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How to Deadeye? [WvW]


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Here is the build I've been using. I've faced some really good ones lately and as someone who plays core s/d I'd like to learn how to play deadeye. Something about it is just hard for me to grasp. The few times I've tried I've not gotten very good results. With all the reveals, reflects, blocks, barrier, AoE I can never seem to land a clean hit of death's judgement. I usually end up having to use my few seconds of stealth time to kite and avoid damage instead of setting up an attack. Then once I finally land one it never really seems to chunk as hard as I've seen others do.

What is your usual strategy when playing DE? Are there any good DE players on youtube some of you could recommend?

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Your build isn't going to be very successful with the state of WvW balance right now. In fact, you'd probably fare better with full Valk, but even then it's still not viable in most encounters - especially now with everyone on a Warclaw. DE survivability took a big hit with the nerf of Silent Scope, and rightfully so, but we were not compensated for the loss of survivability elsewhere, which we desperately need.

My success with DE doesn't revolve around setting up a big attack or Death's Judgement. I play DA/Trick/DE - I chunk my enemies from afar with Skirmisher's Shot and auto attacks, keeping Mark and Mercy at the ready to interrupt and boonstrip so I can continue my pressure. That's not to say I won't use DJ, I have to try to clear malice somehow so I can activate M7 frequently - but if I'm facing an aware opponent, I will swap to S/P and try to dump malice with Tac Strike instead, as it's much less likely to be dodged. Malice dump attempts are used with the longer stealth from your stolen abilities rather than a dodge. Since Silent Scope is only 1s of stealth it's hard to predict an opportunity to land it using dodge as your stealth (dodge time + cast time + projectile travel time). You'll also be surprised how many players, even the experienced duelers, don't know how to handle pistol whip.

I also swap the runes to Durability when I feel like I'm going to face an opponent who can reliably keep up with Death's Retreat often. The loss of damage from Scholar is not very significant. The initial burst still does 9-10k in under 2 seconds.

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@"Turk.5460" said:Your build isn't going to be very successful with the state of WvW balance right now. In fact, you'd probably fare better with full Valk, but even then it's still not viable in most encounters - especially now with everyone on a Warclaw. DE survivability took a big hit with the nerf of Silent Scope, and rightfully so, but we were not compensated for the loss of survivability elsewhere, which we desperately need.

My success with DE doesn't revolve around setting up a big attack or Death's Judgement. I play DA/Trick/DE - I chunk my enemies from afar with Skirmisher's Shot and auto attacks, keeping Mark and Mercy at the ready to interrupt and boonstrip so I can continue my pressure. That's not to say I won't use DJ, I have to try to clear malice somehow so I can activate M7 frequently - but if I'm facing an aware opponent, I will swap to S/P and try to dump malice with Tac Strike instead, as it's much less likely to be dodged. Malice dump attempts are used with the longer stealth from your stolen abilities rather than a dodge. Since Silent Scope is only 1s of stealth it's hard to predict an opportunity to land it using dodge as your stealth (dodge time + cast time + projectile travel time). You'll also be surprised how many players, even the experienced duelers, don't know how to handle pistol whip.

How do you do enough damage to bring anyone down though? I was fighting a holo the other day and I couldn't get him below half health. Went at him for a good 10 minutes too. It seems like any roamer built with sustain could easily out last being pecked at by damage long enough to close the gap and pressure you.

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@Zexanima.7851 said:

@"Turk.5460" said:Your build isn't going to be very successful with the state of WvW balance right now. In fact, you'd probably fare better with full Valk, but even then it's still not viable in most encounters - especially now with everyone on a Warclaw. DE survivability took a big hit with the nerf of Silent Scope, and rightfully so, but we were not compensated for the loss of survivability elsewhere, which we desperately need.

