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Fix the PvP Ranking Points System


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@Ragnar.4257 said:

@bluri.2653 said:Gw2 is the only community where being in a certain tier with a 50%winrate expect to win more and lose less. Lmao

I get what ur saying man but it's very strange being at the mercy of ur rng team especially if u do not duo que. I've seen some of ur uploads where u and ur duo partner can't carry with the potatoes teammates u rng'd lol how often do u think others can carry if often times u cant? U can't tell me those instances where u just romp around the map cuz it's useless aren't frustrating and wouldn't be less frustrating as well as show a more a accurate depiction of ur skill if u were rated on ur performance and participation? Its awesome having 4 outa 6 top stats decapping like a mad man and +1ing peeps that die in seconds anyway just to lose a match and go down in rank.

Also wanna say love all ur vids, always a good watch. Basically only gw2 vids worth watching these days imo and hope u keep posting for a while lolKids cute!U should give eso nightblade a real chance Haha yeah I kno u think the combats kitten :)

My winrate at 1800+ is still at 75% and in s6 it was 90% that means i clomb, if im at 50-55% ofc ill end up losing

I kno but the issue is especially with solo que the the rng of ur teamates skill is literally the defining factor of ur rank

This is just not true, and is what everyone complaining about the rating system misunderstands.

Sure, in any one particular match, the outcome is heavily dictated by your team-mates.

But over 100 matches, the random-factor of team-mates gets cancelled out, because for every match you get bad team-mates, there's another match where the enemy gets bad-team mates. It gets cancelled out by the law of averages.

So if the random-factor of team-mates gets cancelled out over time, by the end of the season the overwhelming majority factor is your own personal skill.

If I flip a coin 2 times, the chances of getting 1x heads and 1x tails aren't that big. There is a large chance of getting 2x heads or 2x tails. But if I flip a coin 100 times, the chances of getting 100x heads or 100x tails drop away to almost nothing, and it averages out to about 50/50. The "RNG" is made insignificant by increasing the sample size.

This is also why right at the start of the season, when everyone has only played 10 matches, the ratings are all over the place. Because after only 10 matches the random-factor is still significant. But after 100 matches it becomes insignificant.

I 100% guarantee you that the players in Plat-3 are significantly better than the players in Gold-3. And the players in Gold-3 are significantly better than the players in Silver-3. It doesn't just come down to "chance". So explain again how the system is "broken" ?

Urgh, basic statistics, sample sizes, dimensional analysis. Why aren't people taught this stuff at school?

True that everyone has a chance to get the same rng as u do as far as skilled teammates but that does not mean many do not come ahead compared to others and more or less others as it's all random, add in duo que's adding to alot of peeps chances and it gives some groups a even higher chance especially if u know ur duo que partner is also really good and playing a class that complements their class etc etc. Its pretty simple a team based game that is based on a win/lose basis where the outcome of ur match is dependent on ur random team then ur own performance within the match as 4 people on average together will have more impact than 1 in a match even if the one player performs well.It's a extremely lazy ranking system.

Explain why the top 50 is basically the same people each season.

Explain why in AT, a team of Plat-3s will demolish a team of Golds, every single time.

Random luck is NOT the only factor at play here.

People don't like to hear this, but after 120+ matches at the end of the season, your rating (+/- ~5%)
an accurate measure of your personal skill.

because they premade

This pretty much ^

I literally just explained to you that a pug-team, NOT premade, of Plat-3s will still demolish a team of Golds.

But nah, put your fingers in your ears, and keep shouting that its all random luck.

