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Would you want more quests like Racial-Storyline (Lv.1-30)?

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I'm not necessarily sure branching is the best option (since it leads to routes many people will not play) - but I do like when we're given the option of choice. Even something simple like bringing back Charm, Dignified and Ferocious options (with appropriate responses from the world) would be better than our blank-slate protagonist, and would better reflect the relationships we (as players) want with certain characters.

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@DonArkanio.6419 said:

@Palador.2170 said:I think this is part of what people are after when they ask for a new race. The starting stories that delve into the culture of that race, so we can get a good feel for another part of Tyria. (It's not the only thing, mind you.)

Another suggestion I usually make regarding new races is having a companion that is a race (not one of the five playable) of your choice and it has a story you can follow that delves into stuff like backstory or culture. Seems far simpler than adding the race as playable. But no one ever comments about it so I guess it's not a popular opinion.

@Palador.2170 said:Honestly, I'd be happy with more little things. For example: We come across an artifact, and most characters say "We need to talk to someone to find out what this is." But if you're playing a norn or someone from the Priory, they simply say "Oh, I know this thing! It's the shield of a famous norn warrior, who ...." All it does is allow the character to know one bit of information without having to go talk to an NPC (not even an instanced conversation), but it shows the difference. Or if you're in an instance, and come across some broken down charr weapon. Playing Iron Legion or an Engineer? You can fix it and use it, giving you a new option for part of that instance. (In LS2, there was one mission where you could double back and grab a discarded flamethrower that made the first part of the mission much easier. Imagine if it had been a broken flamethrower for this.) Holy objects for humans, stray animals for rangers, unquiet spirits for revenants, and so on can all be added so that the story doesn't always play out the same for everyone, but doesn't require derailing things.

There shown they can do this to varying degrees, they just rarely do.

My only guess is they don't want to make too many extra voiced lines. Just another compromise, I suppose.

I'd probably start a poll asking what is more important to you, fully voiced dialog or text dialog options/variations.

In visual novel games, these are very important in keeping the player's interest.

I actually really like your suggestions. In fact, we have a minature of something you mentioned. I believe each race has a companion at Lv. 1-30. You can choose it by selection in character creation. It's sad that they disappear once this short story ends.

They don't all disappear:

  • Lord Faren doesn't disappear. In fact, he plays a fairly important role in HoT and LS4.
  • There's also Riot Alice who shows up in the Orr segments of the PS, although she isn't your main companion in that human branch.
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It would have been a nice touch in itself to have some simpler story-based more lighthearted side-quests throughout LS. Festivales are great for it but they tend to become too repetative. I'd really like to have some mini-stories with cutscenes that allow more character development in less stressed-out environment. Make it optional, side-stories. Like that jumping puzzle in Lion's Arch, I really liked it and I don't remember a new content like that. Maybe I'm wrong and missed something, then please share some xD

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