My success with DE doesn't revolve around setting up a big attack or Death's Judgement. I play
- I chunk my enemies from afar with Skirmisher's Shot and auto attacks, keeping Mark and Mercy at the ready to interrupt and boonstrip so I can continue my pressure. That's not to say I won't use DJ, I have to try to clear malice somehow so I can activate M7 frequently - but if I'm facing an aware opponent, I will swap to S/P and try to dump malice with Tac Strike instead, as it's much less likely to be dodged. Malice dump attempts are used with the longer stealth from your stolen abilities rather than a dodge. Since Silent Scope is only 1s of stealth it's hard to predict an opportunity to land it using dodge as your stealth (dodge time + cast time + projectile travel time). You'll also be surprised how many players, even the experienced duelers, don't know how to handle pistol whip.

How do you do enough damage to bring anyone down though? I was fighting a holo the other day and I couldn't get him below half health. Went at him for a good 10 minutes too. It seems like any roamer built with sustain could easily out last being pecked at by damage long enough to close the gap and pressure you.

You shouldn't be fighting Holosmith in general unless you are extremely confident that you outskill them. Their kit is far more equipped to handle any of ours than we are to handle theirs, it's one of our worst matchups.

But to answer you question about damage - my build does damage very well. Mark does ~2k, and Skirmisher's shots crit anywhere from 3.5-5k. And that's before the 10 stacks of might from M7, also they are under quickness from Sigil of Celerity so landing multiple is easier. Pistol Whip does quite a bit of damage - it will easily take over half the HP of your normal Holosmith build if they don't have protection.

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@Turk.5460 said:

@Turk.5460 said:Your build isn't going to be very successful with the state of WvW balance right now. In fact, you'd probably fare better with full Valk, but even then it's still not viable in most encounters - especially now with everyone on a Warclaw. DE survivability took a big hit with the nerf of Silent Scope, and rightfully so, but we were not compensated for the loss of survivability elsewhere, which we desperately need.

My success with DE doesn't revolve around setting up a big attack or Death's Judgement. I play
- I chunk my enemies from afar with Skirmisher's Shot and auto attacks, keeping Mark and Mercy at the ready to interrupt and boonstrip so I can continue my pressure. That's not to say I won't use DJ, I have to try to clear malice somehow so I can activate M7 frequently - but if I'm facing an aware opponent, I will swap to S/P and try to dump malice with Tac Strike instead, as it's much less likely to be dodged. Malice dump attempts are used with the longer stealth from your stolen abilities rather than a dodge. Since Silent Scope is only 1s of stealth it's hard to predict an opportunity to land it using dodge as your stealth (dodge time + cast time + projectile travel time). You'll also be surprised how many players, even the experienced duelers, don't know how to handle pistol whip.

How do you do enough damage to bring anyone down though? I was fighting a holo the other day and I couldn't get him below half health. Went at him for a good 10 minutes too. It seems like any roamer built with sustain could easily out last being pecked at by damage long enough to close the gap and pressure you.

You shouldn't be fighting Holosmith in general unless you are extremely confident that you outskill them. Their kit is far more equipped to handle any of ours than we are to handle theirs, it's one of our worst matchups.

But to answer you question about damage - my build does damage very well. Mark does ~2k, and Skirmisher's shots crit anywhere from 3.5-5k. And that's before the 10 stacks of might from M7, also they are under quickness from Sigil of Celerity so landing multiple is easier. Pistol Whip does quite a bit of damage - it will easily take over half the HP of your normal Holosmith build if they don't have protection.

What are the good matchups? It seems like anything besides a scourge running back to its zerg is going to be a hard fight. All the other roaming professions seem to have the advantage over DE. DH has spear of justice, traps, projectile hate. Holosmith has good protection up time, counter stealth, revealed, ect. Core s/d thief has gap closers for days. Soulbeast has superior range, Sic em, counter stealth and equal mobility. I guess the only matchup I can think of being in the DE favor is warrior as you can just kite and stealth.

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@Zexanima.7851 said:

@Turk.5460 said:Your build isn't going to be very successful with the state of WvW balance right now. In fact, you'd probably fare better with full Valk, but even then it's still not viable in most encounters - especially now with everyone on a Warclaw. DE survivability took a big hit with the nerf of Silent Scope, and rightfully so, but we were not compensated for the loss of survivability elsewhere, which we desperately need.