Yeah a premade plat will but not necessarily a team of golds that are currently ranking up. They very easy could be plat level skill but havent played the number of games yet duo queing to reach plat yet. There are some great players in gold and really really bad players and this goes for plat as well due to the garbage ranking system :)

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@Psycoprophet.8107 said:

@bluri.2653 said:Gw2 is the only community where being in a certain tier with a 50%winrate expect to win more and lose less. Lmao

I get what ur saying man but it's very strange being at the mercy of ur rng team especially if u do not duo que. I've seen some of ur uploads where u and ur duo partner can't carry with the potatoes teammates u rng'd lol how often do u think others can carry if often times u cant? U can't tell me those instances where u just romp around the map cuz it's useless aren't frustrating and wouldn't be less frustrating as well as show a more a accurate depiction of ur skill if u were rated on ur performance and participation? Its awesome having 4 outa 6 top stats decapping like a mad man and +1ing peeps that die in seconds anyway just to lose a match and go down in rank.

Also wanna say love all ur vids, always a good watch. Basically only gw2 vids worth watching these days imo and hope u keep posting for a while lolKids cute!U should give eso nightblade a real chance Haha yeah I kno u think the combats kitten :)

My winrate at 1800+ is still at 75% and in s6 it was 90% that means i clomb, if im at 50-55% ofc ill end up losing

I kno but the issue is especially with solo que the the rng of ur teamates skill is literally the defining factor of ur rank

This is just not true, and is what everyone complaining about the rating system misunderstands.

Sure, in any one particular match, the outcome is heavily dictated by your team-mates.

But over 100 matches, the random-factor of team-mates gets cancelled out, because for every match you get bad team-mates, there's another match where the enemy gets bad-team mates. It gets cancelled out by the law of averages.

So if the random-factor of team-mates gets cancelled out over time, by the end of the season the overwhelming majority factor is your own personal skill.

If I flip a coin 2 times, the chances of getting 1x heads and 1x tails aren't that big. There is a large chance of getting 2x heads or 2x tails. But if I flip a coin 100 times, the chances of getting 100x heads or 100x tails drop away to almost nothing, and it averages out to about 50/50. The "RNG" is made insignificant by increasing the sample size.

This is also why right at the start of the season, when everyone has only played 10 matches, the ratings are all over the place. Because after only 10 matches the random-factor is still significant. But after 100 matches it becomes insignificant.

I 100% guarantee you that the players in Plat-3 are significantly better than the players in Gold-3. And the players in Gold-3 are significantly better than the players in Silver-3. It doesn't just come down to "chance". So explain again how the system is "broken" ?

Urgh, basic statistics, sample sizes, dimensional analysis. Why aren't people taught this stuff at school?

True that everyone has a chance to get the same rng as u do as far as skilled teammates but that does not mean many do not come ahead compared to others and more or less others as it's all random, add in duo que's adding to alot of peeps chances and it gives some groups a even higher chance especially if u know ur duo que partner is also really good and playing a class that complements their class etc etc. Its pretty simple a team based game that is based on a win/lose basis where the outcome of ur match is dependent on ur random team then ur own performance within the match as 4 people on average together will have more impact than 1 in a match even if the one player performs well.It's a extremely lazy ranking system.

Explain why the top 50 is basically the same people each season.

Explain why in AT, a team of Plat-3s will demolish a team of Golds, every single time.

Random luck is NOT the only factor at play here.

People don't like to hear this, but after 120+ matches at the end of the season, your rating (+/- ~5%)
an accurate measure of your personal skill.

because they premade

This pretty much ^

I literally just explained to you that a pug-team, NOT premade, of Plat-3s will still demolish a team of Golds.

But nah, put your fingers in your ears, and keep shouting that its all random luck.

Yeah a premade plat will but not necessarily a team of golds that are currently ranking up. They very easy could be plat level skill but havent played the number of games yet duo queing to reach plat yet. There are some great players in gold and really really bad players and this goes for plat as well due to the garbage ranking system :)

"Yeah a premade plat"


I said NOT premade!






Let me explain this again, very very slowly.

A team of Plat-3s, which is NOT A PREMADE, the team has not been premade, there has been no pre-making, the team has not been made previously, will still demolish a team of Golds.

