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Full Server and No Linked one - Guilds Broken - Are you looking for a solution ?

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ArenaNet devs, please concern unlocking unlinked servers. Kodash is now becoming a graveyard of your politics and soon the same may happen in Piken Square.When you lead a guild on full server you can recruit only when your server is linked with one not full yet. If you can't recruit anyone (just like after last relink) the only way to keep your guild alive and let your friends play with entire guild is moving out. What does happen with servers from which all guilds leave? Just spend some time on Kodash to become convinced that you are making a big mistake

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@mieczychrup.2859 said:ArenaNet devs, please concern unlocking unlinked servers. Kodash is now becoming a graveyard of your politics and soon the same may happen in Piken Square.When you lead a guild on full server you can recruit only when your server is linked with one not full yet. If you can't recruit anyone (just like after last relink) the only way to keep your guild alive and let your friends play with entire guild is moving out. What does happen with servers from which all guilds leave? Just spend some time on Kodash to become convinced that you are making a big mistakeThis has been happening to unlinked servers since linking was introduced. The only difference now is that it no longer only affects DE servers but can hit any EU server. It's unfortunate that Kodash lost a large part of their organized players last week, but they've had it happen before, just like Riverside and others. Since there are 5 tiers in EU but only 27 servers, there will always be two that lose (plus Baruch, but due to being the only spanish server they have the advantage of never being declared as full).

Personally I'm still hopeful that alliances won't be too far out, since the server matchmaking at the moment seems close to impossible. I'd love to see the current numbers this week compared to the theoretical numbers during linking 10 days ago, and how hard the player movement have skewed the population balance again. What I wouldn't like to see is ANet cutting down working on the alliance system to patch the current matchmaking, seeing how players are still able to break it so easily by transfering.

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@Duca di Ebonhawke.1045 said:As of yesterday , many people give up. Just some red bandwagon and no fun for anyone to play. Dear Anet , is it this your goal ?I would like to get an answer and also to know in a transparent way how you calculate when a server is full.

And yet, as of yesterday, we still had a relatively large queue on one border, and still had quite some people running around following our guild tag on another border.

What is happening is the same thing that is happening every single time Piken is losing fights. Most of the server simply lays down on its back until the match up is over. That has nothing to do with server being closed or no link. It has ALWAYS been the case on Piken, even before linking was a thing.

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@lordkrall.7241 said:

@Duca di Ebonhawke.1045 said:As of yesterday , many people give up. Just some red bandwagon and no fun for anyone to play. Dear Anet , is it this your goal ?I would like to get an answer and also to know in a transparent way how you calculate when a server is full.

And yet, as of yesterday, we still had a relatively large queue on one border, and still had quite some people running around following our guild tag on another border.

What is happening is the same thing that is happening every single time Piken is losing fights. Most of the server simply lays down on its back until the match up is over. That has nothing to do with server being closed or no link. It has ALWAYS been the case on Piken, even before linking was a thing.As is the case for most servers.

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