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Are there any plans to expand the "Bank Tab Expansion" and "Material storage" ?

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I have nothing against the idea, however personally, I sell all what I get in excess of 1.5k (except for some specific mats that go down high speed on days we need them). That's a nice little income on a daily basis. I also do not want more tabs, because I lose control on content already with those I have now! :3Instead, I would prefer that they add some material slots (to bank or to the wallet), like for example for the SAB mats (bauble, bubbles) and such other thingies that have nothing for now.

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Expanding storage only delays the whole issue and doesn't solve anything. If you just keep hoarding stuff, even if they double the number of bank tabs, you will soon find yourself in the same situation as now. Just get rid of stuff you haven't used within the last 2 years.

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While I could use some more material storage I haven't maxed out my bank tabs. Really material storage shouldn't need to be limited since it's just items and number counts on them. It should be the same as the account wallet. If they were to make material storage basically unlimited they could transfer previously purchased crafting expansions to the bank items themselves so we could stack more than 250 there. That would be nearly as useful as more tabs.

As others stated we do need a library storage and blueprint storage. The library could be another root tab on the bank below wardrobe. Blueprint storage could be a root tab on the WvW window maybe with a specific hot key to quickly bring that tab up for quick usage.

I would like to see them make recipe book sellable on the TP to avoid players having to stack them and break them apart. After you unlock them all it just becomes tedious to deal with them.

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