My success with DE doesn't revolve around setting up a big attack or Death's Judgement. I play
- I chunk my enemies from afar with Skirmisher's Shot and auto attacks, keeping Mark and Mercy at the ready to interrupt and boonstrip so I can continue my pressure. That's not to say I won't use DJ, I have to try to clear malice somehow so I can activate M7 frequently - but if I'm facing an aware opponent, I will swap to S/P and try to dump malice with Tac Strike instead, as it's much less likely to be dodged. Malice dump attempts are used with the longer stealth from your stolen abilities rather than a dodge. Since Silent Scope is only 1s of stealth it's hard to predict an opportunity to land it using dodge as your stealth (dodge time + cast time + projectile travel time). You'll also be surprised how many players, even the experienced duelers, don't know how to handle pistol whip.

How do you do enough damage to bring anyone down though? I was fighting a holo the other day and I couldn't get him below half health. Went at him for a good 10 minutes too. It seems like any roamer built with sustain could easily out last being pecked at by damage long enough to close the gap and pressure you.

You shouldn't be fighting Holosmith in general unless you are extremely confident that you outskill them. Their kit is far more equipped to handle any of ours than we are to handle theirs, it's one of our worst matchups.

But to answer you question about damage - my build does damage very well. Mark does ~2k, and Skirmisher's shots crit anywhere from 3.5-5k. And that's before the 10 stacks of might from M7, also they are under quickness from Sigil of Celerity so landing multiple is easier. Pistol Whip does quite a bit of damage - it will easily take over half the HP of your normal Holosmith build if they don't have protection.

What are the good matchups? It seems like anything besides a scourge running back to its zerg is going to be a hard fight. All the other roaming professions seem to have the advantage over DE. DH has spear of justice, traps, projectile hate. Holosmith has good protection up time, counter stealth, revealed, ect. Core s/d thief has gap closers for days. Soulbeast has superior range, Sic em, counter stealth and equal mobility. I guess the only matchup I can think of being in the DE favor is warrior as you can just kite and stealth.

It seems your mind is made up that DE doesn't work for you and therefore shouldn't work for anyone else. I apologize if this is not the case, but that is how you are coming across. I have no reason to fabricate my own success. Below is my personal view of matchups with my build based on many fights, wins, and losses and assuming close to the same skill levels.

Good matchup (I will win these most of the time)Thieves, Warriors, Necros, and Rangers of any build/elite. Chronomancers. Core Guardians. S/F burst Elementalists/Weavers (Durability Runes required for this). Dragonhunter (no longbow - this is specified because without longbow DH cannot continue pressure on me past JI and SoB. SoJ is incredibly easy to dodge)

Bad Matchup (I will lose these most of the time)Power Herald. Dragonhunter (with longbow)

Stalemates (I can't kill them, they can't kill me)Holosmith, Scrapper, Mirages, S/X Sustain Weavers

Any build/elite omitted is not seen enough or at all. YMMV, experience and knowledge of your opponent's profession abilities and their animations is extremely relevant to your success.

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@Turk.5460 said:

@Turk.5460 said:Your build isn't going to be very successful with the state of WvW balance right now. In fact, you'd probably fare better with full Valk, but even then it's still not viable in most encounters - especially now with everyone on a Warclaw. DE survivability took a big hit with the nerf of Silent Scope, and rightfully so, but we were not compensated for the loss of survivability elsewhere, which we desperately need.

My success with DE doesn't revolve around setting up a big attack or Death's Judgement. I play
- I chunk my enemies from afar with Skirmisher's Shot and auto attacks, keeping Mark and Mercy at the ready to interrupt and boonstrip so I can continue my pressure. That's not to say I won't use DJ, I have to try to clear malice somehow so I can activate M7 frequently - but if I'm facing an aware opponent, I will swap to S/P and try to dump malice with Tac Strike instead, as it's much less likely to be dodged. Malice dump attempts are used with the longer stealth from your stolen abilities rather than a dodge. Since Silent Scope is only 1s of stealth it's hard to predict an opportunity to land it using dodge as your stealth (dodge time + cast time + projectile travel time). You'll also be surprised how many players, even the experienced duelers, don't know how to handle pistol whip.

