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My wish-list for LW S5 overall.

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Hey there,

So, I decided to make this one just to show how my wishlist would look like. So, let's get into it.

  1. Alternative to E-Specs.

    • I am not a fan of E-Specs, because while they bring something fresh to the class, they cause a massive imbalance between the classes. PoF Meta holds very strong. I saw Devs trying new ways of exploring classes via Core-Swap. I'm willing to try more. There has to be a healthy way of implementing new machanics. Alternative weapon-skills to existing weapons.
  2. No more Elder Dragons mega world-ending threat.

    • Just give it a break. We are dealing with Elder Dragons since day 1 of GW2. There are lots of unexplored and unexplained things about this world.
  3. Racial Story and Story Consistency (please)

    • I love racial storylines. While I know this won't happen again, I hope to focus more on the race-specific cases that actually have to deal with our character. LW S3 tried to that somehow, but 1 episode per race is not enough for me. There is a lot more about our races. Also, a consistent story. I don't want to just have these "wow" moments. These make little sense for the overall story. I would want the story to be more focused and again - consistent.
  4. Dungeons.

    • The real dungeons. I know... These are not coming back. But I would love each expansion to have its own 5-man dungeon. A classic dunegon.
  5. HoT-like hype.

    • Even though the HoT itself wasn't a perfect expansion, I think that it generated a true hype. PoF itself was avery in-your-face and I liked it. But the amount of features we got in HoT is uncomparable to any other thing. Powercreep aside, I felt really overwhelmed with what's to come, and I really miss that feeling.
  6. More in-game rewards that are challenging, not expensive.

    • I believe that not everything should be accessible for everyone. Legendaries are a matter of convenience, but there could be things that are just hard to get, not expensive in gold.
  7. Current playable Races Variations / New Playable Race.

    • I'd love to be able to play a completely new race. If not, why not do something WoW has? Visual tweaks for each race, make it obtainable through story.
    • Alternative Charr, Sylvari, Asura, Norn, Humans.
  8. QoL changes (IMO).

    • Scroll to adjust the SHINE
    • Option to disable allied Area of Effect Rings.
    • Option to disable Infusions and legendary effects of others.

Here it is. I could go on and on but I guess these are the main ones.

What would be your wish-list?

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+1 to skill gated rewards. Have some select rewards like the raid chairs be available exclusively behind skill gates while having other rewards behind skill gates that are tradable so its accessible to everyone like the peerless infusion. Skill is not a valued enough commodity in this game.

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@Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:For many of your suggestions, it may behoove you to aim for Season 6 or the next expansion. The Season 5 storyline is already, and has been for some time, blocked out.

Actually, Devs didn't know the fate of Aurene once she poofed on Deldrimor. They acknowledged it.

That's what I mean by consistent story, a good writing is indeed blocked out, S4 wasn't as stated by Devs.

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@LucianDK.8615 said:We need more especs, helps giving life to classes and inspiring you to try others you normally wouldnt play.

Do you think E-Specs are a good way of expanding classes? I find it very crippling to the balance system and the overall experience. I would love if Devs came up with something fresh that wouldn’t hurt the balance as much.

But yeah, E-Specs themselves feel good.

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I agree on QoL, but I have reservations about the rest.

From what I've experienced and read from others, "balance" wasn't any better before elite specs. Increasing the elite specs will bring new nodes that devs can tweak to alter balance as well as new tools that players can use to counter strong builds in PvP. I'm in support of more options.

Elder dragons have, so far, been the best threat Anet have provided outside of the original personal story. Scarlet, Joko, and Balthazar have all been uninteresting to me. Joko was amusing in GW1 for a little while, but I got sick of him quickly. GW2 doesn't handle its villains well, in my opinion, so having an enemy with at least some interesting lore and speculation is the best path(again, in my opinion). I'd kill for some Innsmouth-type content, though.

Racial storylines are nice, in theory, but I don't think the devs are in a good place to execute them after the layoffs. If things improve, then I'd go for this.

I'd like dungeons more if they weren't instanced. Instanced content moves away from what I view to be GW2's strength - community. They seemed like a strange holdover from GW1 at launch.

Hype is unnecessary if you have good content.

I believe that not everything should be accessible for everyone.This notion is garbage. If someone works hard for something, they should be able to attain it. Making content unobtainable to disabled people is ableist nonsense.

I'd like new playable races, but the work required based on dev responses makes this seem not worthwhile. In SWtOR, this works because races are basically the same armor-wise, but GW2 races seem to require too much work.

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