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Unidentified Gear Salvaging


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I'd like to see them change the UI that comes up that shows all the items that will be salvaged based on the tool you are using such that each item has a little check box, and they are all checked by default. You could then 'uncheck' items you do not wish salvaged, and then click 'OK' (or whatever that button says).

As an additional help, they should have some sorting options for items in that UI, the most useful being to sort by type (i.e., Unidentified Gear, Weapons, Armor, Trinkets). Or, if not a sort, the ability to filter out types of items (and have it retain the setting between uses until changed).

The reason being, I don't want to salvage Unids when I use my Copper Fed, and no Unids or 'Weapons' when I use my Silver Fed. I sell weapons. After I free up space, then I start opening Unids and salvaging those, because I get a fair amount of Rare and Exotics from those items. Enough to not want me to straight salvage them.

Until they make us a UI like that, the Inviso-bag trick kinda works, but then it ends up something like this.

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@kurfu.5623 said:Just stack your unid gear in one of these until you're ready to open them:


I already use all 20 slots in my invisible bags but it is not relevant anyway as that won't solve the issue at hand - if I spot that I have unidentified gear in my inventory I will open it before I salvage. If I don't spot it will get accidentally salvaged. I do not wish to salvage any unidentified gear I wish to open it all. Even if I had spare slots in my invisible bags it wouldn't help as I'd still need to spot the unidentified gear amongst the 50+other items of loot to move it to those bags and if I've spotted it then I can open it and don't need to move it to the safe bag.

Perhaps they could add a checkbox to character options of "Don't salvage unidentified gear on salvage all" or even scrap the idea of unidentified gear and make them normal containers.

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@Menadena.7482 said:It would be better implemented as a preference rather than a confirmation. The whole reason for 'salvage all' is convenience and having to answer a confirmation each time defeats that.

A single confirmation for each stack of unidentified gear would be less inconvenient that accidentally salvaging a stack you hadn't spotted.

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@Zoltar MacRoth.7146 said:Are there any bags that collect unidentified gear as a preference, in the way some bags collect fractal gear or exotic gear? If not, that might be a useful addition, allowing unidentified gear to collect invisibly so it can't be accidentally salvaged.

I don't think so, although I haven't played PoF super-extensively so its possible I'm just not aware of it.

However, if you have 1 piece of each unidentified gear in a bag, since they stack, they'll all automatically stack into that spot. So you can just pop your unidentified gear into an invisible bag, one of each rarity, and then don't have to worry about. Even when you finally identify all of them, you can split the stack so that you have 1 left in the invisible bag to keep the system going.

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