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Good Specs combo for Duo queue?


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Hey guys!Didn't play GW2 for a while, and pretty overwhelmed with changes related to PoF expansion. I lured my friend to GW2 and now we wanna climb in ranked. So I would appreciate any advices for good and preferably interesting combo for duoqueue.My first thought was Herald and Firebrand support, but i'm not sure if it is worthy, since as support I will rely on my teammates a lot, and since I'm pretty sure we will be in bronze after placement, I guess it'll be pretty hard to climb out. Or should we just pick 2 warriors\engineers or whatever?

Also would really appreciate any advice on how to impact the game and actually win, not just slaying in the middle of the map.

Sorry for any possible typos, and thanks.

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Firebrand/Scourge is the best reliable carry duo there is. However you can get to plat in solo q even if it's harder (I only solo q). But I diagress.

Scrg/FB brings heavy support and team fight dmg. Try to rotate together so you can buff each other. To start, just run the Metabattle builds. Good luck in ranked!

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2x high dmg specs, this is generally most efficient - added bonus is to have some node sustain, but you can always let your teammates cap (especially lower ranks are eager to cap nodes)

herald, holosmith, scourge, spellbreaker - any combination of these i'd say is META for duo queueafter that comes soulbeast, core thief, mirage, core guardian - these still do enough dmg

firebrand, scrapper or any other sustainy specs are nice but in this meta you will run into a lot of scrappersif you fail to kill a scrapper or it takes longer than 20 seconds you risk losing map control so high dmg specs are prefered

scourge+firebrand, while being the strongest 2v2, it is not such a good duo pickthey are the two slowest specs, together can only cover one node and still die when outnumberedunless you're comfortable splitting up i wouldn't suggest running this (might as well run higher mobility specs then)

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scrapper + spellbreaker is just a tier on it's ownadd to that the classic fb+scourgeand as roamer, the unavoidable rev and you have yourself one solid composition if everyone is on the same level.

why scrapper + spellbreaker? because they are near immortal when used together.spellbreaker has all the offense, and is a direct counter to scrapper. you can't counter a scrapper, when there is another spellbreaker countering you.scrapper has all the support (prot, condi cleanse,healse,......) while still doing decent damage, and is capable of winning (or delaying) 1vs 2 on its own

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A friend and I duo all the time but we mix it up quite a bit...

Ill post a little info based off our experiences.

Firebrand / Scourge:Great at mid team fights but thats about it.. Sort of had to stay near each other all the time which was restricting to rotations.

Chrono/Chrono:Our Mesmers have the same name (illusionary duelist), same race, same outfits and colors.We operate well when we roam from point to point, but we cant hold anything.

Reaper/Tempest:Compliment eachother well for mid fight and has a little bit of wiggle room for rotating. Extremely fun too.

DH/Tempest:Theres no structure so it can get messy in good and bad ways.

Meditrapper DH / survivalist trapper sage druid:Worked out surprisingly well.. Both for team fights on mid and side noding for druid / ganking for medi trapper.

2 x Full trap DH:Kills people, has no real usefulness outside of the laughter when one poor guy steps onto 8 traps.

Bursty Rev / fire-water cleansing aura share Tempest with soldier runes:Working pretty well at the moment, Tempest keeps up the aoe condi cleansing for team fights and can roam/gank with the Rev pretty well. We cover each other's weakspots, our mobility is similar and our shared boons / traits bounce off each other nicely.

We play for fun mostly, but if you guys aim to do the same then play the characters you find most fun and work out builds together that would compliment each other ?

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