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Energy Mechanic Explained


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Hi everyone, I've been playing Revenant for a few days and have not been able to find out how exactly energy regenerates. Is it over time? Or when I don't use any skills? Or something else. I watched a video that explained how energy is drained, but it never said how I can regenerate it lol! Please, any help is appreciated! Thanks

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If you don't have any skills activated, you get 5 energy per second. The little bar above your weapon skills shows you how much you get per second. If 5 of those little bars is lit, you're getting 5 per second.

Also, on legend swap your energy is reset to 50. That's why all of the good DPS tactics involve using all of your energy and swapping legends.

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Yup, what @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said.

In detail:-Each arrow on your energy bar stands for one energy per second. As an example, if you have 3 arrows lit up on the right side, you are regenerating 3 energy per second.-Upkeep skills decrease the amount of energy you gain per second, and can make it degenerate per second as well. On the tooltip, it will list a "-X" number. This is how much less energy you will decrease per second. On something like Facet of Strength, it is -2, so if you don't have any other upkeeps active or don't use any other skills, you will still regenerate 3 energy per second. If you go beyond 5 upkeep, you will start to degenerate energy even without using any skills.-Energy regeneration has a natural max rate of 5 per second.-Non-facet (non-Glint) upkeep skills also require energy to activate them.-You cannot exceed an upkeep of greater than -10 energy, which is why on Glint you may see some of your facets gray out.-Autoattacks do not cost any energy. The only other skills to my knowledge that do not are Ancient Echo (core only), and activating Facet skills (aka Consume skills) on Glint.-Swapping your legends always brings your energy to 50, regardless of whether you swap while below or above 50 energy. This is the "base" energy that it resets to when out of combat as well.-Most skills consume the energy immediately upon skill cast while others--such as Jade Winds in Shiro--do not until the skill has completed cast. This means that you can pre-cast a skill that immediately consumes energy right before swapping legends without having any energy consumed from the newly swapped legend. Conversely, if you swap legends while casting something such as Jade Winds, you will consume the energy from the newly swapped legend.-Conditions and boons do not affect energy regeneration or degeneration, nor do they affect legend-swap cooldown times.-Ancient Echo will regenerate 25 energy upon use, but is only available to core Revenant.-You can trait "Charged Mists" in the Invocation line to generate an addition 25 energy if and only if you swap legends while your energy is 10 or below.

Hope I did not make any mistakes in that.

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@Justine.6351 said:

@Blood Red Arachnid.2493 said:If you don't have any skills activated, you get 5 energy per second.

In combat....

Out of combat, assuming no upkeep, you will stay at 50 energy.

You get 5 energy per second outside of combat as well, but it is capped at 50.

Fair enough, kinda what I meant. Don't want people thinking they can start a fight at 100 energy unless they are already in combat :)

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