If you pick any team of Plat-3s, and let me say this again for the slow-of-thinking, NOT premade, and put them against any team of Gold-3s, the Plat-3 team will always win, 100% of the time.

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@Ragnar.4257 said:

@bluri.2653 said:Gw2 is the only community where being in a certain tier with a 50%winrate expect to win more and lose less. Lmao

I get what ur saying man but it's very strange being at the mercy of ur rng team especially if u do not duo que. I've seen some of ur uploads where u and ur duo partner can't carry with the potatoes teammates u rng'd lol how often do u think others can carry if often times u cant? U can't tell me those instances where u just romp around the map cuz it's useless aren't frustrating and wouldn't be less frustrating as well as show a more a accurate depiction of ur skill if u were rated on ur performance and participation? Its awesome having 4 outa 6 top stats decapping like a mad man and +1ing peeps that die in seconds anyway just to lose a match and go down in rank.

Also wanna say love all ur vids, always a good watch. Basically only gw2 vids worth watching these days imo and hope u keep posting for a while lolKids cute!U should give eso nightblade a real chance Haha yeah I kno u think the combats kitten :)

My winrate at 1800+ is still at 75% and in s6 it was 90% that means i clomb, if im at 50-55% ofc ill end up losing

I kno but the issue is especially with solo que the the rng of ur teamates skill is literally the defining factor of ur rank

This is just not true, and is what everyone complaining about the rating system misunderstands.

Sure, in any one particular match, the outcome is heavily dictated by your team-mates.

But over 100 matches, the random-factor of team-mates gets cancelled out, because for every match you get bad team-mates, there's another match where the enemy gets bad-team mates. It gets cancelled out by the law of averages.

So if the random-factor of team-mates gets cancelled out over time, by the end of the season the overwhelming majority factor is your own personal skill.

If I flip a coin 2 times, the chances of getting 1x heads and 1x tails aren't that big. There is a large chance of getting 2x heads or 2x tails. But if I flip a coin 100 times, the chances of getting 100x heads or 100x tails drop away to almost nothing, and it averages out to about 50/50. The "RNG" is made insignificant by increasing the sample size.

This is also why right at the start of the season, when everyone has only played 10 matches, the ratings are all over the place. Because after only 10 matches the random-factor is still significant. But after 100 matches it becomes insignificant.

I 100% guarantee you that the players in Plat-3 are significantly better than the players in Gold-3. And the players in Gold-3 are significantly better than the players in Silver-3. It doesn't just come down to "chance". So explain again how the system is "broken" ?

Urgh, basic statistics, sample sizes, dimensional analysis. Why aren't people taught this stuff at school?

True that everyone has a chance to get the same rng as u do as far as skilled teammates but that does not mean many do not come ahead compared to others and more or less others as it's all random, add in duo que's adding to alot of peeps chances and it gives some groups a even higher chance especially if u know ur duo que partner is also really good and playing a class that complements their class etc etc. Its pretty simple a team based game that is based on a win/lose basis where the outcome of ur match is dependent on ur random team then ur own performance within the match as 4 people on average together will have more impact than 1 in a match even if the one player performs well.It's a extremely lazy ranking system.

Explain why the top 50 is basically the same people each season.

Explain why in AT, a team of Plat-3s will demolish a team of Golds, every single time.

Random luck is NOT the only factor at play here.

People don't like to hear this, but after 120+ matches at the end of the season, your rating (+/- ~5%)
an accurate measure of your personal skill.

because they premade

This pretty much ^

I literally just explained to you that a pug-team, NOT premade, of Plat-3s will still demolish a team of Golds.

But nah, put your fingers in your ears, and keep shouting that its all random luck.

Yeah a premade plat will but not necessarily a team of golds that are currently ranking up. They very easy could be plat level skill but havent played the number of games yet duo queing to reach plat yet. There are some great players in gold and really really bad players and this goes for plat as well due to the garbage ranking system :)

"Yeah a premade plat"


I said NOT premade!






Let me explain this again, very very slowly.

