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Embrace the Darkness


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In previous threads there popped an interesting idea and I'm going to try to expand it a bit.As we know, many people want EtD cast time removed, so it is insta. It's hard to argue with as this skill feels very flat - it basically pulses Torment and gives some extra stat %.Here's an idea:

Embrace the Darkness

  • -6 energy upkeep
  • Blindness - Condition effect ignored
  • Lose health per interval: 1s ~ 350 - 500 HP
  • Consume 1 condition per interval: 1s
  • Each condition consumed gives you 2% All Stat increase bonus, up to 50%; - you'd need 25s to build up maximum, so in PvP it is very unlikely.

In this scenario you would more likely use Pain Absorption to gain as much All Stat % bonus as possible. You wouldn't end up in pulling condis on you and "then what?" No Herald needed for True Nature.

  • Pulsating Persistence - EtD now instead of consuming conditions, transfers them onto your foes. Still gives the Stat Bonus.

This would work with Maniacal Persistence Trait, Replenishing Despair could use some extra healing to compensate for health loss during EtD.

I mean, just to make Mallyx more interesting this could be a fun way of playing around the builds using Mallyx. Let it be evil, let it scale to be stronger.

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@"Pterikdactyl.7630" said:I am very much against such a change to Pulsating Pestilence. That trait in its current form is godly and a big part of what makes Mallyx able to be a condition manipulator. Would be devastating to see it go and have the Corruption line become even more exclusive to Mallyx.

Well, true. Thi trait works pretty fine but that's just an idea of how it could work. My goal is to focus mainly on the Mallyx. While Retribution has been becoming more on pair with Invocation for Core Rev, Corruption is still very Mallyx-exclusive. I would really want to have that little bit of HoT-Launch Mallyx feeling.

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@narcx.3570 said:The irony of giving yourself 500hp/second health degeneration in order to counter periodic damage is not lost...

That's a bit like how necro's consume conditions also gives them conditions. -.-

Well, that's true, but I guess it could synergize with Herald and Retribution or Invocation. I mean the whole point is to make Mallyx feel more demonish. It's the only actual evil legend we have and I would love it to be 200% evil.Of course this is just a suggestion and I know some people are going to dislike it. Retribution changes were one of the best we had in my opinion. It enabled me to play at plat-level in PvP with Condi Codi Revenant. Having the same treatment being applied to Corruption would be awesome. But first, I'd want Mallyx to feel really malicious.

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@"Pterikdactyl.7630" said:I am very much against such a change to Pulsating Pestilence. That trait in its current form is godly and a big part of what makes Mallyx able to be a condition manipulator. Would be devastating to see it go and have the Corruption line become even more exclusive to Mallyx.

Love the trait and wouldn't change it, except for one thing. I feel it could use a radius increase just so it can hit things more reliably. At least against any moving target.

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