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when nerf to the warrior?


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@otto.5684 said:

@EnderzShadow.2506 said:Ill try to read it but its kind of hard to understand.

When nerf to warrior?
Are you asking when they are going to nerf warrior?They Just did.

So I am guessing you play Rev.What did they nerf on Rev?-Might Generation-Bonus Critical hit Chance10% percent dmg nerf on sword chain

A bug was fixed on warrior-25% to arc divider.

Seems ok to me.The over performing classes Engi, Warrior and Rev got tuned.It happens.

It's incomprehensible (no M)and the word 'decompensated' is only used in medicine.

I am pretty certain when people refer to over warrior over performing they mean SB not berserker.

Also, holo, FB and souls beast were not touched (plus SB). Outside of pushing rev out of meta, not much has changed.

You have me more confused than the OP.

Over warrior Over Performing-- huh?

And yeah, thanks champ-- if you would of read a little further into the thread, you know, like 1 or 2 comments down you would of seenall the classes that didn't get 'touched'.

Ever consider some classes don't need to be touched? Maybe ANET knows what they are doing making a small number of changes to a handful of classes.

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@praqtos.9035 said:

@"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

@EnderzShadow.2506 said:Ill try to read it but its kind of hard to understand.

When nerf to warrior?
Are you asking when they are going to nerf warrior?They Just did.

So I am guessing you play Rev.What did they nerf on Rev?-Might Generation-Bonus Critical hit Chance10% percent dmg nerf on sword chain

A bug was fixed on warrior-25% to arc divider.

Seems ok to me.The over performing classes Engi, Warrior and Rev got tuned.It happens.

It's incomprehensible (no M)and the word 'decompensated' is only used in medicine.

I am pretty certain when people refer to over warrior over performing they mean SB not berserker.

Also, holo, FB and souls beast were not touched (plus SB). Outside of pushing rev out of meta, not much has changed.

Rev will most likely never be pushed out of meta because of the class fitting a role perfect in the only competitive gamemode. The high ganking/shadowstep with good damage potential is very essential in conquest.

Just play core guard ... Oh wait. Nvm

Just play thief/mesmer...Oh wait.Nvm

Thief is still an essential asset in At's. Theres nothing that is able to decap and turn around a snowball as good as thief canHave you seen latest mAT teamcomps? Probably not

Wise Sage of old, will you please enlighten us poor unfortunate souls

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@Widmo.3186 said:

@Widmo.3186 said:Holo? Overperfoming? What r you talking about Wallace? When?Its highly skilled spec, needs lots of practice to put even
CC, damage is veery low while outside PF, and during PF you can be kited like a little child, hitting anything is barely possible, hitboxes of those skills are some kind of a joke, idk how youre supposted to play with something like this.Also animations, so easy to be dodged, and you cannot cancel them so you end up being in the middle of animation vulnearable to any damage. Not even talking about sustain and healing which clearly doesnt exist.Cool story bob.

The guy prob never played a Holo.

I feel like most people who complain likely died to it via face tanking and not dodging anything. Then they want it nerfed to have an easier time. one they learned to play and realized it wasn't so bad. But that day isn't today.

This guy played on plat/leg div till he switched to WvW because of boredom. Ive played every class in this game and mained half of them (ofc one by one, not all of them at once). So now, let me ask you, you surely played Holo, but have you ever played Weaver? Im asking, because i always like to compare those two classes. Its just funny how during 1v1 situation where good ele and good engi meets, engi just eats Weaver in almost every aspect. Damage, skill range, escape options, healing based on healing power amount, hardness of putting CCs, comboing them and ofc hitboxes.Also, how much do you need to know about the class to play it on
low but decent level
To play Weaver you need to know what youre doing and combo your skills, count their CDs etc. Otherwise yes, you might be able to sustain, but no way you gonna kill anybody. And Holo, i still remember my first day playing it, i didnt even read skills descriptions and it still worked, maybe not vs best opponents, but average player stood no chances. I dont think beginner Weaver would be able to play on the same efficient level.

And dont get me wrong, im exaggerating Holo state on purpose. I dont think that it needs nerfs asap. Its just bit too op, there used to be builds where you could basically smash your keyboard and mirag...miracle* happened, but its not one of them. However as I said, still small nerf should be done.

You are making it sound like the moment you are on Holo. U press all buttons and win. Which I don't find to be true. Holo skill 3 and 5 are the main ones you gotta dodge. Both have big telegraphs and are take a second to dodge. Plenty enough times. Most only have 3 get aways. Stealth,photon wall and elixir. How hard is it to dodge 2 skills and watch these cool downs. I don't even holo main. Ele is a poor comparison since every other class is better than ele. Lol.

I am a warrior main and have had stale m8 games on sidenode against Holo. Lasting 2+ mins. On plat2+ games. He didn't demolish me in seconds. I didn't kill him in seconds either. Neither do I get instagibed off main. Dying to a holo is just seriously not dodging their main burst skills and watching their cool downs

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@Widmo.3186 said:Holo? Overperfoming? What r you talking about Wallace? When?Its highly skilled spec, needs lots of practice to put even one CC, damage is veery low while outside PF, and during PF you can be kited like a little child, hitting anything is barely possible, hitboxes of those skills are some kind of a joke, idk how youre supposted to play with something like this.Also animations, so easy to be dodged, and you cannot cancel them so you end up being in the middle of animation vulnearable to any damage. Not even talking about sustain and healing which clearly doesnt exist.Cool story bob.

That was the most hilarious shitpost I've seen in a while lol /claps gands and laughs/

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