A team of Plat-3s, which is NOT A PREMADE, the team has not been premade, there has been no pre-making, the team has not been made previously, will still demolish a team of Golds.

If you pick any team of Plat-3s, and let me say this again for the slow-of-thinking, NOT premade, and put them against any team of Gold-3s, the Plat-3 team will always win, 100% of the time.

a team of plat will demolish a team of gold, but can a plat alone carry a bad gold team? that's the question

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@Psycoprophet.8107 said:There is absolutely no negative or sensible reason why a players rank can't or shouldn't be dependent on their skill and performance on average throughout matches instead if the way it is now where the other 4 random teamates and their skill level dictate ur rank more than u do as a player. Kittens silly.

A players rank DOES depend on their skill and performance.

Please, re-read the first post I made in this thread, and think about it carefully.

You just keep saying the same thing over and over again, without any argument, or any consideration to what others have said back.

The idea that all the players in P3/L1 just got super lucky with their teams, and all the players in Gold just got unlucky, and that actually they're all the same skill level, is just laughable.

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@SeikeNz.3526 said:

@bluri.2653 said:Gw2 is the only community where being in a certain tier with a 50%winrate expect to win more and lose less. Lmao

I get what ur saying man but it's very strange being at the mercy of ur rng team especially if u do not duo que. I've seen some of ur uploads where u and ur duo partner can't carry with the potatoes teammates u rng'd lol how often do u think others can carry if often times u cant? U can't tell me those instances where u just romp around the map cuz it's useless aren't frustrating and wouldn't be less frustrating as well as show a more a accurate depiction of ur skill if u were rated on ur performance and participation? Its awesome having 4 outa 6 top stats decapping like a mad man and +1ing peeps that die in seconds anyway just to lose a match and go down in rank.

Also wanna say love all ur vids, always a good watch. Basically only gw2 vids worth watching these days imo and hope u keep posting for a while lolKids cute!U should give eso nightblade a real chance Haha yeah I kno u think the combats kitten :)

My winrate at 1800+ is still at 75% and in s6 it was 90% that means i clomb, if im at 50-55% ofc ill end up losing

I kno but the issue is especially with solo que the the rng of ur teamates skill is literally the defining factor of ur rank

This is just not true, and is what everyone complaining about the rating system misunderstands.

Sure, in any one particular match, the outcome is heavily dictated by your team-mates.

But over 100 matches, the random-factor of team-mates gets cancelled out, because for every match you get bad team-mates, there's another match where the enemy gets bad-team mates. It gets cancelled out by the law of averages.

So if the random-factor of team-mates gets cancelled out over time, by the end of the season the overwhelming majority factor is your own personal skill.

If I flip a coin 2 times, the chances of getting 1x heads and 1x tails aren't that big. There is a large chance of getting 2x heads or 2x tails. But if I flip a coin 100 times, the chances of getting 100x heads or 100x tails drop away to almost nothing, and it averages out to about 50/50. The "RNG" is made insignificant by increasing the sample size.

This is also why right at the start of the season, when everyone has only played 10 matches, the ratings are all over the place. Because after only 10 matches the random-factor is still significant. But after 100 matches it becomes insignificant.

I 100% guarantee you that the players in Plat-3 are significantly better than the players in Gold-3. And the players in Gold-3 are significantly better than the players in Silver-3. It doesn't just come down to "chance". So explain again how the system is "broken" ?

Urgh, basic statistics, sample sizes, dimensional analysis. Why aren't people taught this stuff at school?

True that everyone has a chance to get the same rng as u do as far as skilled teammates but that does not mean many do not come ahead compared to others and more or less others as it's all random, add in duo que's adding to alot of peeps chances and it gives some groups a even higher chance especially if u know ur duo que partner is also really good and playing a class that complements their class etc etc. Its pretty simple a team based game that is based on a win/lose basis where the outcome of ur match is dependent on ur random team then ur own performance within the match as 4 people on average together will have more impact than 1 in a match even if the one player performs well.It's a extremely lazy ranking system.

