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Casino event - no meta chest

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Has that character done other events other than that meta before? I’m only asking because you could have gotten DR. I had the same problem with the Forged with Fire meta as the character parked specifically at that meta experienced DR and wouldn’t get the chest after two days.

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quite sure i did enuff dmg. that char is sufficiently geared, and started hitting rite from the start.

shldnt be DR since casino is the only thing i do in CO (and core pof maps), once a day, unless... the event count decay is really long or does not dissipate on logging off that char..... i hope, rite?

on the other hand, in the same game-day 4hrs later, my lvl 50 char logged in to a pinata that was almost dying, and i managed to hit it with raptor and an auto... and i got the hero chest...

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The problem is this is highly inconsistent. IE one account parks a character there and only kills pinata 10 days in a row, gets a chest everytime. 2nd account parks a character there and after two days, even after changing maps, doing events etc, does not get chest? That is a bug, not a feature.

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Tried a brand new character, killed it twice (two days in a row) and now this character also can't get the chest. Two days doesn't seem like "farming" to me, perhaps this still needs a look. I will submit bug reports in game each time it happens to "help" you out.

As for this being DR, it really shouldn't be --" Although DR could affect most activities that have potential for abuse, very few players will experience it during normal play.[2]""It affects the amount of coin, experience, karma, and Map Bonus Rewards. "

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1) Partecipating in collecting coins has no influence toward final chest, you could afk as well, all that matter is hitting the piñata.2) Maybe it was just your perception and you didn't hit the piñata enough. Or it wasn't your first clear for that day, there are no other possibilities (except a new unknown bug).

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I am confident I hit the pinata a lot (screenshot of combat log with 30+ hits of 1 to 10k).

I also thought it had to do with me being forgetful about having already done it the first time it happened, however it has happened 3 times at the Pinata event immediately after reset, which means this is impossible. I also verified all three times using the daily chest tracker available in GW2efficiency. Additionally, I can bring a new character to the event and repeat it and I get the chest. There is some weird form of character flagging occurring that looks like a bug.

Based on the conversations happening in Crystal Oasis, I am not the only person affected by this.

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k, i just used a char that normally doesn't do anything in CO, and she didn't get the chest too (only the chest, got everything else)...

is there any possibility that the reset is by 24hr instead of daily reset?or 2nd possibility, that DR also tracks by launcher/ip?

and yea, i do agree that even if it was related to DR, this seems like a false positive, and it would be good if anet could remove this false positive

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i haven't taken note of the squad bit, but iirc im usually in a squad for taxi... not sure tho. also, just did pinata again (4hrs after the previous failed run, where i got everything except the hero chest), and got it this time.

in which direction would being in a squad affect it? will take note of it from now on.

also did a survey of abt 20-40 ppl while waiting for pinata, 4 of whom replied that they had experienced such an issue at least once recently

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@casualkenny.9817 said:i haven't taken note of the squad bit, but iirc im usually in a squad for taxi... not sure tho. also, just did pinata again (4hrs after the previous failed run, where i got everything except the hero chest), and got it this time.

in which direction would being in a squad affect it? will take note of it from now on.

also did a survey of abt 20-40 ppl while waiting for pinata, 4 of whom replied that they had experienced such an issue at least once recently

It’d ensure that you would get credit for the meta. I figured that if you were in a squad, and still not get it, then something else is going on.

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I can't be 100% sure, but pretty sure I have been in a squad for all of the times I haven't gotten the chest. It's also almost certainly character based which is a "solution" but a very annoying one and sucks for people who don't have the time to repeat the event when this bug occurs.

Also about the comment that this is a recent unknown bug. The reward rework adding this chest to the game was pretty recent so it's possible that now is when the issues start to show up if it is a bug with either the reset timer or the DR details.

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  • 2 weeks later...

as an update:

1) bug happens whether im in squad or not2) bug happens more often when DR(false positive) might be triggered. BUT today has happened to a char that shouldn't have had DR3) wondering if the troublemaker events make it worse. i've been avoiding it them recently, but its hard to test reliably

anet pls do check if the casino events' event count is either not resetting/decaying properly, overly stringent, or whatever, thanks

Edit:Saw this in the notes"Fixed a bug that could prevent the Choya Pinata from dropping Crystal Oasis: Hero's Choice Chests."

Thanks for working on it, here's hoping it fully solves the problem :)

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