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Silly revenant's e-specs collection


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A silly collection of e-specs idea for the revenant. Anyone can add it's weight to the thread, just don't put any weapon in the ideas to avoid a flood of GS posts.

Mursaat: FlamesealerLegend: KomalieLore: Long ago, Komalie, a mursat, sealed the titans in the ring of fire leaving it's name to the land.F2: Upkeep -1, grant you 4 second of fire aura every 10 seconds.

  • Legend skills: revolve around the thematic of seals and fire. All seals have a chained skill that break the seal.
  • Minors increase your abilities when under the effect of fire aura.
  • 1 traitline add effects to the "when hit" effect of fire aura
  • 1 traitline focus around the idea of fire (damage power/condi)
  • 1 traitline focus around the idea of sealing (CC)

A burning threat to the mortals!!!

Hilek: AnimistLegend: AmeyalliLore: Ameyalli is perceived as both a spirit and the jungle but used to be a hylek huntress.F2: Animist stance: increase your bond with the legend you channel reducing the energy cost of their non upkeep skills by 30%. Last 6 seconds, CD 30 seconds.

  • Legend skills: revolve around jungle survival and poison creating "bundles" that you can use quickly later (much like mantra)
  • Minors improve movement and poison resistance.
  • Some traits compete between each other to improve animist stance
  • 1 traitline focus on poison
  • 1 traitline focus on survival
  • 1 traitline focus on control

Who would be against this animist stance?

Norn: Totem shadowLegend: OwlLore: One of the fallen totem of the norns. The owl is one of the stealthy protectors of the norn and is know for it's good nature.F2: Upkeep skill -3: Owl form (Transform you and grant you a Owl weaponset of skills)

  • Legend skills: revolve around stealth and support.
  • Minors grant bonus when you are stealthed and/or revealed.
  • 1 traitline focus on improving Owl form
  • 1 traitline focus on support
  • 1 traitline focus on stealth

Stealth on the revenant, I did it!

Asura: AlchemistLegend: ???Lore: Founder of the Asura's great alchemy institute, he mastered the principle of the 3 colleges.F2: Air of superiority: Create an effect based on your traits.

  • Legend skills: revolve around mechanics assistants. (much like the scrapper's special mechanic: gyro)
  • 1 traitline focus on the college of "statics" who enforce expertise/concentration
  • 1 traitline focus on the college of "synergetics" who enforce combos
  • 1 traitline focus on the college of "dynamics" who enforce recklessness and create chaotic/random effects.

A mecha legend that would make engineers envious.

Krait: OratussLegend: ???Lore: Legendary priest and slavetraderF2: Upkeep -2: summon a jagged horror every 5 seconds while in combat. (5 max)

  • Legend skills: revolve around the idea of giving orders to your slaves: jagged horror and allies.
  • minors make you share some of your strength with the jagged horrors.
  • 1 traitline give effects on death to your jagged horrors
  • 1 traitline give you buffs based on the number of jagged horror you control and increase your jagged horrors max limit.
  • 1 traitline increase jagged horrors damages.

Yep! the minionmaster that the necromancer can't have!

Skritt: CollectorLegend: ???Lore: A legendary skritt who discorvered the shinny! Some say that before passing away he said before a crowd of skritts that he hid the shinny somewhere in the world and it was up to anyone to find it again. This made all skritts set up in a zealous search for the shinny that hasn't been found since then. Rumors also say that the shinny is somewhere on an island at the end of a perillous road.F2: Forage: gain a random bundle

  • Legend skills: ??? liked to dig, gain trap like abilities.
  • minors give you bonus when you hold a bundle
  • 1 traitline focus on CC
  • 1 traitline focus on boons
  • 1 traitline focus on condition
  • Grandmasters traits allow you to find specific bundles more accurately.

The funniest e-spec that we could have, but probably worthless.

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they already have Shiro but there was other great assassins :) Nikita from gw1 would be dope af, or Balthazar it does seem that the "legend" has to be a fallen one, so what about balthazar? could have an e spec where you can embody one of the six gods ? kind of like the Dervish could channel the avatars etc ! but i did somewhere see that the rev was supposed to be more similar to a Rit from gw1 so maybe something more spirit or misty :) would be cool to see a style like the ritualist come back especially since Shiro is already one Razah would be really neat.

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I remember putting together a wishlist for an Owl spec before. Not really caring about balance, more just wanting to make a brainstorming space for it (although I don't think I actually posted it in the end).

