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Ventari's new Non Tablet abilities


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Skill 6) Project TranquilityProject Ventari's tablet into the world, instantly healing nearby allies . The tablet will heal allies near it every few seconds.Recharge: 2sNumber of Allies: 5

Skill 7) WoodbarkShield yourself with bark from the great tree, blocking attacks and granting barrier to nearby allies while damaging incoming attackers.Duration: 5sBarrier: 2000Retaliation: 3sNumber of Allied Targets: 3

Skill 8) Vine SurgeSend out a wave of Vines, pulling the target to you and entangling them with spiny thorn rootsDamage (2x): 300Cripple: 4sTorment: 5sWeakness: 4sRange: 750

Skill 9) Seed of the Pale Treeimplant a Seed into the enemy that will nurture itself and healing nearby allies until it exposed to the light, blossoming and knocking down the enemy.Damage: 400Pulsing Area Heal: 350Pulses: 4Seed Duration: 8 secondsKnockdown: 2 seconds

Skill Elite) Soul of Nature-Channel the Peace Love and Harmony Healing yourself and nearby allies as your channel this energy.Activ. type: ChanneledInitial Self Heal: 3,000Area Heal(5x): 600Number of Allied Targets: 5Duration: 8sRecharge: 30s

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Plz no more barrier to the game, and leave Venturi as it is, although a increase of radios and a boost to healing on condi cleanse tablet skill would be apreciated, it’s all that it needs.

Those changes would kill ventari completely, and would make legend from difficult to move around due short radios effect to complete useless wich in way feels what anet wants, kill build and force player to play easy smash gimmick classes.....

Edit, I like that bonding seed effect overtime heal maybe anet should add later a pale tree and its elite cc would be by exploding seed on target would give a larger aoe heal and aoe kB as well.Each bonded ally would cost 2pips 900 range max after that bond would Terminate.

we don’t need a wannabe Druid, that becomes useless with those changes lolAnd why give charges if Rev is about e-management??

Also ventari is not about the pale tree but about it’s teachings, those could work for a more towards pale tree legend elite spec for hybrid heavy cc /support with a offhand weapon or secpter, with that i would agree but for ventari.... plz no rip ventari...

I’ll rage the day anet removes ventari rather than improve it for the spam and fast movement.

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@Aeolus.3615 said:Plz no more barrier to the game, and leave Venturi as it is, although a increase of radios and a boost to healing on condi cleanse tablet skill would be apreciated, it’s all that it needs.

Those changes would kill ventari completely, and would make legend from difficult to move around due short radios effect to complete useless wich in way feels what anet wants, kill build and force player to play easy smash gimmick classes.....

Edit, I like that bonding seed effect overtime heal maybe anet should add later a pale tree and its elite cc would be by exploding seed on target would give a larger aoe heal and aoe kB as well.Each bonded ally would cost 2pips 900 range max after that bond would Terminate.

we don’t need a wannabe Druid, that becomes useless with those changes lolAnd why give charges if Rev is about e-management??

Also ventari is not about the pale tree but about it’s teachings, those could work for a more towards pale tree legend elite spec for hybrid heavy cc /support with a offhand weapon or secpter, with that i would agree but for ventari.... plz no rip ventari...

I’ll rage the day anet removes ventari rather than improve it for the spam and fast movement.

Nothing changed about Tablet skills. Skill 6 still summons and move tablet like it previously did. The skills above are for Non tablet skills. These give Ventari abilities that work with synergy with other non healing legends while also providing self healing and short range healing whereas tablet can move independently of the player and heal at range. It's a good design and doesnt ruin anything but actually makes the Ventari actually good in multiple modes and builds.

Also Tablet has everything to do with the tree since it's what the tree grew from and actually Rev has vine traits and all that so that's not exclusive theme to Druids thank you very much.

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@Knighthonor.4061 said:Skill 7) WoodbarkShield yourself with bark from the great tree, blocking attacks and granting barrier to nearby allies while damaging incoming attackers.Duration: 5sBarrier: 2000Retaliation: 3sNumber of Allied Targets: 3

Skill Elite) Soul of Nature-Channel the Peace Love and Harmony Healing yourself and nearby allies as your channel this energy.Activ. type: ChanneledInitial Self Heal: 3,000Area Heal(5x): 600Number of Allied Targets: 5Duration: 8sRecharge: 30s

I like these.Although for woodbark; barrier, block, and damage in a single button press is a bit too much IMO. I would like to keep the projectile hate(there's not much on a rev afterall) and retaliation OR barrier combo would be nice.For soul of nature, this is infinitely better thematically for ventari than the explodey elite. Hope anet sees this and gets implemented. Although channeling would mean the revenant would be pinned in place. Perhaps they can code it so rev can move while channeling. Also, the channel would break if you use project tranquility. I suggest the animation would be the rev merges with the tablet while the elite is active so no skill 6 interruption, moving revenant, win win!

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@InsaneQR.7412 said:Only thibg i want for ventari is better traits.Like 3 different GMs that change the tablets behaviour and streamlining of all these shallow heal boosters.

Traits and legends are two different things. There is no Ventari trait specialization. There is Salvation.

Ventari's non tablet skills dont replace the Tablet. As in the OP, skill 1 summons the tablet which functions as it currently does. When its destroyed, those skills are replaced with the Ventari non tablet skills.

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Sorry for the silly question but is ventari tablet still limited to 5 people at a time? If it is, should not it be the first important change for ventari to be a solid healer? Moving tablet around and focusing on combat requires more skill than some other healing professions (or at least i find them easier). It is true that it gives a huge regen but with so many boon corrupt/removal in the game (talking from a wvw perspective) should not it heal 10 people and have a radius according to that? If it is still limited to 5 (wiki says it is but I do not always trust wiki).

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@alain.1659 I think 10k aoe heals over 10 players would be really strong, maybe they could remove some traits and make one to increase radius plus something and other to increase numbers of afected ally by the tablet plus it’s radios, one of the issues of the tablet is that players have to stack, an increase on the radios would help.

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I like the idea of skills for non tablet ventari, it's Gucci. But first of all make project tranquility cap at 10 targets so it becomes more usefull in raids. Also if u want to get to non tablet skills, u need to shatter tablet with elite first so ull lose all ur energy, or go far enough from tablet. Both ways, are "not to good" if ur a healer

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@"Safandula.8723" said:I like the idea of skills for non tablet ventari, it's Gucci. But first of all make project tranquility cap at 10 targets so it becomes more usefull in raids. Also if u want to get to non tablet skills, u need to shatter tablet with elite first so ull lose all ur energy, or go far enough from tablet. Both ways, are "not to good" if ur a healer

Tablet has superior ranged heals, support and defense.

Non tablet Ventari skills have superior close range support, healing and CC.

Seem like good trade offs for when the time is needed.

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