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Mirage turns Mesmer more into a thief(Good thing)


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I'm currently in Plat right now and i'm able to do quite well with Mirage. Most of the Mirage's i've encountered are condi but I play power(marauders).

After a few dozens matches I really feel used to Mirage by now and it honestly makes mesmer feel like a thief.

I run domination, dueling, mirage with sword/torch and axe. For traits, the important things I use are all the top traits for Mirage, Powerblock in domination, and deceptive evasion in dueling. I think Power Block works really well because a lot of how I play is basically abusing the hell out of the sword ambush skill and having high access to daze. It goes really well with the 5 second cd stun on daze as well.

I use the combo because it allows me to stick to the enemy really well. For utilities I use the deception heal, blink, decoy, and Mirage advance, then the Mirage Elite.

This combination of weapons/utilities makes it extremely easy for you to stay on any target, no matter where they go. In fights, once you get your rotations down, you can comfortably cycle through your mirage cloaks and mirrors that you lay on the ground after using distortion on your clones and through your heal skill.

It is much stronger against thief than normal mesmer is, largely because its nearly just as mobile and flashy around in combat as a thief is. The hard matchups are usually classes that fight on point well like Guard and Necro because you have very little ability to keep up your clones.

I think you could probably drop decoy for portal on this build if you wanted.

Mirage feels like its in a fairly good spot right now, or at least better than before. The only problem is the fact that what makes this build so viable is its dependence on the sword ambush skill which is exceptionally good becasue it gives you a ton of extra cc and a lot more mobility. I've survived so much because of this skill. I think one specs dependence being on one skill is a bit worrisome in my opinion. The other ambush skills need to be buffed.

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I agree with pretty much all of what you wrote, though for the matchups, I'd like to note that my matchup against guardian has improved from terrible to almost fun with the mirage spec. You're able to chew through their stability a lot more efficiently.

Necros still give me a ton of trouble, though part of that is learning how to play against the new Scourge and all its zoning.

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Necro in its current state makes it significantly more difficult to fight for many classes, including mesmer. My approach is usually just not to fight them but if I have to, I just let the scourge blow all its AOE's, move out, then go back in when I can.

Even on a pure power build, you can still do quite high condi damage. You get lots of confusion and torment for free on this build. Couple that with constant high vuln stacks and it can do decent damage.

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Mirage is pretty decent in PvP. I have been playing condition mirage and can pretty much handle anything outside of spellbreaker and scourge. The mobility is better than chrono by abusing sword ambush 1 but it is nowhere close to what a dash daredevil can do.

But I am just having too much fun with scourge right now so I think I will temporarily shelf my mesmer until the inevitable nerf comes to scourge.

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I'd say its in combat mobility is pretty close to daredevil though and I say that mainly because it can stick on targets so well. I guess it depends what you take, I think you could honestly sacrifice decoy if you felt like it and take the 2nd mirage shadowstep like skill if you want, and then you have sword 1, blink, mirage advance, illusionary ambush, axe 3, jaunt, and sword 3, all that can allow you to lock onto people.

Between axe 3, mirage advance, and illusionary ambush, you have 3 skills that basically allow you to shadow step onto a target. If you rotate them well enough you stick on even a daredevil like glue.

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Hi, I just dueled you in PvP! GFs =)

With my build, I can handle EVERY single build in the game.It plays very much like Thief, and the burst damage is absolutely bonkers with my setup.


Berserker amulet seems like a poor choice, but coupled with all the evasion, mobility, and damage mitigation in general you can dish out bursts that will stop people cold. Mind Wrack right when Axe 3 lands deals around 10k, and the CD on that is low. There a ton of possibilities for damage output with this build, that you'll be a very dangerous target. Illusionary Riposte on its own is powerful, and Illusionary Swordsman hurts a ton too. Jaunt deals 2k damage (!) when you land it, which is awesome.

Also, Mantra of Resolve helps a lot when fighting Scourges, since you can dance in melee without having too much trouble. You should still avoid being in them though. Hop in with Axe 3 and Mind Wrack, then sword ambush your way out. Or, you can use Illusionary Ambush as an escape tool.

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@Abelisk.4527 said:Hi, I just dueled you in PvP! GFs =)

With my build, I can handle EVERY single build in the game.It plays very much like Thief, and the burst damage is absolutely bonkers with my setup.


Berserker amulet seems like a poor choice, but coupled with all the evasion, mobility, and damage mitigation in general you can dish out bursts that will stop people cold. Mind Wrack right when Axe 3 lands deals around 10k, and the CD on that is low. There a ton of possibilities for damage output with this build, that you'll be a very dangerous target. Illusionary Riposte on its own is powerful, and Illusionary Swordsman hurts a ton too. Jaunt deals 2k damage (!) when you land it, which is awesome.

Also, Mantra of Resolve helps a lot when fighting Scourges, since you can dance in melee without having too much trouble. You should still avoid being in them though. Hop in with Axe 3 and Mind Wrack, then sword ambush your way out. Or, you can use Illusionary Ambush as an escape tool.

I am using a very similar build to yours with some modifications. Same weapons, but right now I am thinking about switching to offhand pistol. Mobility is amazing honestly. First time I am not missing portal on mesmer.

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