Explain why the top 50 is basically the same people each season.

Explain why in AT, a team of Plat-3s will demolish a team of Golds, every single time.

Random luck is NOT the only factor at play here.

People don't like to hear this, but after 120+ matches at the end of the season, your rating (+/- ~5%)
an accurate measure of your personal skill.

because they premade

This pretty much ^

I literally just explained to you that a pug-team, NOT premade, of Plat-3s will still demolish a team of Golds.

But nah, put your fingers in your ears, and keep shouting that its all random luck.

Yeah a premade plat will but not necessarily a team of golds that are currently ranking up. They very easy could be plat level skill but havent played the number of games yet duo queing to reach plat yet. There are some great players in gold and really really bad players and this goes for plat as well due to the garbage ranking system :)

"Yeah a premade plat"


I said NOT premade!






Let me explain this again, very very slowly.

A team of Plat-3s, which is NOT A PREMADE, the team has not been premade, there has been no pre-making, the team has not been made previously, will still demolish a team of Golds.

If you pick any team of Plat-3s, and let me say this again for the slow-of-thinking, NOT premade, and put them against any team of Gold-3s, the Plat-3 team will always win, 100% of the time.

a team of plat will demolish a team of gold, but can a plat alone carry a bad gold team? that's the question

No, they can't, but again, re-read my first post.

The number of games where they need to carry will, OVER TIME, be off-set by the number of games in which they are themselves carried.

Please, please, please, try and understand the difference between a SINGLE match, and MANY hundreds of matches carried out over a period of months. By repeating and increasing the sample-size, you can CANCEL OUT the random factor.

If you are doing a survey/questionnaire, you don't just ask the first person you meet and then draw a conclusion from that, because that's highly dependent on random luck. The one person you ask might be highly biased, or not represent the majority position. But if you ask 1000 people, then you can start drawing actual conclusions. Because by increasing the sample size you are reducing the impact of random luck.

In the same way, your rating isn't just the result of one match. Its the result of 120+ matches.

If you actually cared about making rating more accurate, you would be asking for the minimum number of matches to be increased (with a corresponding increase in season duration).

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

for real skilled players exist tournaments, where all members in team a not "random" and get nice rewards each month.Don't see any reason try find in ranked something extra mind. Play and get fun.

Skilled ? - so find teammates and play tournaments. Use ranked only time between tournaments for fun. Not see fun - not play.

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@bluri.2653 said:

@Axelteas.7192 said:Can somebody explain me WHY a defeat can give me -14 negative points, and a victory +9 points? Its totally shameful!!

You want it to be the other way around?

I would like a way that doesn’t punish people for just playing the game instead of gaming the system. That some people like to cheat the system isn’t new, but gw2 encourages you to do it as it discourages you to play the game honestly.Want to improve your rating? Don’t solo queue after prime time.Oh, you already got the rank you desire? Better only play the minimum amount of games. Bonus points if you make a smurf account and occupy additional slots on the leaderboards so that the player who might actually deserve the reward for top x won’t get it.Want to increase your odds of winning in higher tiers? Go duo queue. (Why do we not have separate leaderboards for solo and duo? Could still be the same queue, just like dota used to do it)Want to increase your chance of winning outside of the actual match? Queue on whatever class is currently worst and relog before the start of the match). Bonus points if you are duo and both of you do it.Still not winning enough? Take it a step further and win trade or simultaneously queue with a friend who will either try his best or worst, depending on which team he ends up. Worst thing that can happen to you is dishonor. :^) Bonus points if you ruin the rating of a competitor in the process.(Just to be clear: I am not accusing you of doing this, I am giving examples of what the current pvp system promotes)

Obviously, some of the above are caused by population issues, but at the same time the current system which promotes playing fewer games exacerbates the population issue.