How do you do enough damage to bring anyone down though? I was fighting a holo the other day and I couldn't get him below half health. Went at him for a good 10 minutes too. It seems like any roamer built with sustain could easily out last being pecked at by damage long enough to close the gap and pressure you.

You shouldn't be fighting Holosmith in general unless you are extremely confident that you outskill them. Their kit is far more equipped to handle any of ours than we are to handle theirs, it's one of our worst matchups.

But to answer you question about damage - my build does damage very well. Mark does ~2k, and Skirmisher's shots crit anywhere from 3.5-5k. And that's before the 10 stacks of might from M7, also they are under quickness from Sigil of Celerity so landing multiple is easier. Pistol Whip does quite a bit of damage - it will easily take over half the HP of your normal Holosmith build if they don't have protection.

What are the good matchups? It seems like anything besides a scourge running back to its zerg is going to be a hard fight. All the other roaming professions seem to have the advantage over DE. DH has spear of justice, traps, projectile hate. Holosmith has good protection up time, counter stealth, revealed, ect. Core s/d thief has gap closers for days. Soulbeast has superior range, Sic em, counter stealth and equal mobility. I guess the only matchup I can think of being in the DE favor is warrior as you can just kite and stealth.

It seems your mind is made up that DE doesn't work for you and therefore shouldn't work for anyone else. I apologize if this is not the case, but that is how you are coming across. I have no reason to fabricate my own success. Below is
my personal
view of matchups with my build based on many fights, wins, and losses and assuming close to the same skill levels.

I haven't gotten DE to work for me. That's why I'm asking questions and trying to figure out what works best for others and what I might be doing wrong. I'm not implying anything about anyone else. In my original post I mentioned that I've played against really good DE and that's what's motivating me to improve at it as it's one of the few professions/specs I haven't gotten comfortable playing.

Good matchup (I will win these most of the time)Thieves, Warriors, Necros, and Rangers of any build/elite. Chronomancers. Core Guardians. S/F burst Elementalists/Weavers (Durability Runes required for this). Dragonhunter (no longbow - this is specified because without longbow DH cannot continue pressure on me past JI and SoB. SoJ is incredibly easy to dodge)

Bad Matchup (I will lose these most of the time)Power Herald. Dragonhunter (with longbow)

Stalemates (I can't kill them, they can't kill me)Holosmith, Scrapper, Mirages, S/X Sustain Weavers

Any build/elite omitted is not seen enough or at all. YMMV, experience and knowledge of your opponent's profession abilities and their animations is extremely relevant to your success.

:+1: Thanks for the info

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@Zexanima.7851 I don't offer any definitive walkthrough on any of these fights that I call good matchups because they're all very in the moment. DE and Thieves in general don't have a rotation to follow and our success depends on how we react to the enemy's counter burst and mitigation. Each fight starts and progresses differently than the last.

That being said, I know many people feel Soulbeast is a direct/hard counter to DE, and I stated that I usually win against them. I can offer a few constants that I've noticed in my usual wins against Soulbeast. They are probably the most predictable enemy you will encounter by far:

I don't let them start the fight. Mark/Rifle2 until M7.Signet of Stone has been popped, they now try LB 4+2.Mercy + Mark interrupts this.They are now on the melee offensive, it is almost always the same - Smoke Assault + Worldy Impact.Shadow Meld as they start smoke assault, juke WO while in stealth.Signet of Stone is gone, hit them with Death's Judgement.Did they save a dodge for DJ? If so, swap to S/P, Infiltrator's strike, Pistol Whip under quickness from Sigil of Rage

^This is only for the LB Soulbeasts that everyone complains about. My fights against boonbeasts follow the same rule as everything else, those are different each time and less predictable, more reactionary.