Honestly though a transformation skill hadn't even occurred to me, and that would certainly scratch an itch I'd almost forgotten I had.

My thoughts for Owl:Weapon skills that would give the most returns for either careful study of the target or chaining effects on the target.Eg. A weapon skill (say skill 3) that's a leap + knockdown is very Owl-y but if the target had stability you could instead use skill 2 say which doesn't strip or directly counter stability but instead gains an effect if used against a target with stability (eg. chill+damage boost). This way the weapon set could focus on control effects with most of the damage coming in slow packets that are improvable through careful set up and deliberate skill use.Eg2. The autoattack, instead of being an attack chain, could be one skill that would gain different effects/improvements based on the circumstances, like when used against a disabled foe, when used from Stealth, if the foe has 2 different movement impairing conditions, if the foe has 3 different damaging conditions, if both you and the foe have the revealed condition, that sort of thing. Just to try and emphasise the clever hunter who kills with a single well placed strike aspect of Owl while making you have to work for those large damage packets.

Legend skills would focus more on the support and community side of Owl's teachings. Regarding support, the kinds we can't really provide through other legends or aren't already tied to other legends are stealth, vigour and aegis, which sort of suit the wisdom side of things since they're all about knowing which damage packets to avoid.

The elite skill could be something about sharing with your enemies the final moments of Owl's life as she demonstrates the sensation of flying head long into the maw of oblivion.

I also thought to show the self sacrifice aspect of her, you could choose through traits to have certain effects (eg. aegis) benefit allies around you instead of benefitting yourself. This would let you pick a bit how much of a support character you wanted to be. So my ideas for trait lines would be something like 1 trait line focusing on self sacrifice, 1 on improving her own Owl-ness (eg. partial/total immunity to Blind since owls can hunt in near-perfect darkness), and the last trait line themed around her conflict with Jormag (eg. improve the effect of Chill).

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Krait e-spec developpement:

E-spec name: ApostatLegend name: OratussLore: Oratuss was once a zealous krait priest but ended up turning himself toward dark magic and necromancy after being tainted by black magic. The oppressing might he displayed after becoming an apostat allowed him to suppress it's kin and force them to share it's twisted prejudices, leading the kraits to be the racial supremacists they are now. It's impact on the kraits is still so vivid that they give to their priest the title of "Oratuss".

F2: Vile miasma: You are surrounded by a cloud of toxins giving birth to nightmarish snakes every 3 seconds. Nightmarish snakes are similar to necromancer's jagged horrors except the fact that they apply poison on hit instead of bleed on their foe. Max snake: 5. Upkeep cost: -2.

Legendary Apostat skills:

  • Heal: Order of the vampire: Heal yourself, you and your minions' the next hit drain life.
  • Order of pain: You and your minions' next 2 hits apply vulnerability.
  • Tainted order: You and your minions gain dark aura for 4 seconds. Break stun.
  • Order of undeath: You and your minions gain 200 point of barrier every seconds. Upkeep cost: -3.
  • Elite: Order of apostasy: You and your minions' next hit corrupt a boon into weakness.

Minor traits:

  • Dream corruptor: You can now use the legendary apostat stance and emit Vile miasma.
  • Apostat's madness: Gain 20 bonus condition damage for each minion you control.
  • Tainted dreams: Gain 20 bonus stat for each minion you control based on your current legend. (Oratuss: expertise, Jalis: toughness, Shiro: power, mallyx: vitality, Ventari: concentration)

Upper traitline:

  • Frenzied madness: Gain fury 3 seconds whenever one of your minion die.
  • Leg of darkness: You and your minions leave a patch of dark miasma upon being downed. (dark field, minor version of a weapon skill from the spec)
  • Tainted sacrifice: Relinquishing vile miasma sacrifice all minions to give you a burst of energy and a minor healing effect based on your current legend.

Middle traitline:

  • Defiled bond: Your minions gain 100% of your toughness.
  • Desecrated Epics: Whenever you invoke a new legend your minions gain a boon based on this legend.
  • Corrupted glory: increase maximum minion to 8.

Lower traitline:

  • Veil of darkness: Apply protection whenever you apply dark aura.
  • Undying eccho: Invoking a new legend cause you to use minor order of undeath granting you and your minions 400 point of barrier.
  • Ritual lord: Your orders also affect up to 5 allies in a 360 radius.

Immo, it's probably what necromancer special mechanic and DM traitline should have been. What's great with revenant is that it's mechanic can easily allow him to do that.

