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Bound by Blood: crash reports

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If you are crashing, make sure to try running your GW2 executable with the "-repair" option. My crash report seemed to be mentioning something about missing textures. I can't 100% confirm this fixed it, but I was finally able to get into the Southsun Survival map and move around, which I was previously unable to do.

Give it a try, it may help.

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@Sobx.1758 said:

@Game of Bones.8975 said:WvW is getting hit hard.

WvW AND PvP but good that PvE is fixed right? kitten the pvp community

pve is getting crashes too, I don't know where you got your wvw/pvp bugged, pve fixed story, but it's just false.

I can tell you that when I crash and spawn in DR that PVE players are saying themselves that they aren't having as many crashes there, so word of mouth is a pretty good source eh?

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