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you can still play a similar build as in the OP, the warclaw and silent scope were not as strong nerfs as the marked changes.as turk said i would go with valk over berserk, you have 100% crit from hidden killer anyway so get that HP.i would take shadowstep over RFI, it gets you out of range for interruptable stealthaccess, can be used to safestomp some and helps a ton to land malicious backstabs midfight.and i run binding shadows instead of shadowgust. still has no animation from stealth, helps landing some hits, applies quite a bit of vuln , gets rid of some boons (i run absorption on rifle) so if i combo it with DJ i strip 5 boons right before it to usually bypass protection.i use often rending shade to steal some more boons against thougher targets but shadows rejuv also has its uses.

now i dont know what you are doing or what kind of damage you expect, but damage of a malicious burst (that your build uses) didnt get nerfed since the rework.

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@MUDse.7623 said:you can still play a similar build as in the OP, the warclaw and silent scope were not as strong nerfs as the marked changes.as turk said i would go with valk over berserk, you have 100% crit from hidden killer anyway so get that HP.i would take shadowstep over RFI, it gets you out of range for interruptable stealthaccess, can be used to safestomp some and helps a ton to land malicious backstabs midfight.and i run binding shadows instead of shadowgust. still has no animation from stealth, helps landing some hits, applies quite a bit of vuln , gets rid of some boons (i run absorption on rifle) so if i combo it with DJ i strip 5 boons right before it to usually bypass protection.i use often rending shade to steal some more boons against thougher targets but shadows rejuv also has its uses.

now i dont know what you are doing or what kind of damage you expect, but damage of a malicious burst (that your build uses) didnt get nerfed since the rework.

My current strategy has been pretty simplistic. Pop stealth, DJ, skirmisher's shot spam. Once they gap close I stealth/shadowstep/Deaths Retreat and kite. Repeat. This might be unrealistic but I've kind of been expecting warrior's eviscerate levels of burst since that's what if feels like when I get hit by a MB or DJ on other professions. All I've been able to do is peck at people for a good long time until I eventually run out of resources and they catch me.

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@Zexanima.7851 said:

@MUDse.7623 said:you can still play a similar build as in the OP, the warclaw and silent scope were not as strong nerfs as the marked changes.as turk said i would go with valk over berserk, you have 100% crit from hidden killer anyway so get that HP.i would take shadowstep over RFI, it gets you out of range for interruptable stealthaccess, can be used to safestomp some and helps a ton to land malicious backstabs midfight.and i run binding shadows instead of shadowgust. still has no animation from stealth, helps landing some hits, applies quite a bit of vuln , gets rid of some boons (i run absorption on rifle) so if i combo it with DJ i strip 5 boons right before it to usually bypass protection.i use often rending shade to steal some more boons against thougher targets but shadows rejuv also has its uses.

now i dont know what you are doing or what kind of damage you expect, but damage of a malicious burst (that your build uses) didnt get nerfed since the rework.

My current strategy has been pretty simplistic. Pop stealth, DJ, skirmisher's shot spam. Once they gap close I stealth/shadowstep/Deaths Retreat and kite. Repeat. This might be unrealistic but I've kind of been expecting warrior's eviscerate levels of burst since that's what if feels like when I get hit by a MB or DJ on other professions. All I've been able to do is peck at people for a good long time until I eventually run out of resources and they catch me.

I think you're using your resources more so than they're running out, you got a lot going on right away. You can tap them for a bit with some cheap hits, control skills, and boon steals while you turn and drag them around checking out their build and buffs and see how savvy they act. Once mitigation is spent and they're too flustered to hit their panic button health bars get eaten up fast so I'd think more about consistently dismantling people than getting that perfect sequence. there are times where I'll ditch a killer opening sequence to pull someone else off a wall because it's opportune and needed to happen.

When you get some chill time to run around with a squad and get used to sliding into Kneel to do some stuff and sliding back out so you get used to orienting yourself in and out of stances in messy fights.