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@"Rashagar.8349" said:Yay for Owl!

Like... Owl... =D

Yeah, I know, for me it's THE legend worth supporting the norn's thematic. People tend to see norns as big guys that hit hard, but before all they are shapeshifter attuned to their animal totem. So like ventarii is most likely the sylvari's legend, one of the fallen norn totem need to be the norn's legend.That said, regarding your thought on it, I don't think the weapon should support the Owl combat style. The AA you suggest and the "skill 3" ought to be packed into the transformation skills.I totally agree on your thoughts on the Owl teachings and the way they could be introduced in the Owl's skillset.

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what about tengu? i guess most gw2 kind of forgot about these species because there isnt many of them but tengu are by far my fav race in gw2, i think the rev has the most lore potential of all the classes but i think it would be really sick if they made each class something to do with there given god even if the races like charr dont worship the god doesnt mean they cant draw the powers of melandru or something they had the dervish who was directly linked to the gods avatars bring that back please or even a dervish spec :p

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@"sinsrock.1702" said:what about tengu?

Tengu is it? Ok!

After a quick look to the data on tengus offered by the wiki, I believe we can aim for an e-spec involving the Sensali tengu tribe and revolving around the celestials (Nahpui Quarter mission closer to the stars).

E-spec name: OracleLegend name: Not enough data sorry.Lore: The sensali tribe is known to be linked to the celestials.

Special mechanism: Tengu's virtuesF2: Honor: Passive: endurance regen 15% faster. Active: taunt foes around you.F3: Family: Passive: increase revive speed by 10%. Active: Rally targeted ally.F4: History: Passive: Refund 10% of skill energy cost. Active: Your next skill cost no energy.

Legendary Oracle skills:

  • Heal: Chong's blessing:
  • Hai jii's eternity: upkeep skill (stop energy regen): Using a weapon skill with an energy cost refund you 10 point of energy after a 1 second delay.
  • Kaijun dong's judgement: Knock down targeted foe. This foe and up to 5 foes around it take X damage.
  • Kuonghsang paradox: Break stun and transfer all conditions on you onto targeted foe.
  • Tahmu's Breath: Channel a powerful lightning breath in front of you, inflicting damage and vulnerability with each tic.

Upper traitline: "Foreboding" -> dodge and endurance regen traits.Middle traitline: "Starbond" -> CC focused traitlineLower traitline: "Cycle" -> Energy management traitline.

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@Dadnir.5038 said:

@"sinsrock.1702" said:what about tengu?

Tengu is it? Ok!

After a quick look to the data on tengus offered by the wiki, I believe we can aim for an e-spec involving the Sensali tengu tribe and revolving around the celestials (Nahpui Quarter mission
closer to the stars

E-spec name:
Legend name:
Not enough data sorry.
The sensali tribe is known to be linked to the celestials.

Special mechanism: Tengu's virtues
Passive: endurance regen 15% faster. Active: taunt foes around you.F3:
Passive: increase revive speed by 10%. Active: Rally targeted ally.F4:
Passive: Refund 10% of skill energy cost. Active: Your next skill cost no energy.

Legendary Oracle skills:
  • Heal:
    Chong's blessing:
  • Hai jii's eternity:
    upkeep skill (stop energy regen): Using a weapon skill with an energy cost refund you 10 point of energy after a 1 second delay.
  • Kaijun kitten's judgement:
    Knock down targeted foe. This foe and up to 5 foes around it take X damage.
  • Kuonghsang paradox:
    Break stun and transfer all conditions on you onto targeted foe.
  • Tahmu's Breath:
    Channel a powerful lightning breath in front of you, inflicting damage and vulnerability with each tic.

Upper traitline:
"Foreboding" -> dodge and endurance regen traits.
Middle traitline:
"Starbond" -> CC focused traitline
Lower traitline:
"Cycle" -> Energy management traitline.

Look into Talon Silverwing he was one of the most known tengu in gw and was even a hireable henchman :)

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@sinsrock.1702 said:Look into Talon Silverwing he was one of the most known tengu in gw and was even a hireable henchman :)

He was from another clan/tribe and a boring warrior... The only named NPC for the sensali in the lore was a ranger and for the sake of the depth of the e-spec it wasn't a satisfying choice.

Which doesn't mean that both talon and this NPC couldn't change over the years and grow into stargazing oracles, but this is not how I expect them to be remembered, so...

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