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What's a good/easy class and build for a total pvp newbies?


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playing scourge without support is a bad idea.https://metabattle.com/wiki/Conquestgyro bunker, strength spellbreaker, chronobunker, and protection holo are good choices. boonbeast isn't on there for some reason but its also a good choice. basically anything that can sustain on its own is what you want. reaper can be built pretty tanky but as any necro spec you will most likely be targeted first so be aware of that, also reaper doesn't have great mobility (spectral walk and flesh wurm will help) so disengages can be tricky.

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@"Stand The Wall.6987" said:playing scourge without support is a bad idea.https://metabattle.com/wiki/Conquestgyro bunker, strength spellbreaker, chronobunker, and protection holo are good choices. boonbeast isn't on there for some reason but its also a good choice. basically anything that can sustain on its own is what you want. reaper can be built pretty tanky but as any necro spec you will most likely be targeted first so be aware of that, also reaper doesn't have great mobility (spectral walk and flesh wurm will help) so disengages can be tricky.

I... can't recommend protection holo unless you're familiar with engineer. It's very easy to screw up. It has a higher overall potential than scrapper, buuuut it comes with a much steeper learning curve.

If you want an engineer build that's survivable and easy to learn, you're better off with a bunker scrapper.

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on unranked and lower tier spvp, DH trapper with longbow, easily one of the most b-dead class to play, lay down all your traps, fire off F1 and pull them in, 90% of the time they'll be dead from the traps, and you can supplement it with spinning around with GS 2, slapping them in the face with Eternity is pretty much 100% kill rate

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