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It's funny that players that have other skilled players to duo queue with on a regular bassis or use different methods of map manipulation already mentioned to raise in rank defend this rank system so much lol.I've heard multiple streamers and few top players say they were gonna let a account rank decay or start another account to stream going up in ranks only using solo que's yet non of them ever seems to actually follow through and do it lol. I'm guessing cuz they don't want to deal with the frustrations.

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@Psycoprophet.8107 said:It's funny that players that have other skilled players to duo queue with on a regular bassis or use different methods of map manipulation already mentioned to raise in rank defend this rank system so much lol.I've heard multiple streamers and few top players say they were gonna let a account rank decay or start another account to stream going up in ranks only using solo que's yet non of them ever seems to actually follow through and do it lol. I'm guessing cuz they don't want to deal with the frustrations.

Or just maybe people enjoy playing with others more then playing alone?I play league for 10 years, and the moment duoQ becouse impossible to queue, is the day im going to uninstall.I am willing to throw games for 10 hours nonstop, ruining games for people to drop low rank so i can play with my friends.And trust me there are others that are doing it, and others that WILL do it. Adding restrictions can backfire.example, if im plat 2 and plat players cant play with gold ( my friend is in gold ).I will tryhard games to climb and for fun, and then just queue to afk so I can demote to play with my friend. In the end it would be developers poor system at fault, its MULTIPLAYER game.

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@Erzian.5218 said:

@Axelteas.7192 said:Can somebody explain me WHY a defeat can give me -14 negative points, and a victory +9 points? Its totally shameful!!

You want it to be the other way around?

I would like a way that doesn’t punish people for just playing the game instead of gaming the system. That some people like to cheat the system isn’t new, but gw2 encourages you to do it as it discourages you to play the game honestly.Want to improve your rating? Don’t solo queue after prime time.Oh, you already got the rank you desire? Better only play the minimum amount of games. Bonus points if you make a smurf account and occupy additional slots on the leaderboards so that the player who might actually deserve the reward for top x won’t get it.Want to increase your odds of winning in higher tiers? Go duo queue. (Why do we not have separate leaderboards for solo and duo? Could still be the same queue, just like dota used to do it)Want to increase your chance of winning outside of the actual match? Queue on whatever class is currently worst and relog before the start of the match). Bonus points if you are duo and both of you do it.Still not winning enough? Take it a step further and win trade or simultaneously queue with a friend who will either try his best or worst, depending on which team he ends up. Worst thing that can happen to you is dishonor. :^) Bonus points if you ruin the rating of a competitor in the process.(Just to be clear: I am not accusing you of doing this, I am giving examples of what the current pvp system promotes)

Obviously, some of the above are caused by population issues, but at the same time the current system which promotes playing fewer games exacerbates the population issue.

I agree with you and what you mean, but people will always find ways to abuse the system.

I dont know if getting less punished would help that, then you get away even more easier by q’ing off hours etc no?

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@Leonidrex.5649 said:

@Psycoprophet.8107 said:It's funny that players that have other skilled players to duo queue with on a regular bassis or use different methods of map manipulation already mentioned to raise in rank defend this rank system so much lol.I've heard multiple streamers and few top players say they were gonna let a account rank decay or start another account to stream going up in ranks only using solo que's yet non of them ever seems to actually follow through and do it lol. I'm guessing cuz they don't want to deal with the frustrations.

Or just maybe people enjoy playing with others more then playing alone?I play league for 10 years, and the moment duoQ becouse impossible to queue, is the day im going to uninstall.I am willing to throw games for 10 hours nonstop, ruining games for people to drop low rank so i can play with my friends.And trust me there are others that are doing it, and others that WILL do it. Adding restrictions can backfire.example, if im plat 2 and plat players cant play with gold ( my friend is in gold ).I will tryhard games to climb and for fun, and then just queue to afk so I can demote to play with my friend. In the end it would be developers poor system at fault, its MULTIPLAYER game.