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@kash.9213 said:

@MUDse.7623 said:you can still play a similar build as in the OP, the warclaw and silent scope were not as strong nerfs as the marked changes.as turk said i would go with valk over berserk, you have 100% crit from hidden killer anyway so get that HP.i would take shadowstep over RFI, it gets you out of range for interruptable stealthaccess, can be used to safestomp some and helps a ton to land malicious backstabs midfight.and i run binding shadows instead of shadowgust. still has no animation from stealth, helps landing some hits, applies quite a bit of vuln , gets rid of some boons (i run absorption on rifle) so if i combo it with DJ i strip 5 boons right before it to usually bypass protection.i use often rending shade to steal some more boons against thougher targets but shadows rejuv also has its uses.

now i dont know what you are doing or what kind of damage you expect, but damage of a malicious burst (that your build uses) didnt get nerfed since the rework.

My current strategy has been pretty simplistic. Pop stealth, DJ, skirmisher's shot spam. Once they gap close I stealth/shadowstep/Deaths Retreat and kite. Repeat. This might be unrealistic but I've kind of been expecting warrior's eviscerate levels of burst since that's what if feels like when I get hit by a MB or DJ on other professions. All I've been able to do is peck at people for a good long time until I eventually run out of resources and they catch me.

I think you're using your resources more so than they're running out, you got a lot going on right away. You can tap them for a bit with some cheap hits, control skills, and boon steals while you turn and drag them around checking out their build and buffs and see how savvy they act. Once mitigation is spent and they're too flustered to hit their panic button health bars get eaten up fast so I'd think more about consistently dismantling people than getting that perfect sequence. there are times where I'll ditch a killer opening sequence to pull someone else off a wall because it's opportune and needed to happen.

When you get some chill time to run around with a squad and get used to sliding into Kneel to do some stuff and sliding back out so you get used to orienting yourself in and out of stances in messy fights.

Maybe that's what I've been doing wrong. Trying to chain combos/rotations instead of playing reactively. I don't even use the kneel because it messes me up so bad, I'm use to constantly moving. I'm so squishy I tend to get over cautious with with my defenses and I think thats why I tend to burn them up so fast.

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@Zexanima.7851 said:

@MUDse.7623 said:you can still play a similar build as in the OP, the warclaw and silent scope were not as strong nerfs as the marked changes.as turk said i would go with valk over berserk, you have 100% crit from hidden killer anyway so get that HP.i would take shadowstep over RFI, it gets you out of range for interruptable stealthaccess, can be used to safestomp some and helps a ton to land malicious backstabs midfight.and i run binding shadows instead of shadowgust. still has no animation from stealth, helps landing some hits, applies quite a bit of vuln , gets rid of some boons (i run absorption on rifle) so if i combo it with DJ i strip 5 boons right before it to usually bypass protection.i use often rending shade to steal some more boons against thougher targets but shadows rejuv also has its uses.

now i dont know what you are doing or what kind of damage you expect, but damage of a malicious burst (that your build uses) didnt get nerfed since the rework.

My current strategy has been pretty simplistic. Pop stealth, DJ, skirmisher's shot spam. Once they gap close I stealth/shadowstep/Deaths Retreat and kite. Repeat. This might be unrealistic but I've kind of been expecting warrior's eviscerate levels of burst since that's what if feels like when I get hit by a MB or DJ on other professions. All I've been able to do is peck at people for a good long time until I eventually run out of resources and they catch me.

I think you're using your resources more so than they're running out, you got a lot going on right away. You can tap them for a bit with some cheap hits, control skills, and boon steals while you turn and drag them around checking out their build and buffs and see how savvy they act. Once mitigation is spent and they're too flustered to hit their panic button health bars get eaten up fast so I'd think more about consistently dismantling people than getting that perfect sequence. there are times where I'll ditch a killer opening sequence to pull someone else off a wall because it's opportune and needed to happen.

When you get some chill time to run around with a squad and get used to sliding into Kneel to do some stuff and sliding back out so you get used to orienting yourself in and out of stances in messy fights.

Maybe that's what I've been doing wrong. Trying to chain combos/rotations instead of playing reactively. I don't even use the kneel because it messes me up so bad, I'm use to constantly moving. I'm so squishy I tend to get over cautious with with my defenses and I think thats why I tend to burn them up so fast.

