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The Good the bad and the UGLY side of PoF.


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First let me say the overall experience in PoF was well worth it. The size and scope of the thing is Awesome. The cities are Wonderful and most of the content is Spectacular. However, I am more than a little miffed at how every boss fight left me feeling like I needed to report DEVs as exploiters. If I'm going into a fight that I can't win due to the game mechanics or story line I should not have to repair my armor over and over again. The DEVs have Failed to make the big fights feel like we have any ability to affect how the story is progressing. I was over and over again left feeling as if I had no ability to make any difference and may as well have not bothers trying to fight. Shock value is one thing but if I am going to lose in a fight I want it to be My fault not just a MUST Die for story line then being made to pay for armor repairs over and over again. 10 gold is a lot in REAL money and I felt like that was stolen from me. Over all Yes I recommend it to friends and Family and have. I loved the overall story and the world is really immersive and enjoyable. Please make sure if we must die for story content rather than due to our own faults that we are not made to pay for it.

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@Atma.5198 said:Pay for repairs? Umm... have you even actually played this game? There are no costs for repairing your armor. None. Zero. Zilch. Nada.

I believe you misunderstood. The OP was saying that had to repair their armor repeatedly during the story mission, and we both know there are no repair anvils in those. ;)

@OP: I only felt similar to your sentiment (minus the waste of repair kits) during the final battle against Balthazar. Had I not played it with the Scourge, I'm not sure whether it would have been doable at all. I'll report back once I've finished with other professions.

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