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If most Mesmers hates clones...


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...so why then would you make shatters require them? Ever since release many (not gonna speak for everybody) were complaining about having clones die before they can shatter whether it's their health or the target dying. And you expect us to have them ready like we've got some temporal clairvoyance shenanigans going on behind our monitors.

Serious question. People have been asking since release for some kind of clone rework that was less cumbersome to use or just done away with indefinitely or made optional. Clones are a resource pool that reset whenever your target dies. Why take this problem and make it worse?

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I simply cannot thumbs up this enough. It is funny to me, because I had been one of those saying that the design is inherently flawed from the very beginning. The only reason I can think for not having adjusted the design, while keeping all the visuals except clones running at the enemy (have them run to the Mesmer instead so that visual can stay but in reverse), is that of the designer simply being in love with their creation and not wanting to change it from what they deemed was the way it should work. This is noted in so many fields, whether an artist, architect, designer, or programmer has made an idea and simply wants it to be that way and no other.

Since the very start I was one such person suggesting numerous different solutions. Often they came back to the idea of having clones be available outside of combat, would be fantastic to always have a crew of clones running around with you, or mirroring your movements and actions. There were numerous ways to have designed the idea of clone deception other than what they chose... and health bars did not need to actually ever need to have the clones die, going down to zero could have been good enough.

They have had options since the start... and should have tackled this at least 6 years ago.

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It would make sense if there was more to follow up with redesign of clones.

But given all their reasoning for making Illusionary Persona baseline in the first place, it makes no sense for suddenly removing it on Chrono with no other changes.

In any case for Chrono I would have preferred to see pbaoe pulsing fields, matching the theme of wells and aoe suport, around the player with clones fuelling the field duration - and keeping IP intact so could get a single pulse without any clones.

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@Curunen.8729 said:It would make sense if there was more to follow up with redesign of clones.

But given all their reasoning for making Illusionary Persona baseline in the first place, it makes no sense for suddenly removing it on Chrono with no other changes.

In any case for Chrono I would have preferred to see pbaoe pulsing fields, matching the theme of wells and aoe suport, around the player with clones fuelling the field duration - and keeping IP intact so could get a single pulse without any clones.

It would have been extremely interesting to have played the game with sustaining point blank AoE fields by using clones as fuel. It is disappointing to think that there is quite a bit of anti synergy within the Mesmer profession as a whole now, but nothing we can do but make our thoughts known.

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@Lincolnbeard.1735 said:

@"Hot Boy.7138" said:next elite spec may not have clones. That's my wild guess.

Can already see it "why did you take away the counterplay, before we could kill clones and negate damage, no clones op nerf please".

Counterplay to Mesmers is to whine about it till they gimp it. Nobody wants to bother learning how to play against it.

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