I feel like with most of the counter measures down the amount of health doesn't make much of a difference and I'm pretty close to a Marauders stats base line give or take a few pieces depending on our matchup. Most of my death blows on DE are probably from Spotters Shot and sword quickness auto or dancing dagger when other players try to reset or bail. If you're not comfortable with Kneel you don't have to mess around with it, I don't think anyone in structured matches bothers with it, but I like to stagger out Kneel dodge over Snipers Cover for cover and blinds and then to Death's Retreat off of while turning some to mask my reposition a little. I don't see that you're doing anything wrong really, sounds like you're just feeling it out, I wouldn't worry too much and just try a bunch of dumb shit and see what sticks.

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I play marauder gear with zerk rings as I dislike being limited to hidden killer, and I swap runes between scholar, durability and fireworks depending on what kinds of enemies I'm running into.

SA 322 CS 321 DE 112 with D/P offset and scholar runes is good for ganking and general stealth play. Stealth, mark, kneel 2 for fury (extra damage from no quarter) and immob and to get 3 malice for the DJ, cast DJ before kneel 2 hits as Mudse said. The DJ routinely hits for 15-18k with this setup, aware enemies will dodge it but if they're slow or out of dodges they're dead. I like this build for roaming in general as you can swap grandmasters around for different situations; taking heal on crit with M7 makes capping T3 camps and towers easy (just keep the kneel 4 projectile block down, mark a target at the back of the group and build malice with piercing shots from kneel 2), taking boon strip on stealth attacks from SA nullifies the protection from Dura runes and makes scrappers/holos, DH and power revs one shottable. It's a bit predictable with the combo tho, and you don't have a lot of spare ini, so play cautiously and make the most of your opening strike for a fast kill. Also watch out for sentries and towers; getting marked totally shuts you down, try to OOC and mount up if that happens.

Acro 123 trickery 312 DE 312 with S/P offset and Dura runes makes for a pretty nice duellist, focussing on interrupts and knock-downs with binding shadow. Slap a celerity sigil on rifle and an absorption sigil on sword and take mercy for a second stunbreak and you get heaps of quickness and boon strip. Pretty similar idea to what Turk uses, he's a bit more aggressive than me trait wise taking DA over acro for more control, I like taking acro for swindlers for the mark reset as more marks means moreini and quickness, there's advantages to both setups. Doesn't get affected by marked as much as the stealth build, but it can have issues in larger fights as it's got very little stealth since the silent scope nerf, so watch out for +1's.

Fireworks runes are a nice choice as they free up a traitline with the move speed without sacrificing power, making combinations like CS 121 trickery 312 DE 312 feel quite nice to use. The might proc combined with thrill of the crime and the CS adept trait giving might when you gain fury means you stack might quite nicely too, it's what I'm using in PvE at the moment and it's pretty similar to what people were using in PvP a few seasons ago.

A good general piece of advice; learn to get the most out of your immobs and projectile block while kneeling, as this allows you to kite enemies and prevent a lot of damage, taking some pressure off of timing your dodges perfectly. You can put a lot of pressure on some enemies like heralds with the repeated immobs, and the projectile block is a lifesaver vs soulbeasts assuming they don't have unblockable (most don't). Also, if you press an attack past the opener, odds are you'll be revealing yourself with DJ while you have no dodges ready. This will be capitalized on by good players that can spike you down as soon as you appear, so be careful.

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@Jugglemonkey.8741 said:SA 322 CS 321 DE 112 with D/P offset and scholar runes is good for ganking and general stealth play. Stealth, mark, kneel 2 for fury (extra damage from no quarter) and immob and to get 3 malice for the DJ, cast DJ before kneel 2 hits as Mudse said. The DJ routinely hits for 15-18k with this setup, aware enemies will dodge it but if they're slow or out of dodges they're dead. I like this build for roaming in general as you can swap grandmasters around for different situations; taking heal on crit with M7 makes capping T3 camps and towers easy (just keep the kneel 4 projectile block down, mark a target at the back of the group and build malice with piercing shots from kneel 2), taking boon strip on stealth attacks from SA nullifies the protection from Dura runes and makes scrappers/holos, DH and power revs one shottable. It's a bit predictable with the combo tho, and you don't have a lot of spare ini, so play cautiously and make the most of your opening strike for a fast kill. Also watch out for sentries and towers; getting marked totally shuts you down, try to OOC and mount up if that happens.