Than dont say that solo q players complaints arnt valid or that ranking is fine because it's not,I'm sure that as soon as its solo q only u quiting would be just about not playing with ur freind in a match lol it's because u now the ranking system is infuriating as a solo que player and it should not be.I'm fine with duo q or team q but solo q should definitely be separate. Let's see who's at top then lmao. Oh and I. Sure that's why they say their gonna do it but never follow up on it lol.

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@Axelteas.7192 said:Can somebody explain me WHY a defeat can give me -14 negative points, and a victory +9 points? Its totally shameful!!

Its because your rating is scored against the average of the other team in some way when determining your rating at the end of the match.

If a 1800 and 1500 are both on the same team, the 1800 will gain less and lose more. From a theoretical perspective, if two players duoed all season, one starting at 1800 and the other at 1000, they will end the season at roughly the same rating.

Its a pretty bad system when you note that the two players that duoed are probably not at the same skill level at the end of the season and rating them the same is clearly not accurate.

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The highest I was able to hit yesterday solo quing was r26. Had a 65% win ratio and I only duo'd a handful of games this season.

It kinda sucks having to win 3 times to make up a single loss so I get the OPs point. RNG teammates are lame with a low population. Tryhard matches full of skilled players are way more fun to play in because I can focus on doing my job instead of covering for one or more teammates (a.k.a. needing to be at 2 points at the same time in order to win the match).


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@Psycoprophet.8107 said:

@Psycoprophet.8107 said:It's funny that players that have other skilled players to duo queue with on a regular bassis or use different methods of map manipulation already mentioned to raise in rank defend this rank system so much lol.I've heard multiple streamers and few top players say they were gonna let a account rank decay or start another account to stream going up in ranks only using solo que's yet non of them ever seems to actually follow through and do it lol. I'm guessing cuz they don't want to deal with the frustrations.

Or just maybe people enjoy playing with others more then playing alone?I play league for 10 years, and the moment duoQ becouse impossible to queue, is the day im going to uninstall.I am willing to throw games for 10 hours nonstop, ruining games for people to drop low rank so i can play with my friends.And trust me there are others that are doing it, and others that WILL do it. Adding restrictions can backfire.example, if im plat 2 and plat players cant play with gold ( my friend is in gold ).I will tryhard games to climb and for fun, and then just queue to afk so I can demote to play with my friend. In the end it would be developers poor system at fault, its MULTIPLAYER game.

Than dont say that solo q players complaints arnt valid or that ranking is fine because it's not,I'm sure that as soon as its solo q only u quiting would be just about not playing with ur freind in a match lol it's because u now the ranking system is infuriating as a solo que player and it should not be.I'm fine with duo q or team q but solo q should definitely be separate. Let's see who's at top then lmao. Oh and I. Sure that's why they say their gonna do it but never follow up on it lol.

no, it shouldnt. the reason why matches are shit is becouse nobody plays the game. removing duoQ will make people quit and then situation will be EVEN FUCKING WORSE.And the people that duoQ to win will just sync queue with friends, if the same team good, if oposing they gonna fuck around 1v1 on far for shits and giggles or just throw matches.

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@Leonidrex.5649 said:

@Psycoprophet.8107 said:It's funny that players that have other skilled players to duo queue with on a regular bassis or use different methods of map manipulation already mentioned to raise in rank defend this rank system so much lol.I've heard multiple streamers and few top players say they were gonna let a account rank decay or start another account to stream going up in ranks only using solo que's yet non of them ever seems to actually follow through and do it lol. I'm guessing cuz they don't want to deal with the frustrations.

Or just maybe people enjoy playing with others more then playing alone?I play league for 10 years, and the moment duoQ becouse impossible to queue, is the day im going to uninstall.I am willing to throw games for 10 hours nonstop, ruining games for people to drop low rank so i can play with my friends.And trust me there are others that are doing it, and others that WILL do it. Adding restrictions can backfire.example, if im plat 2 and plat players cant play with gold ( my friend is in gold ).I will tryhard games to climb and for fun, and then just queue to afk so I can demote to play with my friend. In the end it would be developers poor system at fault, its MULTIPLAYER game.

