

Up until plat walking offnode = no touching zone which magically allows you to survive everything because one player will chase you and another will afk on node.

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