even tho i use snipers cover against some (only of certain professions when i know the person is half decent) i then still use standing rifle 2, not kneeling. as i play with HK i dont need the fury for more damage and the slower projectile allow some to do this from closer range. when fighting npcs in WvW spamming standing rifle 2 with DJ to unload malice is also better damage then kneeling. because the #3 skills cost too much ini and the 2 skills both do same damage while the standing one is much faster.i only use kneeling rifle 2 if i need either the range or the immob wich is rarely the case in 1 vs X, more when allies are around.

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@MUDse.7623 said:

@Jugglemonkey.8741 said:SA 322 CS 321 DE 112 with D/P offset and scholar runes is good for ganking and general stealth play. Stealth, mark, kneel 2 for fury (extra damage from no quarter) and immob and to get 3 malice for the DJ, cast DJ before kneel 2 hits as Mudse said. The DJ routinely hits for 15-18k with this setup, aware enemies will dodge it but if they're slow or out of dodges they're dead. I like this build for roaming in general as you can swap grandmasters around for different situations; taking heal on crit with M7 makes capping T3 camps and towers easy (just keep the kneel 4 projectile block down, mark a target at the back of the group and build malice with piercing shots from kneel 2), taking boon strip on stealth attacks from SA nullifies the protection from Dura runes and makes scrappers/holos, DH and power revs one shottable. It's a bit predictable with the combo tho, and you don't have a lot of spare ini, so play cautiously and make the most of your opening strike for a fast kill. Also watch out for sentries and towers; getting marked totally shuts you down, try to OOC and mount up if that happens.

even tho i use snipers cover against some (only of certain professions when i know the person is half decent) i then still use standing rifle 2, not kneeling. as i play with HK i dont need the fury for more damage and the slower projectile allow some to do this from closer range. when fighting npcs in WvW spamming standing rifle 2 with DJ to unload malice is also better damage then kneeling. because the #3 skills cost too much ini and the 2 skills both do same damage while the standing one is much faster.i only use kneeling rifle 2 if i need either the range or the immob wich is rarely the case in 1 vs X, more when allies are around.

Yep, that makes sense. You're right, if you just want to lay a lot of damage down fast then standing 2 is a lot better than kneel 2, I mostly like hitting as hard as possible with the combo I described as it uses minimal resources so I don't have to commit if the burst fails. I have 70% base crit chance on rifle so add fury and the 200 precision from bqobk and hidden killer isn't needed, although I swap to it for backstabs sometimes. There's less opportunity for good backstabs since mounts were introduced tho, hence why I built around rifle. I also use kneel 2 with heal on crit to build malice for M7 and pierce multiple targets when capping towers etc, the healing is 20% of your crit damage while under fury so it's probably habit as much as anything now.

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@MUDse.7623 @kash.9213 @Jugglemonkey.8741

Just to update you guys I've been trying a lot of the stuff you suggested and it's been helping a lot. I've been managing to win a vast number of fights now or at least be able to disengage successfully. I just need to be more aware and careful. Gotten screwed by a sentry a few times because reveal and ganked several times. Mistake I dont usually make/worry about on core s/d. Thanks again for the advice!

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@Zexanima.7851 said:@MUDse.7623 @kash.9213 @Jugglemonkey.8741

Just to update you guys I've been trying a lot of the stuff you suggested and it's been helping a lot. I've been managing to win a vast number of fights now or at least be able to disengage successfully. I just need to be more aware and careful. Gotten screwed by a sentry a few times because reveal and ganked several times. Mistake I dont usually make/worry about on core s/d. Thanks again for the advice!

Glad it helped :) and yeah, I pretty much three shot sentries after assassin signet since they have 30k health and a three malice DJ hits them for 20k, so I tend to dismount at max range, kill the sentry then remount for the duration of the marked before capping the sentry. Means people are more likely to defend it, but you're way less likely to be caught unable to stealth while capping that way.

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