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Is Renegade shortbow Number 2 skill the worst skill between all two handed weapons in GW2?

Leap Of Faith.8263

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@narcx.3570 said:

@"Scoobaniec.9561" said:People like you are the reason why rev is in current state honestly speaking.

And what's so bad about the current state of rev? It has meta/S+ tier builds in all three game modes...

Remove/nerf sword offhand and come back to tell us how wonderful this class when it no longer get carried by literally 2 skills in spvp. Better yet just dont play with sword offhand, pick up shield. Have epic time! Same goes for wvw, increase cd on CoR and rev is removed from there. Cause we all know that apart from CoR spamming in zergs hammer is a kitten weapon.

Do you really want me to listen all the flaws rev suffer from? How pathetic renegade is? Maybe how amazing shortbow is cuz muh dps on large targets while being so poorly designed that you can forget about using it on mobile/small targets? Or maybe how Shiro daggers can be reflected and heal your enemy instead? I could write you few pages about whats wrong with rev but at the end of the day you will still say "its fine" muh meta.

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I impulse voted yes but in reality there are quite a lot of contenders.

For example, on the same weapon, SB4 still suffers from the whole no line of sight error thing if you aim it behind you and, unlike literally every other ground targetted aoe in the game, it refuses to turn your character around if you're standing still and you aim it behind you! SB 2 and 3 animations show that you're shooting through a portal so it makes sense for the game to let you aim them behind you right? Well, SB4 also has an animation of you shooting through a portal but suddenly that's not allowed to be aimed behind you? On top of that, there are some angles where the AoE symbol is green yet it still gives the no line of sight error! It just completely baffles me that it's been like this since the PoF beta.

How about SB5? If you cast the skill towards an enemy that's not necessarily directly in front of you but a little bit on the side of you then your character will turn to face that direction then successfully use the skill but apparently it's too difficult for your character to turn around when you have to aim behind you? It's evident that your character can turn to face the target to use this skill so why does it suddenly not work if the target is behind you? SB 4 actually has this inconsistency too. Both of these skills just feel extremely clunky when using them on enemies behind you.

Of course, I pretty much only encounter these errors in Raids when I decide to play Renegade instead of Mirage on the bosses Mirage is OP on because playing Mirage on those bosses every week is ?. I'd talk about more skills on other professions but I started getting a little bit triggered typing this up so I'll just stop here for now lmao.

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@Kain Francois.4328 said:

@Taobella.6597 said:no because does not require line of sight to cast. so you can use it well ruining away :).

Which is what you will be doing often as a Shortbow Renegade in PvP, LMAO

(exception to the Life Stealer build, lol)

i mean not a fan of renegade in general but still useful mech to able to kite not have to worry about line of sight.

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@narcx.3570 said:

@Scoobaniec.9561 said:People like you are the reason why rev is in current state honestly speaking.

And what's so bad about the current state of rev? It has meta/S+ tier builds in all three game modes...

People like that guy you responded to are why people voted yes in the poll, dare I say there's an l2p issue among the Rev players? :P

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@"nosleepdemon.1368" said:Lolwut? SB 2 is a staple damage skill in any condition build that uses Kalla. Watchoo smokin' OP? That so many people have voted yes is a little worrying lol.

I will quote myself.. " having a skill that works against primarily stationary targets and large boxes is very bad design. Not only it hinders the weapon in PvP, but even in open world PvE it is not a good weapon. There is not logical reason whatsoever in making all 7 arrows just hit the target instead of this gimmicky reverse shotgun.."

A skill design quality is not determined only by its damage output. Anet can take any poorly designed skill and make it deal substantially more damage (which is kind of what they did with this skill). Does that make it a well designed skill?

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@otto.5684 said:

@"nosleepdemon.1368" said:Lolwut? SB 2 is a staple damage skill in any condition build that uses Kalla. Watchoo smokin' OP? That so many people have voted yes is a little worrying lol.

I will quote myself..
" having a skill that works against primarily stationary targets and large boxes is very bad design. Not only it hinders the weapon in PvP, but even in open world PvE it is not a good weapon. There is not logical reason whatsoever in making all 7 arrows just hit the target instead of this gimmicky reverse shotgun.."

A skill design quality is not determined only by its damage output. Anet can take any poorly designed skill and make it deal substantially more damage (which is kind of what they did with this skill). Does that make it a well designed skill?

Oh sure Sevenshot is terrible, I absolutely agree there. But I thought we were discussing skill #2, and while I do agree that it's not great it's good enough. I noticed some people have looked at this from a pvp viability perspective but imo the whole shortbow itself is bad news for pvp viability - all the SB skills are bad in that mode, not just #2.

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@nosleepdemon.1368 said:

@nosleepdemon.1368 said:Lolwut? SB 2 is a staple damage skill in any condition build that uses Kalla. Watchoo smokin' OP? That so many people have voted yes is a little worrying lol.

I will quote myself..
" having a skill that works against primarily stationary targets and large boxes is very bad design. Not only it hinders the weapon in PvP, but even in open world PvE it is not a good weapon. There is not logical reason whatsoever in making all 7 arrows just hit the target instead of this gimmicky reverse shotgun.."

A skill design quality is not determined only by its damage output. Anet can take any poorly designed skill and make it deal substantially more damage (which is kind of what they did with this skill). Does that make it a well designed skill?

Oh sure Sevenshot is terrible, I absolutely agree there. But I thought we were discussing skill #2, and while I do agree that it's not great it's good enough. I noticed some people have looked at this from a pvp viability perspective but imo the whole shortbow itself is bad news for pvp viability - all the SB skills are bad in that mode, not just #2.

All complains are coming from pvp perspective. Rev needed ranged condi wep for pvp. Anet "delivered" and called it a day.

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