Than dont say that solo q players complaints arnt valid or that ranking is fine because it's not,I'm sure that as soon as its solo q only u quiting would be just about not playing with ur freind in a match lol it's because u now the ranking system is infuriating as a solo que player and it should not be.I'm fine with duo q or team q but solo q should definitely be separate. Let's see who's at top then lmao. Oh and I. Sure that's why they say their gonna do it but never follow up on it lol.

no, it shouldnt. the reason why matches are kitten is becouse nobody plays the game. removing duoQ will make people quit and then situation will be EVEN kitten WORSE.And the people that duoQ to win will just sync queue with friends, if the same team good, if oposing they gonna kitten around 1v1 on far for kitten and giggles or just throw matches.

Ur right with the current rank system maybe separating duo and single que will effect things negatively or it may not but I'm suggesting that maybe a rank system that not only matches duo or team que with other duo or team que's and solo q with solo q but also a ranking system where not only do u get some points for ur team winning but also for you're actual individual performance within the match. In the current system players can lose OR be carried depending on the team and that is a lazy ineffective ranking system.

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@Psycoprophet.8107 said:

@Psycoprophet.8107 said:It's funny that players that have other skilled players to duo queue with on a regular bassis or use different methods of map manipulation already mentioned to raise in rank defend this rank system so much lol.I've heard multiple streamers and few top players say they were gonna let a account rank decay or start another account to stream going up in ranks only using solo que's yet non of them ever seems to actually follow through and do it lol. I'm guessing cuz they don't want to deal with the frustrations.

Or just maybe people enjoy playing with others more then playing alone?I play league for 10 years, and the moment duoQ becouse impossible to queue, is the day im going to uninstall.I am willing to throw games for 10 hours nonstop, ruining games for people to drop low rank so i can play with my friends.And trust me there are others that are doing it, and others that WILL do it. Adding restrictions can backfire.example, if im plat 2 and plat players cant play with gold ( my friend is in gold ).I will tryhard games to climb and for fun, and then just queue to afk so I can demote to play with my friend. In the end it would be developers poor system at fault, its MULTIPLAYER game.

Than dont say that solo q players complaints arnt valid or that ranking is fine because it's not,I'm sure that as soon as its solo q only u quiting would be just about not playing with ur freind in a match lol it's because u now the ranking system is infuriating as a solo que player and it should not be.I'm fine with duo q or team q but solo q should definitely be separate. Let's see who's at top then lmao. Oh and I. Sure that's why they say their gonna do it but never follow up on it lol.

no, it shouldnt. the reason why matches are kitten is becouse nobody plays the game. removing duoQ will make people quit and then situation will be EVEN kitten WORSE.And the people that duoQ to win will just sync queue with friends, if the same team good, if oposing they gonna kitten around 1v1 on far for kitten and giggles or just throw matches.

Ur right with the current rank system maybe separating duo and single que will effect things negatively or it may not but I'm suggesting that maybe a rank system that not only matches duo or team que with other duo or team que's and solo q with solo q but also a ranking system where not only do u get some points for ur team winning but also for you're actual individual performance within the match. In the current system players can lose OR be carried depending on the team and that is a lazy ineffective ranking system.

All they need to do is make sure that if duoQ is going to happen, both team gets 1 duo each, there is alot of small fixes that could improve ranking experience.Taking away what player can do should be 100% last resort attempt. How about when you duoQ both members count as higher MMR player from the bracket? and thus if you lose to them you dont lose this hard? How about both team gets duoQ, instead of mahing 2x douQ on one team and no on the other?I had a game where I queued into sind and his premade while I was 1510 rank, im plat 1, still learning basic things and here I am against 2x 1700+ rank 5+ years veteran tryhards.

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