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Warrior Longbow


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I want to talk about Warrior Longbow, not builds, but skills. (I'm a lover of Longbows and hope to see more professions with it.)

A lot of people has in mind:Longbow - Power Build (used with Dragonhunter, Ranger)Shortbow - Condi Build (used with Renegade, Ranger, Thief)

This thread is about it.Warrior is the only one who uses LB for Condi AND has only one ability with any condition. If you use the Burning Arrows trait, you have 2 condition skills. Not to mention the Pin Down skill. LB for Ranger and DH are pretty good, they have charge and survival skills to make it better and not boring. Warrior has 5 skills with only 1 shot. (-_-)Please ANET make his Longbow good and not boring.

So let me introduce my ideas.

First of all, move the trait Burning Arrows to Arms. I never understood why it's there.Implement the trait in Condi specialization, not support specialization.

We might have the same idea as Glacial Blow, when you equip the trait, the skill will change. Turning a Power skill into a Condition Skill. (I love the Glacial Blow)

About the skills:

  • Dual Shot - Same
  • Fan of Arrows - Fire a spread of five arrows that apply Vulnerability
  • Arcing Arrow - Same
  • Smoldering Arrow - Fire an arrow that leaves a trail of smoke, blinding foes that pass through it.
  • Scatter - Jump and fire an explosive Arrow on the ground, pushing back nearby foes.

About the trait:*Add: Fan of Arrows becomes Fan of Fire.Fan of Fire - Fire a spread of five arrows that apply burning.

English isn't my main language, so sorry.

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Well, warrior longbow is like MH sword in that Anet made it a hybrid damage weapon.

Burning on AA by default would be nice. I'd prefer if smoldering arrow left a smoke field, seems appropriate for how the skill is flavored. Pin Down has utility in the immobilize, but with the amount of Condi cleanse there is now it is less useful than it used to be.

Your alternative to pin down does seem useful, particularly if it is also a blast finisher.

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Since we get that Tactics rework in the near future we might see Burning Arrows become baseline or moved around to be more powerful as a GM trait possibly. I'm definitely excited for what's to come in that regard, because I firmly believe Longbow will benefit in one way or another and I really like that weapon.

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@Lan Deathrider.5910 said:Well, warrior longbow is like MH sword in that Anet made it a hybrid damage weapon.

Burning on AA by default would be nice. I'd prefer if smoldering arrow left a smoke field, seems appropriate for how the skill is flavored. Pin Down has utility in the immobilize, but with the amount of Condi cleanse there is now it is less useful than it used to be.

Your alternative to pin down does seem useful, particularly if it is also a blast finisher.

Yes and Yes.Smoldering Arrow leaves a smoke field, like that mordrem in HoT maps, but smaller.Scatter is a blast finished.

I didn't describe the skills very well, but that's it.

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Actually Longbow has 3 condi skill without trait, that would be F1 2 5.secondly why would you want 5 to be push back, when longbow skills are best used in melee range, if you didn't realize longbow on warrior in pvp is actually a melee weapon with range option.and why would you switch a long burning for vulnerability on 2, most plebs don't realize those burning if left uncleansed does a TONS of damage even in power. we all know how useless rifle 2 feels.and 4 is one of the skill shot warrior has and it's extremely fun to use, a quick blind to key skill is game changing and save dodges and i'm against more AoE field spam added to the game.

Also burning on auto by default is OP lol, that trait not used only because tactic line is trash in pvp, so is arm line and by the way there's sword+torch that brings literally everything a longbow brings for condition build and mobility, longbow is still best used in power build in pvp, way better then rifle

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@Lighter.5631 said:No, he's trying to turn longbow in to a power weapon while making condition longbow accessible through traitswithout realizing he's actually nerfing even for power

His english is all over the place, as he said. The context of his original post talks about turning Arcing Arrow into a condi skill if LB traited, but then confuses the skills. Perhaps provide him more constructive feedback?

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@Blocki.4931 said:Since we get that Tactics rework in the near future we might see Burning Arrows become baseline or moved around to be more powerful as a GM trait possibly. I'm definitely excited for what's to come in that regard, because I firmly believe Longbow will benefit in one way or another and I really like that weapon.

I am not sure about that. As far as we know it is not in the cards. And even if it is, it is unlikely to make LB useful.

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@otto.5684 said:

@Blocki.4931 said:Since we get that Tactics rework in the near future we might see Burning Arrows become baseline or moved around to be more powerful as a GM trait possibly. I'm definitely excited for what's to come in that regard, because I firmly believe Longbow will benefit in one way or another and I really like that weapon.

I am not sure about that. As far as we know it is not in the cards. And even if it is, it is unlikely to make LB useful.

Watch them just increase the burn duration in WvW&PvE and leave it alone in PvP.

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